Gec Art
Gec Art
Gec Art
• Artists and Artisans
• Managers, curators, buyers, collectors, art dealers
• Production process (pre production, production and postproduction)
• Medium, Technique, Approach (in visual arts, auditory, and combined arts
• National Artists
• Events/Exhibits/Managing Audience
• Identify the medium in various forms of art.
• Define the role of managers, curators, buyers, collectors, art dealers in the
art world.
• Differentiate between artists and artisans approach/technique toward a
particular medium.
• Identify the national and GAMABA artists’ notable works and their
contribution to society.
Artists and Artisans
• Artist
• All fine artists first learn to sketch, and begin with a pencil and sketchpad to work with an idea on paper.
Artists transfer their visions to canvases or other medium, and this may mean working in oil, watercolor
or pastels.
• Job responsibilities of an Artist include: