Overview of Steps - Sub-Steps of CDP

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Florian Faith Jr. P. Bayawa

1. To explain the steps leading to the

formulation of the Risk-Informed CDP

2. To guide participants to corresponding

pages/sections and tools in the CDP+ Guide
vis-à-vis CDP Steps
CDP+ Suggested Outline
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction
1.Resolution approving the CDP
and Climate Change Adaptation in 2.Foreword
Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP+) 3.Acknowledgement
4.Table of Contents
5.List of Tables
6.List of Figures
7.List of Boxes

II. LGU Brief Profile

8.Quick Facts about the LGU (Include Hazard and Risk Maps)
9.Matrix of Local Development Indicators (Form 1d)


a. Vision
i. Descriptors and Success Indicators
ii. Vision – Reality Gap Analysis
b. Cross-Sectoral and Special Issues and Concerns
c. Sectoral Development Plans (Social, Economic, Infrastructure,
d. Environment, Institutional)
1. Introduction
CDP+ Guidelines: for LG planners; planning 2. Expanded PSFM**
professionals 3. Goals-Objectives-Outcome Indicators (DRR-CCA lens)
4. Programs, Projects, Activities (Form 2a)
- to help them integrate CCA-DRRM concerns in 5. Project Ideas or Project Briefs (Form 3b)
d. Legislative Requirements (Form 5b)
CDP e. CapDev Requirements (Form 5a)
f. M&E Strategy (Form 6b)
- supplemental guide to the existing CDP d. Legislative Requirements*
Illustrative Guide, CDP Preparation Guide, and
RPS to mainstream DRR-CCA in the CDP. IV. LDIP (Form 3e) & AIP

A. Executive Order Creating and Mobilizing the Planning Team
B. Workplan
Overview of Major Steps and Sub-steps of the CDP
CCA-DRRM Where to Find Notes
Responsive CDP
CDP+ Guide DILG Illustrative

I. Preliminary Pages
a. Resolution approving The Plan needs to be approved by
the CDP the Sanggunian

b. Foreword Both executive and legislation - joint

c. Acknowledgement Include the TWG (functional


d. Table of Contents Should be able to cover the

essential elements of the risk-
informed CDP

e. List of Tables Provides tables that

will support the
discussions, analysis

f. List of Figures Figures that will

illustrate the
discussions, analysis
Overview of Major Steps and Sub-steps of the CDP

CCA-DRRM Where to Find Notes

CDP CDP+ Guide DILG Illustrative

II. LGU Brief

1. Quick Facts Not specifically Not specifically May refer to CDP, IRA share and IRA
about the LGU dependency rate
provided provided CLUP on LGU Annual budget per capita
(Include Hazard attributes: Functional Role in the
and Risk Maps) When founded Region
Cityhood and legal Basis for Land Area and land uses
creation Population and Population
Congressional District Density
Classification and income Electorate or voters as of
Class 2016
Tax Revenues and general Barangays and Puroks, etc.

Exposure, vulnerability, risks (CC and other natural

This assessment tool provides LGUs the additional
planning information for DRR-CCA mainstreaming to
the CDP.
2. Matrix of Local Pages 49-55 LGU may summarize the development or
Development CDP Preparation underdevelopment of the sectors, given climate
Indicators change and DRR.
Template Form
Overview of Major Steps and Sub-steps of the CDP

CCA-DRRM Where to Find Notes

Responsive CDP
CDP+ Guide DILG Illustrative


a. Vision Pages 7-8 Chapter III- Page 5 a. The CDP + : VRG reflects the current reality of the
i. Descriptors and Mainstreaming CCA- locality which can be based from the technical
Success DRRM in vision review - When is done if findings of the CDRA and the LDIS.
Indicators election year
Pages 15-16 b. Illustrates the advantages of using CDRA
ii. Vision – Reality Revisiting existing plans indicators as success indicators for the
Gap Analysis and reviewing the LGU Descriptor/Vision which allows the LGU to easily
vision. measure the existing situation of their locality.

