Slides Sidra Khan
Slides Sidra Khan
Slides Sidra Khan
Touch et al., (2015) argued on a point that a quality website has a positive and significant
relationship with customer satisfaction. The study was summed up with result that the capability
of website quality enhances customer satisfaction.
Convenience And Customer Online Purchase Intention:
Matos and Krielow, (2019) researched micro and small-sized enterprises to measure the
consequences of environmental factors on B2B online purchase intention. The findings showed
that convenience had a very strong influence on customer online purchase intention.
Security And Customer Online Purchase Intention:
Ariffin et al., (2018) designed a research paper to examine the six perceived risks, i.e. financial
risk, product risk, security risk, time risk, social risk, and psychological risk, by consumers on
purchasing intention of online shopping. The findings showed that social risk was insignificant
while the other five risks have a negative significant impact among which security risk was found
to be most influential on purchase intention.
Customer Service And Customer Online Purchase Intention:
Dhingra et al., (2020) researched to evaluate the influence of online service quality of several
websites on their online purchase intention. The results identified that trust was the factor that
was significantly influencing the whole online service quality and online service quality as a
whole was found to be statistically significant on the relationship with customer online purchase
Website Functionality And Customer Online Purchase Intention:
Ajay and Potti, (2017) surveyed online travel ticket booking websites. During their study they
witnessed that quality information; quality system; quality service; and structure of website are
the strongest determinants of website functionality. The results revealed that the quality of the
website directly influences the customer purchase intentions.
Customer Satisfaction And Customer Online Purchase Intention:
When a customer visits an online shopping channel, their reactions and feelings determine their
satisfaction towards that particular website and the customer online purchase intention increases
with the increase on customer satisfaction, and consequently, the return rate of businesses will
positively be influenced (Hasnov and Khalid, 2015).
Conceptual Model
Research Purpose:
The explanatory research design will be followed by this research study. Causal research is also called explanatory research
which is applied to detect the degree and type of the cause-effect relationship. Explanatory research is also applied in order
to evaluate the influence of any certain variation on current customs, many processes and etc. Explanatory research focuses
on an inspection of a condition or a specific trouble to enlighten the forms of associations between variables (Zikmund et
al., 2012). Therefore, the study will follow the explanatory research because the purpose of the research is to examine the
impact of determinants of online shopping on customer satisfaction and customer online purchase intention. Convenience,
security, customer service, and website functionality are the variables that are responsible to form a strong relationship
between online shopping and customer online purchase intention with mediating effect of customer satisfaction. This is why
the research motivates the customers and vendors to make their relation strong and it motivates the businesses to focus more
on online shopping to increase customer satisfaction which will ultimately enhance customer online purchase intention.
Research Approach:
The approach of the study will be deductive and quantitative. “The deduction is the study that begins with an expected
pattern that is tested against the observations” (Babbie, 2010). Deductive approach leads the reasoning from specific to the
broad spectrum (Gulati, 2009). On the basis of current concept hypothesis is established then the second target is to verify
the soundness of hypothesis (Wilson, 2010, p.6). Evidences, provided through the deductive approach, conclude that online
shopping results the customer satisfaction (Mascarenhas, 2019). When the gathered data is well organized and can be shown
in numbers, quantitative research approach can be applied (Mathews and Ross, 2010). The quantitative survey is chosen
because it results trustworthy facts and figures derived from the survey taken from respondents on efficacy of online
shopping (Mascarenhas, 2019).
Research Design:
The structure of correlational research is aimed to evaluate the connection between two variables, while
researcher has no control among any of them. Correlational research is used to investigate whether there is a
positive correlation, negative correlation or zero correlation among the variables (McCombes, 2019). Hence
the research will be aimed to evaluate the relationship of online shopping determinants with customer
satisfaction and customer online purchase intention, therefore, a Correlational Research Design is adopted
for the research. Questionnaire is the tool through which data will be collected and the respondents will
receive questionnaire through e-mails and social media platforms.
Sample Technique:
A convenience sampling technique will be chosen for the research. A sampling technique of non-probability,
in which respondents are selected who are conveniently available and can be easily approached by the
researcher, is called convenience sampling (Explorable, 2021). The reason to choose convenience sampling
is, the data collection is easy, the audience is easily accessible and this method is also pocket friendly, and it
is also applied by the organizations to measure their brand image in the market or to know the opinion of
potential customers about a particular product (Question Pro, 2021). The research will be executed in urban
areas of Pakistan where internet facility is easily available. Furthermore, the data will be collected from all
demographics i.e. no certain limitations for age, gender, or social groups. All respondents have been given
equal chances who know about online shopping.
Sample Size:
The group of people that will take part within the research is known as the sample size. The size of that particular
The group of people that will take part within the research is known as the sample size. The size of that
particular group of people depends upon the size of population and on how do you represent the whole
population concisely (McCombes, 2019). Most statisticians agree on a minimum sample size to be 100 and
according to Comrey and Lee, (2013); Tabachnick & Fidell, (2013) for Structural Equation Model the sample
size is incorporated about 300. A justified sample size of 250 respondents is selected for the research. The
survey is conducted among the respondents who have prior knowledge about online shopping.
Questionnaire is the data collection instrument, selected for this research, which has been adopted from certain
valid sources. Likert scaling is used in questionnaire. For synopsis and opinion polls Likert scaling is broadly
used, which is a type of ordinal variable (Papiewski, 2019). A five or seven-point Likert Scale is found to be
commonly used in quantitative studies (Joshi, Kale, Chandel & Pal, 2015). The questionnaire is adopted from
the related past paper (Mascarenhas, 2019), (Parera & Sachitra, 2019), and (Vasic et al., 2019).
Statistical Technique:
Structural Equation Model using Smart PLS software will be used as a testing technique. Structure equation
modeling is a statistical technique in which the structural relationships between the underlying variables of the
construct are analyzed (Yang, 2018).
Ethical Consideration:
Research ethics have been kept in mind during the research. Security and privacy concerns of the respondents
have also been considered. The respondents will be shown anonymously during the research. There will be no
disclosure of the personal information of the respondents. The data that has been collected will be used for
research purposes only
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