Role of Professionals

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V Everyone wants to become a "professional" these days
or to work in a professionally managed organization.
While being professional may be a virtue, what exactly
is implied by being a professional is often found lacking
in individuals and companies.
V In fact, some family owned companies have higher
professional standards than our so-called professionally
managed companies. Many people still think that one
can become a professional simply by acquiring a degree
and many companies have the mistaken belief that they
can claim to be professional by hiring a certain number
of MBAs and CAs.
V Among the meanings of the word 'professional' in
the dictionary, there are two, which are connected
with the way we work. One is something that is
related to a job or profession. The other means well
trained, or a person who is good at one's work. To be
a professional, therefore, implies that a person is
good in his job and can be depended upon. Clearly,
it is easy to be a professional in the first sense.

V If we do anything over and over again in our lives,

we become professionals of some sort. The second
implication, however, is more difficult. It is easy to
do a job, but to do it well as if our heart was in it,
there lies the catch. Most of us are content in
'making do', or finishing the task at hand with the
least amount of effort.
V We are not interested in putting our best effort
because we think that the job is too small or too
meaningless or that nobody is going to appreciate
it. Yet, it is easy to make out a job that is done with
love than one which is done without it.

V These are simple instances of professional and non-

professional behavior. Simply doing a job over and
over again does not make us a professional.
V Being a professional means more than
simply acquiring a degree. It means being
true to your chosen profession and trying to
excel in any job assigned to you.
V Sometimes it means simply doing what is
right. Take the example of hiring someone
for a job. The principles of efficient working
require that we choose a person who is
qualified for the job and not go by other
V Yet, how many meritorious candidates get
selected? Going by the number of cases
that are filed regarding selections for jobs
it seems that people are hired for
belonging to certain castes or
communities, or those who know
someone in management, or those who
may have bribed their way through. That
certainly is neither right nor is it
þow does one become professional? If we
break up our tasks no matter what our area
of work, we can probably come to the
following sub-tasks:
1. Planning
2. Decision making
3. Communication
4. Doing our job
5. Doing what is right
Whether it is an operation conducted by a doctor or a project
executed by an engineer, professional behavior demands a certain
amount of planning so that overruns are avoided and the work
proceeds smoothly. þow many of us make plans in our everyday
lives? þow many companies take planning seriously? Does our
government take the Planning Commission seriously? If we
answer these questions, we may discover that many of us are not
professional at all, even while claiming to be so.

The way we make our decisions also shows how professional we
are. Usually, we go by our whims and intuition and fail to
analyze the situation. When we look around ourselves, we find
the consequences of such decisions. Companies which had
diversified without taking into account ground realities have
come to grief: a pharmaceutical company which entered the
cosmetics industry, an engineering company which diversified
into shipping, and so on.
Multinational companies too made this mistake and
entered the country thinking that they could sell
overpriced products to our huge middle class, but only to
come to grief. There were few buyers for their products
showing that their decisions had been made out of wishful
thinking rather than scientific principles.

þow we communicate also shows how professional wear.
Do we take care to explain something to our customers,
subordinates or superiors?
EXAMPLE:A doctor who explains a point to a worried
patient is much better than one who simply writes out a
prescription. The end result of both doctors is the same,
but one reduces worry while the other causes unnecessary
tension. To a sick person, that makes a lot of difference.
Èinally, our attitude gets reflected in the job that we do. Does it
reflect our care and ability? Or are we content in doing a half-
baked job hoping that someone else will correct our mistakes?
A journalist can give a story full of mistakes and these will no
doubt be corrected at the proofing stage. But professionalism
demands that all mistakes are removed by the person himself,
without depending on anyone else. It also means keeping an eye
for details, however minute they may be.


A company which does not treat its workers well can hardly be
called professional, no matter how many professionally
qualified people it employs. Similarly, companies which do not
pay taxes or fail to take note of their social responsibility are
unprofessional. Unfortunately, most of us want to be 'yes-men',
accepting orders from above which may or may not be right.
The moment we do something, which we believe is
wrong, we are not professional, no matter how many
degrees we may have. These are some of the things that
we can follow for achieving the elusive professionalism
in our life.

It is usually believed that family owned businesses are

not professional enough but, ironically, some family
owned businesses are more professional when compared
to those, which are managed by qualified people.

Professionalism is an attitude towards our work rather

than anything else and it has to be acquired over a period
of time. It is also the only way to survive in today's
Professionalism is actually is the process given occupation
become profession in the sense of attaining professional
The expertness characteristic of a professional person



Altruistic: Showing Unselfish Concern for the
Welfare of others.
Accountability: Responsibility and Reliability.
1. Knowledgeable
2. Skilful
3. Competency To Retrieve and þandle Information
4. Appropriate decision Making skill.
5. Competency Skills in communication
V The quality Of Being þonest.
V Mora Soundness.
V Undivided or Unbroken.

V Appreciation of role.
V Aptitude Èor personal development.

Respect to Other
V Professionalism in Business
V þealth and þygiene.
V Personal Image- Èirst impressions Really Count.
V Appearance and Dress.
V Etiquette and Manners.

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A Èamily Entrepreneurship is defined in
terms of:
VOwnership Control By Èamily
VConcern Èor family Relationship.
VStrategic Influence Of a family in the
Management Of the firm.
VThe Dream Of Continuity Across
Degree Of Open Mindedness

DProfessional are open minded, respective to new

ideas, ready to experiment.
DWhile Èamily entrepreneurs generally lack this.
DWhile there is lack of this attitude in family
D‰uality certification and participative Management
DChange in working Style, Èinancing Pattern.
DProfessional are always Leaders adopting them
experimenting with them.
DWhile there is lack of this attitude in family


D Professionals do not show partiality towards any
particular gender.
D But family business houses employ their relative or
friends or people belonging to same social caste is
responsible position.

DProfessional tends to make decision in the way which
is the best for organization.
DBut family Entrepreneurial firm¶s gives first priority
to there familiar concern & Interests.

DThe Decision making process in professional run
DTends to be qualitative better & vision to be broader.
DIt is mostly Participative.
DWhile in family run Businesses is more autocratic in
Dþere is Mostly owner Entrepreneur himself or
herself, who makes the decision Some times help of
his family members or friends.

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