SciExt 1B Week 1 - Introduction To Syllabus
SciExt 1B Week 1 - Introduction To Syllabus
SciExt 1B Week 1 - Introduction To Syllabus
Attendance is expected.
Be present in online sessions by turning your camera on, participating
in the text chat, and raising your hand.
PMI or See think Wonder on the syllabus
Assessment 1 overview
Choose a possible focus for your lessons
Syllabus structure
Objectives (p. 80): these are broad statements about the values and attitudes, and skills, knowledge,
and understanding that the students will ideally develop through their study of Stage 4/5 Science. The
objectives are split into two categories:
NESA (2012)
Syllabus structure
Outcomes (p. 81-83): these are more specific statements about what students will
learn in their study of Stage 4/5 Science, and are organised under the objectives:
• The three values and attitudes outcomes are standard across Stage 4 and 5.
• There are six skills outcomes for Stage 4 that are different to the six skills outcomes
for Stage 5.
• There are eight knowledge and understanding outcomes for Stage 4 that are
different to the eight knowledge and understanding outcomes for Stage 5. Within
these there are:
• Two physical world outcomes,
• Two earth and space outcomes,
• Two living world outcomes, and
• Two chemical world outcomes
NESA (2012)
Outcome coding
Interpretation =
Science Science, Stage 5, Outcome 11,
Stage Strand Physical World
Outcome number
• WS = working scientifically (skills)
• PW = physical world (knowledge and understanding)
• ES = earth and space (knowledge and understanding)
• LW = living world (knowledge and understanding)
• CW = chemical world (knowledge and understanding)
NESA (2012)
Syllabus structure
Content statements (p. 101-131): these unpack the outcomes and describe what
students will learn in order to achieve each outcome. There are content statements for
the skills and knowledge and understanding outcomes. For example:
The working scientifically (skills) outcome and it’s content statements are shown here:
Outcome = A student identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and
makes predictions based on scientific knowledge (SC4-4WS).
NESA (2012)
Week 1 Activity
Getting to know the syllabus:
PMI or See think Wonder on the syllabus (300 words)- Breakout rooms
Choose a possible focus for your lessons
• what?
• how?
• why?
100 words
● What elements?
● What structures?
● What content?
● What skills?
100 words
● How does this syllabus connect with my
understanding of quality pedagogy?
● What else was interesting?
● What limitations is there?
100 words
● What am i now interested in?
● What else am I wondering about?
100 words
100 words
100 words