Physiology of Microorganisms-2012
Physiology of Microorganisms-2012
Physiology of Microorganisms-2012
1. Methods of
laboratory diagnosis
2. Methods of the
bacterial cultivation
3. Identification of
4. Bacterial metabolism
5. Media for bacterial
6. Sterilization
Methods of laboratory diagnosis
1. Bacterioscopical (Microscopic examination)
2. Bacteriological (Culture method)
3. Detection sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics
4. Serological
5. Biological
6. DNA-technology test (PCR)
In the clinical laboratory it is necessary:
• isolate bacteria in pure culture;
• obtain sufficient growth of bacteria for
demonstration their properties such as study of
morphological, cultural, biochemical, antigenic
and pathogenic properties, bacteriophage and
bacteriocin susceptibility;
• determine a sensitivity
to antibiotics.
Methods of the cultivation
• Streak culture (surface plating). The inoculum is
spreaded thinly over the plate of a culture media in
series of parallel lines in different segment of the
plate. On inoculation well separated colonies are
obtained over the final series of streaks.
Methods of the cultivation
• Lawn or carpet culture. Lawn cultures are prepared
by flooding the surface or plate with suspension of
bacteria. It provides uniform surface growth of bacteria.
It is useful for bacteriophage typing and antibiotic
sensitivity test.
Methods of the cultivation
• Stroke culture. It is made in tubes containing
agar slopes. It is used for providing a pure
growth of bacterium (for slide agglutination).
Methods of the cultivation
• Stab culture. It is prepared by puncturing with
charged long straight wire (loop). Stab culture is
employed mainly for cultivation of anaerobes.
Pure plate culture
Methods of the cultivation
• Liquid culture in a tube, bottle or flask may be
inoculated by touching with a charged loop
Identification of bacteria
• Microscopic examination: It helps to detect a shape, a
size and an arrangement of microorganisms
• Staining reaction: On gram staining we can have two
groups of microorganisms: Gram positive and Gram
Micrococcus Studying of
roseus haemolysis
Colonies and pigments of bacteria
Identification of bacteria
• Biochemical reactions: The more important
and widely used tests are as under:
• a) Sugar fermentation
Identification of bacteria
• b) Indole production
• c) Hydrogen sulfide production
Identification of bacteria
• d) Other tests: Citrate utilization; Nitrate reduction;
Methyl red test; Urease test; Catalase test; Oxidase
Identification of bacteria
• Antigenic analysis: by using specific sera we
can identify microorganism by agglutination
reaction (Serologic Typing of Shigella).