Inflation: Umaelcrjxt0
Inflation: Umaelcrjxt0
Inflation: Umaelcrjxt0
What is Inflation?
• Is any price increase defined as inflation?
• Can inflation take place without rising prices?
• Was inflation possible when money was gold?
• Is the growth of money supply always causing
• Is any excessive supply of money always
causing inflation?
In economics, inflation (‘to baloon’) is a
general rise in the price level in an economy
over a period of time
decline of purchasing
power of a given
currency over time.
Classification of inflation basing on:
• Absolute vs relative
• Form of manifestation
• Cause
• Degree of control
• Level of anticipation
• Rate
• Localization
• Level of uniformity
Gold standard - Coin counterfeiting:
Tendency of silver or gold coins to be "shaved”
(clipped), that is, to have small amounts shaved off
the edges of the coins by users, thereby reducing the
actual precious metal content of the coin. In order to
prevent this, silver and gold coins began to be
produced with milled edges.
Debasement is the practice of lowering the value of
currency. A coin is said to be debased if the quantity
of gold, silver, copper or nickel is reduced.
Composition of a penny was pure copper from 1793
to 1837, in 1982 - 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper
Gold hoarding / withholding / immobilization
Commodity 45 72
Anti-inflationary policy