Aerial Ropeway: Vipin Kumar Pandey
Aerial Ropeway: Vipin Kumar Pandey
Aerial Ropeway: Vipin Kumar Pandey
Presented by
Vipin Kumar Pandey
Assistant Professor
An aerial ropeway is an installation in which transportation of material or men is
effected by moving carriers pulled by ropes suspended above the ground.
On the basis of number of ropes and the mode of transportation, the ropeways
are classified as:
1. Mono-cable Ropeway – the ropeway has a single running endless rope which
both support and moves the carriers.
2. Bi-cable Ropeway- the ropeway has two fixed track ropes along which the
carriers are hauled by an endless traction rope.
3. Twin-cable Ropeway- the ropeway has two pairs of track ropes to support
the carriers and one endless traction rope.
Aerial ropeway provides the only economic means of long distance transport over
rough country, hilly and difficult terrain, even it can pass through the congested
areas, marshy lands, nallahs, rivers, forests and important agricultural land.
3. Stocking of materials
8. Low initial and operating cost and short time for return on capital
1. Fixed location of loading station
3. The length of the line and transport capacity is limited by economic and
technical consideration.
Bi-cable Ropeway
It has following components:
3. Carriers suspended from the track ropes and hauled by the traction rope
For capacities less than 100 t/hr and distances less than 300 m, bi-cable
ropeway cannot provide the desirable economy.
Different parts
Track ropes:
Track ropes are usually locked coil ropes made of large size wires in order to
have longer life.
Locked coil ropes provide a smooth surface for the movement of carrier
wheel and the surface wear of it is relatively uniform.
The factor of safety for track rope during installation should be 3 and must
be withdrawn from service when it reduces to 2.5.
Carriage runs on track rope with wheels, and it runs on the track rope, with
the help of wheels (20 – 30 cm/diameter) mounted on it.
The number of wheel is 2 for light loads and 4 for medium or heavy loads .
Three types of carriers are commonly used namely rotating carrier, bottom
discharge carrier and fully enclosed bucket .
Carriers of a Bi-cable
Standard car (Two wheeled and Four wheeled) of
a Bi-cable ropeway for the transport of bulk
The trestles for bi-cable ropeways provide support to both the track and
traction ropes. as well as giving necessary profile to the ropeway.
The track ropes rest on the saddles at the top crossbeam and the traction
rope on the sheaves at the cross beam below.
The upper part of the saddle is grooved to accommodate and support the
track rope.
For safety against unloading of the rope, the groove dia. should be 1.5 d
and the depth of the groove 0.8d, where d is the diameter of the rope.
Loading station:
Station where carriers are loaded are called loading station and in bi-cable
ropeway it is more complicated than monocable ropeway.
At the loading stations, the track rope tensioning device is avoided and the
end of it is anchored instead. However the tensioning of the traction rope
may be incorporated.
At the entry to station, the carrier leaves the track rope and rides on the
station rail and while leaving it, rides back on the rope. To facilitate those,
rope deflecting saddles are put at the transition point.
The carriers passes through the arrangement of releasing and gripping of the
traction rope movement of the carrier is controlled manually or by running
chain at automatic station.
Unloading station:
It is the discharged end of the rope way.
The unloading station should be sufficiently high enough above the ground
level to make possible unloading by gravity.
Intermediate station:
When a bi-cable ropeway has more than one section, intermediate
stations are provided where it passes from one section to another.
Angle station:
When it is not possible to take a straight line route, angle station are
provided to change the direction of route.
1. Badroochuck colliery
2. Mudihih colliery
3. Mudihih-Tentulmari colliery
4. Loyabad colliery
Sijua-Malkera ropeway- its starting point is river damodar( village tangabad,
district Dhanbad). The length of the ropeway is 14,346 metres.
1. Sijua colliery
2. Malera colliery
1. Kankanee colliery
2. Potkee colliery