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Easel by TPT Presentation

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by Teachers Pay Teachers

Presenter: Jessi Burns to CVCS Elementary Staff

Date: March 29, 2021
Presentation Objectives and Standards

Objectives Standards
● CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.6.7: Integrate information presented in different media
● Present Easel face- or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a
to-face with coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
● CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.6.2: Interpret information presented in diverse media
colleagues and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes
● Have colleagues to a topic, text, or issue under study.
● CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.6.6: Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics,
practice using Easel
images, music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify
● Develop skills and information.
● NBPTS Proposition 3.5: Teachers engage students in the learning process.
incorporate Easel
● ISTE Standard 2c: Model for colleagues the identification, exploration,
into everyday evaluation, curation, and adoption of new digital resources and tools for
teaching learning.
● Teacher Leader Domain 3c: Facilitates professional learning among
How do you make lessons
interactive for students?
Teachers Pay Teachers Easel: What is it?

● Teachers Pay Teachers

Easel is a digital platform
where teachers can make
lessons interactive for
How Do I Find an Easel Activity on TpT?

1. Log on to the
Teachers Pay Teachers website.
2. On the left side of the website,
filter the results by ‘Easel
Activities’ and ‘Grades’ to find
age-appropriate resources.
3. You will either see resources that
are an ‘Easel Activity’ or
‘Compatible with Easel’.
Easel Activity vs. Compatible with Easel

Easel Activity Compatible with Easel

● This is a PDF that a TpT seller has ● This is a PDF that you can use in
already made available for easy Easel to edit and create your own
use on Easel. activity.
● It is fully completed - no edits are ● The PDF can be opened in Easel,
necessary. but you have to edit the PDF and
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet nec at adipiscing add your own Easel components.
Stop, and Share!

What is the difference between

an Easel Activity and an activity
that is Compatible with Easel?
How to Access TpT Easel

1. Log on to the
Teachers Pay Teachers

2. Click the button at the top

of the homepage that says
‘Easel by TpT’.
How to Access TpT
3. You will see this Easel homepage.

4. Click on the red ‘Get Started’ button.

5. You will see your TpT Easel homepage.

Once inside the Easel platform, you will
How Does it ●
see a ‘My Activities’ tab where all of
your Easel activities will be stored.
Work? ● Click on an Easel activity to edit.
● In the edit tab, you have three sections:
○ Prepare
○ Preview
○ Assign & Review
How Does it Work?
Prepare Preview Assign & Review

● This section is where ● This section is where ● This section is where

you edit the PDFs. you get the opportunity you can review the
● Make them interactive to try out what you changes you made to
by adding various have created. the interactive PDF.
items. ● It is a “student view” ● Assign this to your
where it will look like students through Google
what the students will Classroom* or by
see. sending a link.

*If posting on Google Classroom,

create Material instead of Assignment
so the students have to turn in the
assignment on Easel.
Stop, and Share!

How do you test what the

students will see when they
complete an Easel activity?
Ways to Start an Easel Activity

on TpT

Upload a from
Easel Activity
PDF scratch
Ways to Start an
Easel Activity
● Start an Easel activity from
○ Log on to
Teachers Pay Teachers.
○ Find an activity that has
these logos: ‘Easel
Activity’ or ‘Compatible
with Easel’.
○ Click on the activity to
take you to the Easel
platform homepage.
Ways to Start an
Easel Activity
● Start an Easel activity from
uploading a PDF:
○ Go to the Easel homepage.
○ Click on to open
the dialogue box.
○ Click on the option to
‘Upload a File’ on your
○ Use the dialogue box to
search and upload a file of
your choice.
Ways to Start an
Easel Activity
● Start an Easel activity from
○ Go to the Easel homepage.
○ Click on to open
the dialogue box.
○ Click on the option to
create a ‘Blank Activity’.
○ You will see a blank page
to create your own Easel
Let’s Try It!

Check your email for the link to

the Easel activity.
Feedback Time!
How did I do?
Please check your email to take
the Google Form survey! :)

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