Inheritance: Based On Slides of Dr. Norazah Yusof
Inheritance: Based On Slides of Dr. Norazah Yusof
Inheritance: Based On Slides of Dr. Norazah Yusof
Lecture 19
Based on Slides of Dr. Norazah Yusof
Introduction to Inheritance
• Inheritance is one of the main techniques of
object-oriented programming (OOP)
• Inheritance models the is-a relationship that
consists of superclass and subclass.
• Superclass is a general class and subclass is a
specialized class.
• Specialized classes are said to inherit the
methods and instance variables of the
The “is a” Relationship
• The relationship between a superclass and an
inherited class is called an “is a” relationship.
• A grasshopper “is a” insect.
• A poodle “is a” dog.
• A car “is a” vehicle.
• A specialized object has:
• all of the characteristics of the general object, plus
• additional characteristics that make it special.
• In OOP, inheritance is used to create an “is a”
relationship among classes.
The “is a” Relationship
• We can extend the capabilities of a class.
• Inheritance involves a superclass and a subclass.
• The superclass is the general class and
• the subclass is the specialized class.
• The subclass is based on, or extended from, the
• Superclasses are also called base classes, and
• Subclasses are also called derived classes.
• The relationship of classes can be thought of as
parent classes and child classes.
Introduction to Inheritance
• Inheritance is the process by which a new class is
created from another class
• The new class is called a derived class
• The original class is called the base class
• A derived class automatically has all the instance
variables and methods that the base class has, and it
can have additional methods and/or instance
variables as well
• Inheritance is especially advantageous because it
allows code to be reused, without having to copy it
into the definitions of the derived classes
The GradedActivity Example
Contains those attributes and methods
- score : double that are shared by all graded activities.
Inheritance, Fields and
• Members of the superclass that are marked
• exist in memory when the object of the subclass is
created, but can not be accessed by the subclass,
• may only be accessed from the subclass by public
accessor methods of the superclass.
• Members of the superclass that are marked
• are inherited by the subclass, and
• may be directly accessed from the subclass.
Protected Modifier
• Protected modifier is used to control access to the
members of a class.
• A variable or method declared with protected
visibility may be accessed by any class in the
same package. In other words a derived class
can reference it.
• A protected visibility allows a class to retain
some encapsulation properties. However, the
encapsulation is not as tight as private.
Inherited Members
• A derived class automatically has all the instance
variables, static variables, and public methods of
the base class
• Members from the base class are said to be inherited
• Definitions for the inherited variables and
methods do not appear in the derived class
• The code is reused without having to explicitly copy
it, unless the creator of the derived class redefines one
or more of the base class methods
Parent and Child Classes
• A base class parent class
• A derived class child class
• These relationships are often extended such that
a class that is a parent of a parent . . . of another
class is called an ancestor class
• If class A is an ancestor of class B, then class B
can be called a descendent of class A
Example Derived Classes
• When designing certain classes, there is
often a natural hierarchy for grouping
• In a book record-keeping program, there are
dictionaries, encyclopeadia and other type of
• Within Java, a class called Book can be
defined that includes all type of books.
Example Derived Classes
• Since a dictionary is a book, it is defined as a
derived class of the class Book
• A derived class is defined by adding instance variables
and methods to an existing class
• The existing class that the derived class is built upon is
called the base class
• The phrase extends BaseClass must be added to
the derived class definition:
public class Dictionary extends
Example Derived Classes
• In UML an arrow with an open arrowhead is
used to show inheritance.
# pages: int
+ getPages() : void
+ setPages() : void
- definition: int
+ computeRatio() : double
+ setDefinitions(int) : void
+ getDefinitions() : int 17
Example Derived Classes
• Class Book defines the instance variables
pages in its class definition
• Class Dictionary also has these instance
variables, but they are not specified in its
class definition.
• Class Dictionary has additional
instance variable definitions that are
specified in its class definition.
Example Derived Classes
• Just as it inherits the instance variables of
the class Book, the class Dictionary
inherits all of its methods as well
• The class Dictionary inherits the methods
getPages, and setPages from the class
• Any object of the class Dictionary can
invoke one of these methods, just like any
other method.
Are superclass’s Constructor Inherited?
No. They are not inherited.
They are invoked explicitly or implicitly.
Explicitly using the super keyword.
A constructor is used to construct an instance of a
class. Unlike properties and methods, a superclass's
constructors are not inherited in the subclass. They
can only be invoked from the subclasses'
constructors, using the keyword super. If the
keyword super is not explicitly used, the superclass's
no-arg constructor is automatically invoked.
Inheritance and Constructors
• Constructors are not inherited.
• When a subclass is instantiated, the superclass
default constructor is executed first (implicitly).
• Example:
Inheritance and Constructors (Example)
public class SuperClass1 {
public SuperClass1() { /** Constructor */
System.out.println("This is the " +
"superclass constructor.");
public class SubClass1 extends SuperClass1 {
public SubClass1() {/** Constructor */
// implicit call
System.out.println("This is the " +
"subclass constructor.");
public class ConstructorDemo1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SubClass1 obj = new SubClass1();
} }
Calling The Superclass Constructor
Inheritance and Constructors (Example super keyword)
public class SuperClass2 {
public SuperClass2() { // Constructor #1
System.out.println("This is the superclass " + "no-arg constructor."); }
public SuperClass2(int arg) { // Constructor #2
System.out.println("The following argument was" + "passed to the superclass constructor: " + arg);
} }
The difference
public class SuperClass1 {
public SuperClass1() { ... } }
The super Constructor
• A call to the base class constructor can
never use the name of the base class, but
uses the keyword super instead
• A call to super must always be the first
action taken in a constructor definition
• An instance variable cannot be used as an
argument to super
The super Constructor
• If a derived class constructor does not include an
invocation of super, then the no-argument
constructor of the base class will automatically be
• This can result in an error if the base class has not defined
a no-argument constructor
• Since the inherited instance variables should be
initialized, and the base class constructor is designed
to do that, then an explicit call to super should
always be used
Constructor Chaining
Constructing an instance of a class invokes all the superclasses’ constructors
along the inheritance chain. This is called constructor chaining.
public class Faculty extends Employee {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Faculty(); }
public Faculty() {
System.out.println("(4) Faculty's no-arg constructor is invoked");
} }
class Employee extends Person {
public Employee() {
this("(2) Invoke Employee’s overloaded constructor");
System.out.println("(3) Employee's no-arg constructor is invoked");
public Employee(String s) {
} }
class Person {
public Person() {
System.out.println("(1) Person's no-arg constructor is invoked");
} }
The keyword this
• A constructor may invoke an overloaded
constructor or its superclass’s constructor.
• The keyword this can be used inside a
constructor to invoke another constructor of the
same class (overload constructor).
• In general, a constructor with no or fewer
arguments can invoke the constructor with more
arguments using this(arg-list).
The use of this - revision
• To refer to an object attribute
• To call another constructor in a
Example on the Impact of a Superclass without no-
arg Constructor
Example on the Impact of a Superclass without no-
arg Constructor
Example on the Impact of a Superclass without no-
arg Constructor
class Fruit {
public Fruit() { }
public Fruit(String name) {
System.out.println("Fruit's constructor is
Multiple Inheritance
• Java’s approach to inheritance is called single
inheritance, meaning a derived class can have only one
• Some OO language allow child class to have multiple
parents, i.e. multiple inheritance.
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