Guide Questions in c. The regular conduct of CDRA will inform the

Revisiting the LGU Vision changes in the success indicators that will be
important in the monitoring and evaluation of the
Pages 30—32 CDP.
Vision-Reality Gap
Analysis d. The identified ‘gap’ from the VRG analysis can
also be used as a reference in identifying sectoral
goals and objectives.
Overview of Major Steps and Sub-steps of the CDP
CCA-DRRM Where to Find Notes
CDP CDP+ Guide DILG Illustrative


b. Cross-Sectoral Pages 23-29 Chapter 4 Climate and disaster information
and Special a. Analysis of LGU situation Pages 7-9 provide the general scenario where
Issues and the planning area is affected.
Concerns b. Attributing CDRA indicators to EPSFM
CDP Provides analysis on exposure,
Structuring List of vulnerability and risks of population,
c. Inter-sectoral consultations,
PPAs urban areas, natural resources,
round-robin fashion (sectoral critical facilities, lifeline utilities
pairing) to determine key issues
and challenges. Points to their location: What is
level of adaptive capacity?
d. Sectoral and Cross-Sectoral
Analysis of Climate Change The cross-sectoral analysis and
Impacts and Disaster Risk special issues allow information to
be utilized in analyzing each of the
e. Using the Planning Indicator development sectoral concerns.
Systems: LDIS and RaPIDS an
analytical tool for planning which
is used to analyze the LGU
Overview of Major Steps and Sub-steps of the CDP

CCA-DRRM Where to Find Notes

Responsive CDP
CDP+ Guide DILG Illustrative


c. Sectoral Pages 33-34 (EPSFM) Pages 56-57 EPSFM and VRG conducted during
Development Plans Pages 35-38 (Goal Setting) Form 2a the analysis of the LGU situation
(Social, Economic, Pages 39-46 (Structuring list Form 3b shall be the basis for the
Infrastructure, of PPAs) formulation of risk-sensitive goals
Environment, and objectives in the CDP.
Institutional) 1. Introduction
2. Expanded PSFM
3. Goals-Objectives-Outcome
Indicators (DRR-CCA lens)
4. Programs, Projects,
5. Project Ideas or Project
Overview of Major Steps and Sub-steps of the CDP
CCA-DRRM Where to Find Notes
Responsive CDP
CDP+ Guide DILG Illustrative Guide

IV. The LDIP Pages 48-63 Chapter VII- Pages 26-29 Streams 1-3 are connected,
LDIP Stream 1: Screening and LDIP related. All streams must be
Prioritization of the Structured undertaken.
List of PPAs Chapter VIII- Pages 30-32
LDIP Stream 2: Determining the
Investment Financing Potential Page 39
Chapter XI- LDIP Updating-
LDIP Stream 3: Formulating the
Local Resource Mobilization Page 64-Form 3e. Summary
Program and Financing Plan Form
CDP Preparation Template

a. AIP Page 65 CCET.

CDP Preparation Template 4. DBM and CCC JMC NO. 2015-
AIP 01, dated March 24,2015
Summary Form “Revised Guidelines for Climate
Change Expenditure Tagging (CC
ET) amending JMC No. 2013-01”
Overview of Major Steps and Sub-steps of the CDP
CCA-DRRM Where to Find Notes
Responsive CDP
CDP+ Guide DILG Illustrative Guide

b. CapDev Pages 66-69 Page 66- Form 5a a. Identify capacity development

Requirements interventions needed to implement the
risk-informed LDIP/AIP

b. Six Capacity Pillars: provides opportunity

to mainstream CCA-DRRM

c. Provides how CapDev can be determined

to operationalize CCA-DRRM responsive
Goals and Objectives

c. The Legislative Pages 63-65 Page 66 Priority legislations or regulatory measures to

Requirements Form 5b support development priorities of the LGU in
the medium – and long – term.

M&E Strategy Pages 70-76 Page 43 M & E for CDP involves tracking the progress
Page 67. Form 6a. and successful implementation of risk-
Annual Accomplishment informed PPAs and evaluating their
Report effectiveness through measurement of
indicators (e.g. proportion of infrastructure
Page 69- Form 6b facilities that are hazard resistant).
Overview of Major Steps and Sub-steps of the CDP
CCA-DRRM Responsive Where to Find Notes
CDP+ Guide DILG Illustrative Guide


A. Executive Order Pages 44-46 The usual EO adopted by the LGU

Creating and Mobilizing CDP Preparation Template can be annexed to the plan, as long
the Planning Team Form 1a. Executive Order as the roles of the team and
Template corresponding outputs are stipulated.

Chapter II- Page 4

B. Workplan Pages 47-48 LGU may opt for its own workplan, as
CDP Preparation Template long as the CDP+ module and
Form 1b. Sample Harmonized corresponding activities are reflected.
Workplan for the Preparation
of the CLUP and CDP
Your Expectations
What has been provided…
✔Capacity Building activities
✔Series of consultations/RTDs (internal to DILG, with
agencies and partners
✔Updating of guides and policies toward risk-
informed CDP
Expectations of RPs from the Pax

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