Chap 3 (3) - InformedSearch

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Informed Search

•Search efficiency would improve greatly if there is a

way to order the choices so that the most promising
are explored first.
–This requires domain knowledge of the problem.
•Add domain specific knowledge to select what is the
best one to continue searching along the path
•Define a heuristic function, h(n) that estimates the
goodness of a node n, based on domain specific
information that is computable from the current state
•Heuristics is knowledge about the domain that helps to
undertake focused search
–It is rule of thumb, or guess that limits the search space
towards the goal
Example: 8- puzzle
Heuristic function, h(n)
•It is an estimate of how close we are to a goal state
•Heuristic function h(n)
h(n) = estimated cost of path from state n to a goal state.
•What good heuristic function for the following
–Route finding: straight line distance
–8-puzzle: (i) Number of mismatched tiles and (ii) Manhattan
or city block distance (sum of distances each tile is from its
goal position)
–8-queens: Min-conflict or max conflict – (that is, the number
of attacking queens)
•Note that:
–h(n) ≥ 0 for all nodes n
–h(n) = 0 if n is a goal node
–h(n) = infinity if n is a dead-end from which a goal can’t be
Best first search
•It is a generic name to the class of informed methods
•Nodes are ordered in the open list so that the one
with the best evaluation (minimum cost) is expanded
–Evaluation function, f incorporates domain specific
information and determines the desirability of expanding the
–It aims to find low-cost solutions towards goal node
•There are two measures
–The use of the path cost g to decide which path to extend
further (e. g. uniform cost search).
–The use of some estimate of the cost of the path from
current state to the goal state (heuristics h)
–The first measure may not direct search towards the goal. It
needs to be supplemented by the second measure
Best First Search Approaches
•Two approaches to find the shortest path:
–Greedy search: minimizes estimated cost to reach a goal
–A*-search: minimizes the total path cost
•When expanding a node n in the search tree, greedy
search uses the estimated cost to get from the
current state to the goal state, define as h(n).
–In route finding problem h(n) is the straight-line distance
•We also possess the sum of the cost to reach that
node from the start state, define as g(n).
–In route finding problem this is the sum of the step costs for
the search path.
•For each node in the search tree, an evaluation
function f(n) can be defined as the sum of these
f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
Greedy search
• A best first search that uses a heuristic function h(n)
alone to guide the search
–Selects node to expand that is closest (hence it’s greedy) to
a goal node
–The algorithm doesn’t take minimum path costs from initial
to current nodes into account, it just go ahead optimistically
and never looks back.
• Implementation: expand 1st the node closest to the goal
state, i.e. with evaluation function f(n) = h(n)
–h(n) = 0 if node n is the goal state
–Otherwise h(n) ≥ 0; an estimated cost of the cheapest path
from the state at node n to a goal state
Example 1: Route finding problem
Example 2: Can we arrange the search in the 8-puzzle so that
a move will minimize the distance b/n the initial state & the
goal arrangement
Solution to Route Finding
Arad f(n) = 366

Sibiu 253 Timisoara 329 Zerind 374

Arad 366 Fagaras 176 Oradea 380 Rimnicu Vilcea 193

Bucharest 0 Sibiu 253

Is Arad  Sibiu  Fagaras  Bucharest optimal?

Total cost = 450
• Incomplete:
– may not reach goal state because it may start down an infinite path and
never return to try other possibilities
• Not optimal
– if estimated heuristic cost is not admissible
• Takes memory
– It retains all the nodes in memory
– Space complexity is exponential: O(bm), where m is the maximum depth
of the search space and b is branching factor
• Time complexity
– It takes exponential time: O(bm)
• With good heuristic function the space and time complexity can
be reduced substantially
• The problem with greedy search is that it didn’t take costs so
far into account.
– We need a search algorithm (like A* search) that takes into consideration
this cost so that it avoids expanding paths that are already expensive
A*-search Algorithm
•It considers both estimated cost of getting from n to
the goal node h(n), and cost of getting from initial
node to node n, g(n)
•Apply three functions over every nodes
–g(n): Cost of path found so far from initial state to n
–h(n): Estimated cost of shortest path from n to z
–f(n): Estimated total cost of shortest path from a to z via n
–Evaluation function f(n) = h(n) + g(n)
•Implementation: Expand the node for which the evaluation
function f(n) is lowest
–Rank nodes by f(n) that goes from the start node to goal node
via given node

Example: Route finding problem

Solution to Route Finding
Arad f(n) = 0 + 366

Sibiu 393 Timisoara 447 Zerind 449


413 =
Arad 646 Fagaras 415 Oradea 671
Rimnicu Vilcea

Pitesti Craiova 573

=418+0 Bucharest Craiova 615 Rimnicu 607
• A* search is complete, optimal, and optimally
efficient for any given admissible heuristic function
• Complete
– It guarantees to reach to goal state
• Optimality
– If the given heuristic function is admissible, then A* search
is optimal.
– Proof optimality of A* search
• Takes memory:
– It keeps all generated nodes in memory
– Both time and space complexity is exponential
• Time and space complexity of heuristic algorithms
depends on the quality of the heuristic function.
– Worst case is exponential
Local Search
• In many problems, the path to the goal is irrelevant; the goal
state itself is the solution
e.g., n-queens: State space = set of complete configurations.
Find configuration satisfying constraints
–In these cases, we can use local search algorithms that keep a single
current state, try to improve it.
• Being able to ignore the path offers two main advantages:
–Less memory is used, generally a constant amount.
–A reasonable solution can be found in infinite search spaces for which
systematic search would be unsuited.
• They are also very useful for optimization problems where the
goal is to find the best state according to a function. Many of
these problems are not suitable for standard search.
–As an example, nature provides a function of reproductive success that
is used to guide Darwinian evolution. Evolution tries to optimize this
function, but there is no path cost or goal test.
Example: n-queens. Put n queens on an n × n board with no
two queens on the same row, column, or diagonal.
Iterative improvement algorithm (IIA)
• The general idea is to start with a complete
configuration and to make modifications to improve
its quality
• It keeps track of only the current state and try to
improve it until goal state is reached,
– It does not look ahead beyond the immediate neighbors of
that state
• Implementation:
–Consider all states laid out on the surface of a landscape
–IIA moves around the landscape trying to find the highest
peaks, which are the optimal solutions
• Two search algorithms:
–Hill climbing
–Simulated annealing

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