Education & Digital Citizenship
Education & Digital Citizenship
Education & Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship
Ann Okafor
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Digital Citizenship?
While disparities among these groups have shrunk over the past several years,
access will still be an issue that needs to be addressed.
Digital access: COVID-19 and the digital divide
When COVID-19 shut down our schools almost a year ago, we realized quickly
that most of our students did not have access to devices or reliable internet
Because of socioeconomic statues of our student population, they did not have
digital access to fully participate in the online society.
Only 30% of my students
owned a computer or had
reliable internet at home
As new technology develops, parents and teachers have not been trained or
informed on how to use it.
It has become common for students to watch their peers on how to use
When students see adults use technology inappropriately, it only continues the
cycle of bad digital behavior (Ribble, 2015).
Good digital citizens should
evaluate their own use of
technology and those around them
and make necessary adjustments.
Digital law, the sixth element, is the electronic responsibility for actions
and deed (Ribble, 2015).
For instance, sexting, which has become increasingly popular with young
Digital laws
Just like in society, the digital world will have people who do not
follow the rules and there are rules being created now by
Digital Health & Wellness: physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world.
Some students may not be aware of danger of using technology (Ribble, 2015).
Some intent addicts have even died after neglecting their wellbeing to play
video games (Ribble, 2015).
To prevent more of these issues,
educators should make learn and
model digital safety in their
Digital Security (self-protection): electronic precautions to guarantee safety.
Without it, anyone would be able to access their information for free.
Many of the security breaches that happen are due to use error, not the device
Digital Security: Keeping safe online
Without being able to see the repercussions of one’s comments in real time,
it is very easy for students, even teachers, to say things that they would not
normally say while online (Katzen, 2015).
This is why it is so important to teach our students to be good digital
Good digital citizenship is about thinking carefully about what you post
Practicing good digital citizenship
is an integral part of preventing
Where to start?
Our digital footprint
A digital footprint or tattoo is the trail that you create when using the
Internet (Christensson, 2014).
These footprints can be either positive or negative and can shape our
online reputation as well as our experiences online.
Cultivating a positive digital footprint
For students to cultivate a digital footprint, they are several steps students can
take to clean-up and cultivate a digital footprint.
● First, students should do a quick research about themselves online.
● Check privacy settings so that they are aware of what they are sharing. T
● hey should use different, strong passwords, especially for email or banking.
● Remind them to think before they post.
● Students should be encouraged to create an ePortfolio that includes blogs,
videos, images, and projects.
Christensson, P. (2014, May 26). Digital footprint definition. "Icon made by ultimatearm from"
Driver, S. (2020, March 23). Keep it clean. Social media screenings gain in popularity. Business News Daily.
Katzen, H. (2015, October 12). Preventing cyberbullying with digital citizenship. Family Online Safety Institute.
Fani, Anthony. (2015, July 29). Harmful digital footprint impacts that parents should know about. Family Online Safety Institute.
Nine elements of digital citizenship. (2017, October 13). WACC Global.
Ribble, M. (2015). Digital citizenship in schools: Nine elements all students should know. (3rd ed.). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology.