Overview of Steps - Sub-Steps of CDP
Overview of Steps - Sub-Steps of CDP
Overview of Steps - Sub-Steps of CDP
A. Executive Order Creating and Mobilizing the Planning Team
B. Workplan
Overview of Major Steps and Sub-steps of the CDP
CCA-DRRM Where to Find Notes
Responsive CDP
CDP+ Guide DILG Illustrative
I. Preliminary Pages
a. Resolution approving The Plan needs to be approved by
the CDP the Sanggunian
a. Vision Pages 7-8 Chapter III- Page 5 a. The CDP + : VRG reflects the current reality of the
i. Descriptors and Mainstreaming CCA- locality which can be based from the technical
Success DRRM in vision review - When is done if findings of the CDRA and the LDIS.
Indicators election year
Pages 15-16 b. Illustrates the advantages of using CDRA
ii. Vision – Reality Revisiting existing plans indicators as success indicators for the
Gap Analysis and reviewing the LGU Descriptor/Vision which allows the LGU to easily
vision. measure the existing situation of their locality.
c. Sectoral Pages 33-34 (EPSFM) Pages 56-57 EPSFM and VRG conducted during
Development Plans Pages 35-38 (Goal Setting) Form 2a the analysis of the LGU situation
(Social, Economic, Pages 39-46 (Structuring list Form 3b shall be the basis for the
Infrastructure, of PPAs) formulation of risk-sensitive goals
Environment, and objectives in the CDP.
Institutional) 1. Introduction
2. Expanded PSFM
3. Goals-Objectives-Outcome
Indicators (DRR-CCA lens)
4. Programs, Projects,
5. Project Ideas or Project
Overview of Major Steps and Sub-steps of the CDP
CCA-DRRM Where to Find Notes
Responsive CDP
CDP+ Guide DILG Illustrative Guide
IV. The LDIP Pages 48-63 Chapter VII- Pages 26-29 Streams 1-3 are connected,
LDIP Stream 1: Screening and LDIP related. All streams must be
Prioritization of the Structured undertaken.
List of PPAs Chapter VIII- Pages 30-32
LDIP Stream 2: Determining the
Investment Financing Potential Page 39
Chapter XI- LDIP Updating-
LDIP Stream 3: Formulating the
Local Resource Mobilization Page 64-Form 3e. Summary
Program and Financing Plan Form
CDP Preparation Template
M&E Strategy Pages 70-76 Page 43 M & E for CDP involves tracking the progress
Page 67. Form 6a. and successful implementation of risk-
Annual Accomplishment informed PPAs and evaluating their
Report effectiveness through measurement of
indicators (e.g. proportion of infrastructure
Page 69- Form 6b facilities that are hazard resistant).
Overview of Major Steps and Sub-steps of the CDP
CCA-DRRM Responsive Where to Find Notes
CDP+ Guide DILG Illustrative Guide
B. Workplan Pages 47-48 LGU may opt for its own workplan, as
CDP Preparation Template long as the CDP+ module and
Form 1b. Sample Harmonized corresponding activities are reflected.
Workplan for the Preparation
of the CLUP and CDP
Your Expectations
What has been provided…
✔Capacity Building activities
✔Series of consultations/RTDs (internal to DILG, with
agencies and partners
✔Updating of guides and policies toward risk-
informed CDP
Expectations of RPs from the Pax