Role of Professionals
Role of Professionals
Role of Professionals
V Everyone wants to become a "professional" these days
or to work in a professionally managed organization.
While being professional may be a virtue, what exactly
is implied by being a professional is often found lacking
in individuals and companies.
V In fact, some family owned companies have higher
professional standards than our so-called professionally
managed companies. Many people still think that one
can become a professional simply by acquiring a degree
and many companies have the mistaken belief that they
can claim to be professional by hiring a certain number
of MBAs and CAs.
V Among the meanings of the word 'professional' in
the dictionary, there are two, which are connected
with the way we work. One is something that is
related to a job or profession. The other means well
trained, or a person who is good at one's work. To be
a professional, therefore, implies that a person is
good in his job and can be depended upon. Clearly,
it is easy to be a professional in the first sense.
The way we make our decisions also shows how professional we
are. Usually, we go by our whims and intuition and fail to
analyze the situation. When we look around ourselves, we find
the consequences of such decisions. Companies which had
diversified without taking into account ground realities have
come to grief: a pharmaceutical company which entered the
cosmetics industry, an engineering company which diversified
into shipping, and so on.
Multinational companies too made this mistake and
entered the country thinking that they could sell
overpriced products to our huge middle class, but only to
come to grief. There were few buyers for their products
showing that their decisions had been made out of wishful
thinking rather than scientific principles.
þow we communicate also shows how professional wear.
Do we take care to explain something to our customers,
subordinates or superiors?
EXAMPLE:A doctor who explains a point to a worried
patient is much better than one who simply writes out a
prescription. The end result of both doctors is the same,
but one reduces worry while the other causes unnecessary
tension. To a sick person, that makes a lot of difference.
Èinally, our attitude gets reflected in the job that we do. Does it
reflect our care and ability? Or are we content in doing a half-
baked job hoping that someone else will correct our mistakes?
A journalist can give a story full of mistakes and these will no
doubt be corrected at the proofing stage. But professionalism
demands that all mistakes are removed by the person himself,
without depending on anyone else. It also means keeping an eye
for details, however minute they may be.
V Appreciation of role.
V Aptitude Èor personal development.
Respect to Other
V Professionalism in Business
V þealth and þygiene.
V Personal Image- Èirst impressions Really Count.
V Appearance and Dress.
V Etiquette and Manners.
D Professionals do not show partiality towards any
particular gender.
D But family business houses employ their relative or
friends or people belonging to same social caste is
responsible position.
DProfessional tends to make decision in the way which
is the best for organization.
DBut family Entrepreneurial firm¶s gives first priority
to there familiar concern & Interests.
DThe Decision making process in professional run
DTends to be qualitative better & vision to be broader.
DIt is mostly Participative.
DWhile in family run Businesses is more autocratic in
Dþere is Mostly owner Entrepreneur himself or
herself, who makes the decision Some times help of
his family members or friends.