Islamic Political System Latest
Islamic Political System Latest
Islamic Political System Latest
Theocracy Monarchy Oligarchy y Republic
a form of a representative
A form of government in
a government in democracy in
government in which the which the people's
which a Deity is which the supreme
power is lodged in a government in supreme power elected deputies
recognized as the hands of a which control is is retained by (representatives),
the supreme monarch who exercised by a the people, but not the people
ruler, the Deity’s reigns over a state themselves, vote
small group of which is usually on legislation.
laws are or territory, usually
individuals exercised
interpreted by for life and by
hereditary right whose authority indirectly
religious generally is through a
authority based on wealth system of
(bishops etc) or power. representation
and delegated People
Ruler periodically
Religious renewed.
C-Islamic Political Ideology
The will of the majority is to be subservient to the will of the Almighty. Any
laws made by the legislative body are subject to judicial review and
possible invalidation by the judiciary if a law is against the Word of God
given in the Quran.
Concept of Khilaafah
Allah Almighty
Parliamentarian: a government
Presidential - a system of in which members of an
government where the executive branch (the cabinet
executive branch exists and its leader - a prime
separately from a legislature minister, premier or
(to which it is generally not chancellor) are nominated to
accountable). their positions by a legislature
or parliament, and are directly
responsible to it
Quranic foundation of Islamic political khilafah system:
Three essential powers for running a state are the legislative power (to make laws), the
judicial power (to interpret the laws and decide matters accordingly) and the executive power
(to implement the law and the decisions thereby).
Quran clearly states the basis of these three powers as below:
• Basis of Legislative Power:
ول إِ ْن ُك ْنتُ ْم ُت ْؤِمنُو َن بِاللَّ ِه َوالَْي ْوِم اآْل ِخ ِر َّ ول َوأُولِي اأْل َْم ِر ِم ْن ُك ْم فَِإ ْن َتنَ َاز ْعتُ ْم فِي َش ْي ٍء َف ُردُّوهُ إِلَى اللَّ ِه َو
ِ الر ُس َ الر ُس ِ َطيعوا اللَّه وأ
َّ َطيعُوا ِ
َ َ ُ آمنُوا أ َ ين
ِ َّ
َ ياأيها الذ
)4:59( َح َس ُن تَأْ ِوياًل ْ ك َخْي ٌر َوأ َ ِذَل
‘O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among
you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe
in Allah and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination’.
desirable or
Primary Objectives embellishment
الضروريات objectives
These are indispensable
They seek to attain
maqasid for the survival and They seek to establish refinement and perfection
well being of mankind in this ease and facility; and to in all areas of human
world and their success in the remove hardship and conduct.
hereafter. Their neglect will difficulty. •Their neglect does not
lead to disruption and interrupt the normal life
disorder and could lead to and cause hardship to the
undesirable end. people but it might lead to
lack of comfort of life.
communication tools,
means of
religion (din), life (nafs), transportation Branded outfit,
lineage (nasl), intellect luxury car,
(aql) and property (mal).
bungalows etc
Primary Objectives: The Islamic Law, on the whole, seeks to protect &
promote these essential values, & validate all measures necessary for their
preservation & advancement.
Drinking alcohol
Prayer, Zakat,
Fasting, Hajj
5. Ultimate Goal of the Islamic Republic: