1 Problems of Scarcity and Choice
1 Problems of Scarcity and Choice
1 Problems of Scarcity and Choice
1. Since time immemorial, every normal human being
has been engaged in some or other kind of Economic
activity to satisfy his wants/needs.
2. In this process he/she generates some
income/resource used to satisfy wants.
3. This kind of economic activity is carried out through
a very complex process involving millions and
billions of decision makers who are unknown to each
other in most cases.
Problem of Scarcity Contd..
How to Produce?
• It refers to the choice of technique to produce a good – Use of
appropriate technology.
• Mainly two types of techniques: Capital-intensive and
• Producers normally use the cost minimisation and profit
maximisation technique.
• Use of inappropriate technique may result in wastage of
resources or increased costs.
• Examples of factor endowment and abundance-choice of
Central Problems of an Economy
Assumptions of PPC:
• Only two goods are produced in the economy.
• Quantity of resources available in the economy
are given.
• Resources are fully employed.
• Resources can alternatively be used to various
• State of technology is given or assumed to
remain constant.
PPC Diagram
•A •A
•B •B
Good Y •D Good Y
•C •C
Good X Good X X