Ata 22 - 10 Auto Flight - General 3
Ata 22 - 10 Auto Flight - General 3
Ata 22 - 10 Auto Flight - General 3
ATA 22_10
Speeds Definition
• Shows the speed symbols and definitions.
• The source of the computation is also given, when applicable
Speeds Definition
• Characteristic speeds displayed on the PFD are computed by the
Flight Augmentation Computer (FAC)
according to the FMS weight data (for PFD/MCDU display consistency and
accuracy purposes), and aerodynamic data as a backup.
• VLS (of normal landing conf: CONF 3 or FULL), F, S, and Green Dot
speeds are also displayed on the MCDU TAKEOFF and/or APPR pages.
Computed by the FMS, based on the a/c GW (according to the entered ZFW and
the FOB), or the predicted GW (for approach or go-around).
Speeds Definition
VS : Stalling speed (Not displayed)
• A320 family have a low-speed protection feature (alpha limit) that the
flight crew cannot override, Airworthiness Authorities have reconsidered
the definition of stall speed for these aircraft
• Demonstrated by flight
This speed is designated VS1g
• Factor of 0.94 represents the relationship between VS1g for A320 family
and VSmin for conventional aircraft
o V2 = 1.2 × 0.94 VS1g = 1.13 VS1g
o VREF = 1.3 × 0.94 VS1g = 1.23 VS1g
o Identical to those that the conventional 94 % rule would have defined for these a/c
• The FCOM uses VS for VS1g.
Speeds Definition
VLS : Lowest Selectable Speed
Top of an amber strip along the airspeed scale on the PFD.
• Computed by the FAC based on FMS weight data, and on aerodynamic data as a backup,
• 1.13 VS during takeoff or following a touch and go.
• 1.23 VS, after retraction of one step of flaps.
• 1.28 VS, when in clean configuration.
• Note: If in CONF 0 VLS were 1.23 VS (instead of 1.28 VS), the alpha protection strip would hit the
VLS strip on the PFD.
• Above 20 000 ft, VLS is corrected for Mach effect to maintain a buffet margin of 0.2 g. In addition,
VLS increases when the speedbrakes are extended
Speeds Definition
Speeds Definition
F Speed :
• Minimum speed at which the flaps may be retracted at takeoff.
• In approach, used as a target speed when the aircraft is in CONF 2 or
• Represented by “F” on the PFD speed scale. Equal to about 1.18 VS to
1.22 VS of CONF 1 + F
Speeds Definition
Speeds Definition
S Speed :
• Minimum speed at which the slats may be retracted at takeoff.
• In approach, used as a target speed when the aircraft is in CONF 1.
• Represented by “S” on the PFD airspeed scale.
• Equal to about 1.22 VS to 1.25 VS of clean configuration.
Speeds Definition
Speeds Definition
O : Green dot speed.
• Engine-out operating speed in clean configuration.
• (Best lift-to-drag ratio speed).
• Also corresponds to the final takeoff speed.
• Represented by a green dot on the PFD scale.
• Below 20 000 ft equal to 2 × weight (tons) + 85
• Above 20 000 ft, add 1 kt per 1 000 ft
Speeds Definition
• VA : Maximum design maneuvering speed
. This corresponds to the maximum structural speed permitted for full
control deflection, if alternate or direct law is active.
• VMCG :
Minimum speed, on the ground during takeoff, at which the aircraft can
be controlled by only using the primary flight controls, after a sudden
failure of the critical engine, the other engine remaining at takeoff
• VMCA :
Minimum control speed in flight at which the aircraft can be controlled
with a maximum bank of 5 °, if one engine fails, the other engine
remaining at takeoff thrust (takeoff flap setting, gear retracted).
• VMCL :
Minimum control speed in flight, at which the aircraft can be controlled
with a maximum bank of 5 °, if one engine fails, the other engine
remaining at takeoff thrust (approach flap setting).
• VFE : Maximum speed for each flap configuration.
• VLE : Maximum speed with landing gear extended.
• VLO : Maximum speed for landing gear operation.
• VMO : Maximum speed.
• VFE NEXT : Maximum speed for the next (further extended) flap lever
• Vα PROT, Vα MAX and VSW are computed by the FAC, based on
aerodynamic data.
• Used for display on the PFD, and not for flight control protection (the
activation of the protections is computed by the ELAC).
Vα PROT : Angle of attack protection speed.
• Corresponds to the angle of attack at which the angle of attack protection
becomes active.
• Represented by the top of a black and amber strip along the PFD speed scale,
in normal law.
• VMAX :
Represented by the bottom of a red and black strip along the speed
• Determined by the FAC according to the aircraft configuration.
• Is equal to VMO (or speed corresponding to MMO), VLE or VFE
• The highest speed, during takeoff, flight crew has a choice between
continuing the takeoff or stopping the aircraft.
• Represented by “1” (or the V1 ) when it is off theairspeed scale.
• Inserted manually through the MCDU by the flight crew.
• Displayed on the MCDU TAKEOFF page.