Poly-Trauma: by Dr. Elias Ahmed October 2003
Poly-Trauma: by Dr. Elias Ahmed October 2003
Poly-Trauma: by Dr. Elias Ahmed October 2003
3. Resuscitation
a. All pt should be with supplemental oxygen by face mask.
b. IV - access
c. Obtain blood sample.
d. Fluid resuscitation
e. Place air way in unconscious pt.
f. Intubation & ventilatory support if indicated.
4. Life saving surgery
a. Massive hemorrhage
b. Intra-cranial hemorrhage
2. Primary period ( first 72h )
• Start after all vital function have established.
i. Secondary survey. Complete problem list. Took 5-10 min.
a. Hx AMPLE ( allergies, medication, past illness, last meal & events of accident)
b. P/E
• Head, eye, ear, neck, chest, abdomen, GUS, extremity and neurology.
c. insert monitoring equipment
• Start ECG monitor,
• Insert NG-tube and catheter.
d. Early consultation is a rule in trauma care.
e. Diagnostic studies
– Lab. Hct, Bg & cross match, others
– Lavage- for blunt abdominal injury – simple rapid & cheap.
– Rose color, hct >1, >75000 RBC/ml, >500 wbc/ml , presence of bile or intestinal content.
– X-ray
– Contrast study
– CT-scan
2. Advanced cardiovascular measure like APA in pt with prolonged
shock, thoracic trauma.
3. General consideration
i. Prophylaxis against infection or pre operative antibiotics.
ii. Tetanus prophylaxis
iii. Control pain.
4. Delayed primary or day one surgery
i. Cerebral injury
ii. Eye & maxillo-facial injury.
iii. Progressive compression of spinal cord.
iv. Visceral injury.
v. Musculoskeletal injury
3. Secondary period ( 3-8 days)
• phase of regeneration.
• Secondary deterioration of organ function must be prevented by
– Evacuation of hematoma.
– Extensive debridement of ST necrosis.
– Elimination of septic focus.
• Reconstructive treatment
– Secondary closure
– ST reconstruction
– Osteosynthesis of upper extremity
– Complex joint reconstruction
4. Tertiary period ( after 8 day)
• Recovery continued
• Final reconstructive surgery.
– Bone graft.
– Closure of amputation stamp
– All operation postponed from secondary period.
• Weaned from respiratory support
• Cessation of sedation.
• Program of physical rehabilitation.