The Profibus COnnection
The Profibus COnnection
The Profibus COnnection
Fieldbus is a digital communication bus line connecting the field instruments with
the control system components.
The master gets the data telegram from a slave after having sent a request telegram.
When the master sends a data telegram to the slave, the slave must respond with a status telegram.
• Version DP-V0 provides the basic function of the communication protocol. This
includes, in particular, cyclical communication (master polling the slaves
continuously to get control I/O data in and out between I/O and the PLC) and
device-, module- and channel-specific diagnostics for quick fault localization.
Examples of this include "excess temperature" and "short circuit on output".
• Version DP-V1 supplements DP-V0 with functions for acyclical communication, i.e.
for functions such as parameterization, operation, monitoring and alarm
handling. (The alarm types that are specified by PROFIBUS International are
Diagnostic, Process, Pull, Plug, Status, and Update alarm)
• Version DP-V2 contains additional functions as extensions of DP-V1, in particular
functions which are required for drive control. These include functions for
communication between slaves, cycle synchronization and time stamping.
PROFIBUS communication protocols
• FMS and DP use the same transmission technology. The physical layer
for these two protocols follow the standard EN 50 170. The PA
standard for this layer is IEC 61158-2.
• The next layer data link layer is identical for all three PROFIBUS
• At user level, DP and PA are equal and FMS is different.
PROFIBUS DP uses high and low voltage to represent each bit .
The first bit is a low start bit, then comes the 8 data bits. The last bit is a high stop bit.
After the data bits and before the stop bit, the package has a parity bit. This bit is set to 1
(high) or 0 (low) depending on the number of ones in the data word – and so that there
always are an odd number of ones among the 11 bits of the package.
The station that receives the package can then check for the number of ones and in that way
check if errors have occured during transmission
Bus Access
The PROFIBUS Bus Access Method combines Multi-Master and
Master-Slave communication Multi-Master and Master-Slave communications
Bus Access
Hybrid Bus Access Protocol
Token-Passing between Masters . Master - Slave Protocol between Master and Slaves
Active stations with the right to control the bus for a limited amount of time (Token -
Hold - Time)
Slaves only respond on request of a Master - they have no rights to control the bus
Each device on a PROFIBUS network has an assigned address. A master can
communicate with slave using the designated address .The PROFIBUS protocol
supports addresses from 0 to 127.
Device and System Startup
All the information that the master must know to start up the bus comes from a
configuration database file that is generated by a PROFIBUS configuration
The user specifies the slave devices the master should find on the bus as well as
what information is to be transferred from the master to each slave during the
startup phase.
The vendor of each PROFIBUS master devices offers a configuration tool for
generating the database file for their masters.
A configuration tool for cyclic I/O operation must be able to do the following:
PROFIBUS device address to be specified
selection of the system baud rate
process GSD (device description) files and maintain a hardware catalog of devices
to be configured on the bus
• A vendor develops a slave device, it must develop a device description (GSD) file.
This file completely describes the PROFIBUS functionality of the device – for
example, baud rates supported.