Syndicate 3 - CAT Project

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Syndicate #3
Delano Christovel (29320105)
Diah Dwi Hapsari (29320075)
Edy Prasetyo M. (29320171)
Enrico Y.Hamdani (29320124)
Eric Tjandra (29320043)
Esti Nur Inayah (29320003)

Professor Pranjal Sharma the admission chairman of WIMWI
(well known institute of management in western India) realized
he should start thinking about conducting the common
What is the problem admission test (CAT) for admitting student to Indian institute of
management and other business school

What is the tools ?

Project Management

▪ Determine the activities required to

execute the project What is the target/goal
▪ Determine the time needed to
Why do you need execute your plan
Planning in CAT? ▪ Developing precedence restriction in Common admission test (CAT)
project management can be conducted as expected
(few months away)

Developing precedence restriction in

▪ Determine the activities Determine the critical path
project management
required to execute the project IDENTIFY THE CRITICAL
▪ Determine the time needed to ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD
execute your plan NEED YOUR ATTENTION
Critical Path Method (CPM)

In 1957, DuPont develop a project management method designed to address challenge of shutting down chemical plants for maintenance and
restarting the plants once the maintenance had been completed. Given the complexity of the process , they develop critical path method for
managing such projects.

 Provides graphical view of the project

CPM Benefits  Predic the time required to complete the project
 Shows which activities are critical to maintaining the schedule and which are not

1. Specify the individual activities

2. Determine the sequence of those activities
Steps in CPM Planning 3. Draw a network diagram
4. Estimate the completion time for each activity
5. Identify the critical path (longest part through the network)
6. Update the CPM diagram as the project progresses
Network Diagram
Activity-on-Node (AON) Network explanation

Activity on Node is project scheduling technique which

can count day period of project, time needed for critical
activity event slack on project

Component :

BEGIN Start process

Direction process

END Finish process

A Node Node Breakdown

Explanation Node
A : Activity
A ES EF ES : Early Start
EF : Early Finish
T LS LF T : Time
LS : Late Start
LF : Late Finish Img source:
In the network diagram shown below, for the problem we considered before, each node (circle) represents an activity and is labelled
with the activity number and the associated completion time (shown in brackets after the activity number).

In constructing the network we:

Draw a Node for each Activity

add an arrow from (activity) node i to (activity) node A if activity B must be finished before activity A can start (activity B precedes activity
A). Note here that all arcs have arrows attached to them (indicating the direction the project is flowing in).
One tip that I find useful in drawing such diagrams is to structure the positioning of the nodes (activities) so that the activities at the start
of the project are at the left, the activities at the end of the project at the right, and the project "flows" from left to right in a natural fashion.

Note here one key point, the above network diagram assumes that activities not linked by precedence relationships can take place
simultaneously (e.g. at the start of the project we could be doing activity 1 at the same time as we are doing activity 2). The above
diagram is intended for people. Consider what might happen in a large project - perhaps many thousands or tens of thousands of
activities and their associated precedence relationships.

Activities Matrix

Activity table Construction Statement

Activities Matrix is table with information based on Activity table refer to Construction statement so we can determine Activities Matrix,
Next, we can use the Activities Matrix to create Activity-on-Node (AON) Network

Activity Activity Description Predecessor t (Time)

Activity node short description of activity the precedes activity, because it Time needed
depend each other. for project
We can define predecessor base (Day)
on Construction Statement
Individual activities and sequences (predecessor)

Node Description Predecessor Days

Prepare preliminary set of question for the
A 15
verbal section
Prepare preliminary set of question for the
B 20
quantitative section
Prepare preliminary set of question for the
C 20
data analysis section
Search for printers who could print the test
D 21
E Choose the test center 30

F Print the application form E 14

Advertise the program, sell application form
G F 14
and received filled forms from applicants
Collate the question into three sets of test
H A, B, C 7
I Scrutinise the test papers for errors D, H 7
Get the test papers printed and procure the
J D, I, E 21
sealed test papers
K Despatch the test papers to the test center E, J 7

L Prepare the list of successful applicants G 14

Despatch the admission cards to eligible
M L 10
applicants for examination
N Conduct the text M, K 4
Activity Node Diagram


15 t LS LF


20 7 7


20 21 7 4



30 14 14 14 10
Forward Pass

A 0 15 A ES EF
Forward Pass
15 t LS LF

B 0 20 H 20 27 I 27 34

20 7 7

C 0 20 J 34 55 K 55 62 N 82 86

20 21 7 4

D 0 21


E 0 30 F 30 44 G 44 58 L 58 72 M 72 82

30 14 14 14 10
Backward Pass

A 0 15 A ES EF
Backward Pass
15 25 40 t LS LF

B 0 20 H 20 27 I 27 34

20 20 40 7 40 47 7 47 54

C 0 20 J 34 55 K 55 62 N 82 86

20 20 40 21 54 75 7 75 82 4 82 86

D 0 21

21 33 54

E 0 30 F 30 44 G 44 58 L 58 72 M 72 82

30 0 30 14 30 44 14 44 58 14 58 72 10 72 82
Critical Path; Slack

Slack = 25

A 0 15 A ES EF

15 25 40 t LS LF

Slack = 20 Slack = 20 Slack = 20

B 0 20 H 20 27 I 27 34

20 20 40 7 40 47 7 47 54

Slack = 20 Slack = 20 Slack = 20 Slack = 0

C 0 20 J 34 55 K 55 62 N 82 86

20 20 40 21 54 75 7 75 82 4 82 86

Slack = 26

D 0 21

21 33 47

Slack = 0 Slack = 0 Slack = 0 Slack = 0 Slack = 0

E 0 30 F 30 44 G 44 58 L 58 72 M 72 82

30 0 30 14 30 44 14 44 58 14 58 72 10 72 82
Activity diagram

Prepare preliminary set Collate the

A of question for the H question into three
verbal section sets of test paper

Prepare preliminary set

B of question for the
quantitative section Scrutinise the test
papers for errors
Prepare preliminary set
C of question for the data
analysis section

Search for printers who Get the test papers

J printed and procure the Despatch the test
D could print the test K N Conduct the text
papers to the test centre

papers sealed test papers

Despatch the admission

Prepare the list of cards to eligible
successful applicants applicants for

Advertise the program, sell

E Choose the test centre Print the
F G application form and received
application form
filled forms from applicants

Node Description Predecessor Days Slack

Prepare preliminary set of question for the
verbal section
15 25 1.Total duration? 86 days
Prepare preliminary set of question for the
quantitative section
20 20 2.The scheduled start & finish dates, slack
Prepare preliminary set of question for the
data analysis section
20 20 for each specific activity? 15-Jul-04 to 9-
Search for printers who could print the test
21 26 Oct-04. Refer to the left table for the
E Choose the test center 30 0 slack.
F Print the application form E 14 0 3.How long can the non-critical activities be
Advertise the program, sell application form
and received filled forms from applicants
F 14 0 delayed before they cause delay in the
Collate the question into three sets of test
A, B, C 7 20 overall completion time? A: 25 days, B: 20
I Scrutinise the test papers for errors D, H 7 20 days, C: 20 days, D: 26 days
Get the test papers printed and procure the
J D, I, E 21 20
sealed test papers
K Despatch the test papers to the test center E, J 7 20

L Prepare the list of successful applicants G 14 0

Despatch the admission cards to eligible
M L 10 0
applicants for examination
N Conduct the text M, K 4 0

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