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The DQ directive is used to tell the assembler to declare a variable 4 words in length or to
reserve 4 words of storage in memory.
BIG_NUMBER DQ 243598740192A92BH; This will declare a variable named
BIG_NUMBER and initialize the 4 words set aside with the specified number when the
program is loaded into memory to be run.
Data declaration directives
ASSUME Directive - The ASSUME directive is used to tell the assembler that the name of the
logical segment should be used for a specified segment. The 8086 works directly with only 4
physical segments: a Code segment, a data segment, a stack segment, and an extra
ASSUME CS:CODE ;This tells the assembler that the logical segment
named CODE contains the instruction statements for the program and
should be treated as a code segment.
ASSUME DS:DATA ;This tells the assembler that for any instruction which
refers to a data in the data segment, data will found in the logical segment
End directive
END – it signifies the end of the program module. The assembler will ignore any
statement after an END directive
ENDP - indicates the end of a procedure
Syntax: Procedure_name ENDP
ENDS - indicates the end of a logical segment
Syntax: Segment_name ENDS
Equate (EQU) Directive
EQU - This EQU directive is used to give a name to some value or to a symbol. Each time
the assembler finds the name in the program, it will replace the name with the
value or symbol you given to that name.
FACTOR EQU 03H ; you has to write this statement at the starting of your program
later in the program you can use this as follows :
ADD AL, FACTOR ; When it codes this instruction the assembler will code it as
ADDAL, 03H ;The advantage of using EQU in this manner is, if FACTOR is used many
no of times in a program and you want to change the value, all you had to do is
change the EQU statement at beginning, it will changes the rest of all.
ORG Changes the starting offset address of the data in the data segment. As an
assembler assembles a section of a data declarations or instruction statements, it uses a
location counter to keep track of how many bytes it is from the start of a segment at any
The location counter is automatically set to 0000 when assembler starts reading a
The ORG directive allows you to set the location counter to a desired value at any point
in the program.
The statement ORG 2000H tells the assembler to set the location counter to
SEGMENT directive : to indicate the start of a logical segment
Syntax: Segment_name SEGMENT
Additional terms are often added to a SEGMENT directive statement to indicate some
special way in which we want the assembler to treat the segment.
CODE SEGMENT WORD ; tells the assembler that we want the content of this
segment located on the next available word (even address) when segments are
combined and given absolute addresses.
Without this WORD addition, the segment will be located on the next available
paragraph (16-byte) address, which might waste as much as 15 bytes of memory.
The statement CODE SEGMENT PUBLIC tells the assembler that the segment may be
put together with other segments named CODE from other assembly modules when
the modules are linked together.
Finding the factorial of an 8 /16 bit number.
• Input : 04H
• Output : 18H
• as In Decimal : 4*3*2*1 = 24
In Hexadecimal : 24 = 18H
Finding the factorial of an 8 /16 bit number.