Recent Developments & Challenges in India
Recent Developments & Challenges in India
Recent Developments & Challenges in India
In order to meet the growing demand To develop and regulate securities In order to educate and protect the
for broad-based financial services market, investor protection and to interest of investors, to provide
formulate rules and guidelines for
from the corporate sector more regulation of securities market, the information about new issues of
effectively, the merchant banking Central Government constituted capital market, to evolve a code of
divisions of the nationalised Banks h Securities and Exchange Board of India conduct for underwriters and to
on April 4, 1988.
started forming independent render legal and other services to
subsidiaries. These subsidiaries offer members and public, the Stockbroker
more specialised services with Underwriters Association (SUA) was
professional expertise and skills. established in 1984. SUA works in
co-ordination with merchant bankers
and takes steps for promoting the
activities of capital market.
Re-organisation of Discount and Finance Stock-Holding
Private Firms House of India (DFHI) Corporation of India
Private merchant bankers have also DFHI was incorporated as a Ltd. (SHC)
started reorganising their activities company under the Companies Act, SHC was set up in 1986 by the All
e.g., J.M. Financial & Investment 1956 with an authorised and paid up India Financial Institutions to take
Consultancy Ltd., 20th Century capital of Rs. 100 crores. care of safe custody, delivery of
Finance Corporation Lid., LKP DFHI aims at providing liquidity in shares and collection of sale
Merchant Financing Ltd. etc. money market as it deals mainly in proceeds of the securities. The
commercial bills. setting up of SHC is bound to
affect the capital market in future.
Credit Rating Information Foreign Investment New Financial
Services of India Ltd.
(CRISIL) Instruments
Earlier there were various restrictions With the development of the capital
CRISIL has been set up in 1987 to
on foreign investment but with the market in the country and
provide help to investors, merchant
relaxation in norms, there were introduction of new financial
bankers, underwriters, brokers,
foreign investments in the country. instruments it increased the role
banks and financial institutions etc.
The assistance and guidance is and importance of the investment
CRISIL rates various types of
provided by the merchant banks. banks
instruments such as debt, equity and
fixed return securities offered to the
public. It helps the investors in taking
investment decisions.
⮚ Relationship Mangement
⮚ Structuring Deals
⮚ Deal Execution
⮚ Competition
⮚ New Business Opportunities
⮚ Research
⮚ Size is Important
⮚ Skilled Personnel
⮚ Technology
⮚ Growing need for Professionalism
⮚ Development of the Market