Cocomo: Guided By: Prepared by
Cocomo: Guided By: Prepared by
Cocomo: Guided By: Prepared by
Guided By:
Prajwalit Jain
Prepared By:
Vaibhav M. Pawar -36
Darshana Patil -33
(COnstructive COst MOdel)
• Originally developed by Dr. Barry Boehm in 1981.
• One of the most widely used model in the Software
Development Industry.
• Original COCOMO (also termed as COCOMO I) had 3
1. Basic COCOMO;
2. Intermediate COCOMO;
3. Advanced COCOMO.
• Currently “COCOMO II” is used.
Original COCOMO
• COCOMO classifies Projects into three different modes:
Software Project ab bb cb db
Organic 2.4 1.05 2.5 0.38
Semi-detached 3.0 1.12 2.5 0.35
Embedded 3.6 1.20 2.5 0.32
2. Intermediate COCOMO
• Intermediate COCOMO takes these Cost Drivers into