Flanges & Flanges Types
Flanges & Flanges Types
Flanges & Flanges Types
Steel Pipe
• Manufacturing Methods: Carbon steel pipe is manufactured
based on pipe strength, wall thickness, corrosion resistance,
temperature, and pressure
Flange Facings
Flange Facings
• Raised Face- Comes in 7 sizes (150#, 300#, 400#, 600#,
900#, 1500#, 2500#)
• 150#, 300# hav ea 1/16” raised face
Flanges 400# and above have a ¼” raised face
Flange Facings
Ring-Type Joint-does not use a gasket for a seal but instead
forms the seal via the deep groove in the flange face. This is
considered the best flange but has the high cost due to the
internal pressure seal that is created.
Flange Types
• Weld neck flange- Its design is to reduce high stress at the base
of the flange by transferring the stress to the adjoining pipe. This
is used in High Pressure, High Temperature applications. Bore
of the weld neck flange is the key in its design and its fitting to
the pipe. ID of the weld neck flange and the ID of the pipe are
Flange Types
Flange Types
• Slip-On Flange-Allows the pipe to be inserted prior to welding.
It is used in applications where there is limitations in space.
The lifespan is much shorter and the cost is lower.
Flange Types
• Threaded Flange-This is a great option when welding can not
be done on the flange. The threaded flange is not good in high
temperature, high stress applied. At time a seal weld is added
in order to prevent leakage.
Flange Types
• Socket-Weld Flange-Used for small piping systems in high
pressure. The OD of the pipe is inserted into the ID of the
socket weld then they are both welded. This creates a tight
seal to prevent leakage
Flange Types
Flange Types
Flange Types
• Orifice Flange- Is to measure the rate of flow of commodity
through the piping system. They have a hole drilled
perpendicular to the direction of the pipe and they have a set
of jack screws. It has two flanges, two gaskets, one plate,
bolts, nuts, and jack screws. A valve tap is inserted to
measure the flow
Flange Types
• Bolts- are critical since they must match the size of the
flange to determine the size, spacing, and the number of
bolts to be used. Bolt hole alignment is important for
installation purposes.
Flange Types