Non Linear Equalization

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Wireless Communications

Non Linear Equalizers
Introduction To
 : of relevant concepts
 Non Linear Equalizer Structure
 Decision Feedback Equalizer
 Maximum Likelihood Sequence
 Measures for Adaptive Equalization
 Introduction to Diversity- Types
 Space Diversity and Combining Schemes
 Switched
 Selection
 Equal Gain Combining

 Maximum Ratio
Non-Linear Equalizer
Nonlinear Equalizer
Schematic of DFE
MLSE with Adaptive Matched filter
Nonlinear Equalization--
tests all possible data sequences (rather than decoding
each received symbol by itself ), and chooses the data sequence
with the maximum probability as the output.

 Usually has a large computational requirement

 MLSE requires knowledge of the channel characteristics in order

compute the matrices for making decisions.

MLSE also requires knowledge of the statistical distribution of

the noise corrupting the signal
Performance Measures for Adaptive
Performance measures for an algorithm
 Rate of convergence
 Mis-adjustment
 Computational complexity
 Numerical properties
Factors dominate the choice of an equalization structure
and its algorithm
 The cost of computing platform
 The power budget
 The radio propagation characteristics
y that is used to develop
A diversity scheme is a method
information from several signals transmitted over independent
fading paths.

It exploits the random nature of radio propagation by

finding independent (uncorrelated) signal paths for

Space Diversity
 Selection Diversity
 Scanning Diversity
 Maximum Ratio Combining
 Equal Gain Combining
Space Diversity

Receive Transmit Both

Space Diversity
Switched Combining

 The signal, the best of M signals, is received until it falls

below threshold and the scanning process is again initiated
Selection Combining

 The antenna signals themselves could be sampled best

and the one
sent to a single demodulation

The branch weights are all set to unity but the signals from
each are co- phased to provide equal gain combining diversity
Maximum Ratio Combining

The signals from all of the M branches are weighted according

to their signal voltage to noise power ratios and then summed
Polarization diversity
Polarization diversity
 Theoretical model for polarization diversity [16] (see
the signal arrive at the base x  r1cos(t 
station 1 )
y  r2 cos(t 
the correlation coefficient can be 2 )
written as
   tan2 ( ) cos2 ( )  
2 2

2tan ( ) cos ( )  
  

 R22
Frequency Diversity
It is implemented by transmitting information on more
than one Carrier frequency.

So all the carrier frequencies will not experience the same
fading effects.

 Disadvantage:
This requires multistage receiver circuitry
Repeatedly transmitting the same information at time
spacing that exceed the coherence time of the channel.

 The signal will be received with independent fading effects.

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