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Basic Techniques of

Team Members
Aman Mittal
Abhay Pratap Singh Parihar
Areeb Hassan Mukhdoomi
Tanu Kesharwani
Chandini Singh
Key Content :-
 Exposure & Aperture  White balance
 Shutter speed & ISO
 Histogram & Compositions
 Exposure triangle
 Photography gear & Editting
 Depth of field
 Photography tips for beginners
 Focal length
 Sensor size & Focus
 Sharpness
 Camera settings & modes
 Metering modes
 Focus modes & areas
 Exposure & Aperture  Shutter speed & ISO

Photography is about capturing Shutter speed is related to h

light, and exposure is so ow long the camera shutter i
important because it’s the s open and capturing light.
amount of light collected by
your camera. The best shutter speed setti
The fundamental thing to ngs will depend on the avail
understand is the effect of able light and the motion tha
exposure, which is to capture t you want to capture in your
the image with a determined subject.

Aperture is the first concept of The ISO works by increasing

the photography exposure the light information captured
basics. by the camera sensor.
This basic photography This has a drastic effect on
concept has a direct effect on the exposure; the higher the
the exposure; the wider the ISO, the brighter the image
aperture the brighter the image will be, and the lower the ISO,
will be, and the narrower the the darker the photograph will
aperture the darker it will be. It be.
also plays a significant role in
the depth of field and
sharpness of the image.
 Exposure triangle  Depth of field
The exposure triangle is included in Depth of field is simply the
most beginning photography guides, space in the image that is
and it’s simply an analogy to explain
the effects and interaction of the acceptably sharp and in
main photography basics of focus.
exposure. According to this, all three
elements must be in balance if you The best way to understand
want to capture a correctly exposed this photography concept is
image. So, when you adjust one through real examples, which
side of the triangle, you’ll have to
adjust one or the two other sides to you can find in our depth of
strike a balance. field photography guide.

 Focal length  Sensor size & Focus

The focal length works by The camera sensor size is truly
describing each lens in terms of important. There’s not an absolute
millimeters from the optical center best sensor size in photography,
of the lens to the sensor. but rather different sensor sizes
Depending on how short or long for different photographic needs.
the focal length is, this will have a The size used as a reference in
direct impact on the field of view digital photography is the classic
of your images and in other 35 mm sensor size, also known
aspects like the depth of field. as Full-Frame. If the sensor is
smaller than this size, it’s said to
You’ll find this photography be “cropped”, and if it’s bigger, it’s
concept easily explained following considered “medium format.“
the below basic infographic.
 Sharpness  Camera settings & modes
Sharpness is just how clearly Camera modes are the
detail is captured and processed camera controls that allow
in an image.
the photographer to choose
The editing basics and post- the main exposure settings
processing techniques are also for aperture, shutter speed,
important to achieve more and ISO.
sharpness. Images usually lack
detail when they are taken straight They’re also called shooting
out of camera and you can correct
this by using some sharpening

 Metering modes  Focux modes & areas

Metering modes are simply the way The focus modes help you
your camera calculates the available decide whether you want the
light of the scene. In photography, camera to lock the focus on a
this can be done using the built-in
exposure meter in camera or a
subject or to keep adjusting
handheld device. the focus as the subject
moves across the frame.
The basic metering modes to
calculate the light in most digital The two main focus modes are
cameras are : :
 Multi/Matrix metering  Single Autofocus Mode
 Center-weighted metering  Continous Autofocus Mode
 Spot metering.
 White balance  Histogram & Composition
White balance is a photography The histogram is just a graphic
concept aimed at capturing representation of the exposure
accurate colors in your image levels within an image. Using the
without being affected by the histogram, you’ll be able to see a
color of the light source. White more accurate representation of
Balance is related to color the highlights and shadows of
temperature, which is measured your image. Reading the
in “Kelvins” or “K”. The higher histogram is one of the basics in
the K number, the cooler the digital photography and will help
color will be. you see if your image is correctly
exposed or under/overexposed.
Composition is the language of
photography, and using different
 Photography gear & Editting compositional elements and rules,
you’ll be able to capture and
shape your visual message. When
Basic photography gear includes you compose your image, you
digital cameras, lenses, tripods, have to arrange the elements of
lens filters, camera bags, sd the scene to make them attractive
cards, batteries, etc.. to the viewer. This will also help
you represent your visual
The photography editing basics message in the most harmonious
are about striking a balance in and impactful way. All these
the exposure between the fundamentals are basic
highlights and the shadows, photography knowledge that you
sharpening the image, managing must learn if you want to capture
the color, and generally fine- the best possible images
tuning the final image. according to your vision.
 Photography tips for beginners
We couldn’t finish this photography concepts guide
without a few photography basics tips and tricks for
1. Understand how light in photography works.
2. Get started in photography by shooting in raw.
3. Don’t be affraid of the cameras’s manual mode.
4. Learn how to properly hold your camera.
5. Be aware of the importance of a tripod when you
start in photography.
6. Take your time to zoom in your images to find
7. Study and look at as many photographs as
8. Ask for feedback from other photographers.
9. Take your camera with you as much as you can.
10. Focus on the process, not the results.

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