Marketing & Retail Analytics Assignment: Cafe Data - 02
Marketing & Retail Analytics Assignment: Cafe Data - 02
Marketing & Retail Analytics Assignment: Cafe Data - 02
Cafe Data - 02
Neeraj Rawat
PGPDSBA Online Feb20_A
Executive Summary 3
Category Analysis 4
Top 20 Items Revenue 5
Top Selling Items by Category 6
Association Rule 7
KNIME Workflow 8
Café Data Association Rules 9
Combos 10
Recommendation 11
Food has the highest order quantity of 38% with 30.34% revenue share followed by beverages
with 30.97% orders but it is the 3rd valuable category with 16.8% share in total revenue.
Tobacco has the 3rd most order quantity 22.86%, but it has contributed highest revenue share
with 44.22%.
Liquor and Tobacco has 0.13% combined share in revenue, which is the least in segment.
Top selling Items are Tobacco which is not a good sign for long run sustainability
This rule shows how frequently a item set occurs in a transaction. A typical example is Market
Based Analysis.
Market Based Analysis is one of the key techniques used by large relations to show
associations between items. It allows retailers to identify relationships between the items
that people buy together frequently.
Identify the most popular item combos
Identifying menu items for which price should decrease / increase / No change
Cell Splitter Split “Basket_Item_Desc” and created list for further analysis.
Tobacco is highest selling so we can café can offer low cast snacks items as combos offer
Buy 1 get 1 offers on beverage items as many of them are frequently bought together
Low price and order quantity should be eliminated from the menu
Café can think and offer buy 1 get 1 or attractive discount of non-alcoholic drinks, also add
it with regular meal combo