03 Longsoran Baji (Wedge Failure) (Ronald, Habibie)

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Longsoran Baji

(Wedge Failure)
• Longsoran baji relatif sering terjadi daripada
longsoran bidang
• Namun bila kondisi yang menunjang
terjadinya longsoran baji, maka longsoran
yang terjadi mungkin akan lebih kecil secara
volume daripada longsoran bidang
Kondisi Umum Longsoran Baji
• Berbeda dengan longsoran bidang, longsoran
baji akan terjadi bila ada 2 bidang lemah atau
lebih berpotongan, sehingga membentuk baji
terhadap lereng
Kondisi Umum Longsoran Baji
• Longsoran baji ini dapat dibedakan menjadi
dua tipe longsoran yaitu longsoran tunggal
(single sliding) dan longsoran ganda (double
• Untuk longsoran tunggal, luncuran terjadi
pada salah satu bidang
• sedangkan untuk longsoran ganda luncuran
terjadi pada perpotongan kedua bidang.

Wedge Sliding

 When two discontinuity strike obliquely across the slope face

and their line of intersections daylights in the slope face, the
wedge of rock resting on these discontinuities will slide down
the line of intersection.
Kinematic analysis - wedge failure
Kinematic analysis - wedge failure
Example (1)
A wedge is formed by two planes with the following characteristics:
Dip Dip direction Friction angle, ϕ
Plane A 450 1150 34.50
Plane B 750 2250 370

Factor of Safety for wedge failure:

F  a tan  A  B tan B
Example (1)
The procedure for finding the FoS is as follows:

 The value of the difference in dip between two planes is calculated: 750-450=300
 From the different charts available, the two chart that correspond to the value
of 300 are selected.
 The value of the difference in dip direction between the two planes is
calculated: 2250-1150=1100
 On the abscissa axis of Chart a) a line is projected from this value of 1100 to
intersect the line corresponding to the dip of plane A, giving a reading of the
value of parameter A on the ordinate axis of 1.10
 The same procedure is applied to plane B on chart b) to obtain 0.45, the value
of parameter B.
 Once the values of A and B have been found, the FoS can be calculated with the
friction angle values of the two planes.

F  a tan  A  B tan B   1.1  0.687    0.45  0.753  1.09

Example (1)

Charts for dip difference between planes forming the wedge of 300

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