Chapter Four Java Threads

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Chapter Four

Java Threads

1. What is a thread ?

2. Define and launch a thread

3. The life-cycle of a thread

4. interrupt a thread

5. thread synchronization

6. other issues
What is a thread ?
 A sequential (or single-threaded) program is one that, when
executed, has only one single flow of control.
i.e., at any time instant, there is at most only one instruction (or statement or
execution point) that is being executed in the program.
 A multi-threaded program is one that can have multiple flows of
control when executed.
At some time instance, there may exist multiple instructions or execution
points) that are being executed in the program
Ex: in a Web browser we may do the following tasks at the same time:
1. scroll a page,
2. download an applet or image,
3. play sound,
4 print a page.
 A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program.
single-threaded vs multithreaded programs

{ A();
{ A(); A1(); A2(); A3(); newThreads {
B1(); B2(); } { A1(); A2(); A3() };
{B1(); B2() }
Thread ecology in a java program

started by java from main(String[])

started by main thread

started by B thread

lifetime of C thread
2. Define and launch a java thread
Each Java Run time thread is encapsulated in a java.lang.Thread instance.

Two ways to define a thread:

1. Extend the Thread class

2. Implement the Runnable interface :

package java.lang;
public interface Runnable { public void run() ; }

Steps for extending the Thread class:

1. Subclass the Thread class;

2. Override the default Thread method run(), which is the entry point of the thread, like the
main(String[]) method in a java program.
Define a thread
// Example:
public class Print2Console extends Thread {
public void run() { // run() is to a thread what main() is to a java program
for (int b = -128; b < 128; b++) out.println(b); }
… // additional methods, fields …
Implement the Runnable interface if you need a parent class:
// by extending JTextArea we can reuse all existing code of JTextArea
public class Print2GUI extend JTextArea implement Runnable {
public void run() {
for (int b = -128; b < 128; b++) append( Integer.toString(b) + “\n” ); }
How to launch a thread

1. create an instance of [ a subclass of ] of Thread, say thread.

1. Thread thread = new Print2Console();
2. Thread thread = new Thread( new Print2GUI( .. ) );
2. call its start() method, thread.start();. // note: not call run() !!
Printer2Console t1 = new Print2Console(); // t1 is a thread instance !
t1.start() ; // this will start a new thread, which begins its execution by calling
… // parent thread continue immediately here without waiting for the child thread to complete
its execution. cf:;
Print2GUI jtext = new Print2GUI();
Thread t2 = new Thread( jtext);

The java.lang.Thread constructors
// Public Constructors
 Thread([ ThreadGroup group,] [ Runnable target, ]
[ String name ] );
Instances :
Thread(Runnable target);
Thread(Runnable target, String name);
Thread(String name);
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target);
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name);
Thread(ThreadGroup group, String name);

// name is a string used to identify the thread instance

// group is the thread group to which this thread belongs.
Some thread property access methods
 int getID() // every thread has a unique ID, since jdk1.5
 String getName(); setName(String)
// get/set the name of the thread
 ThreadGroup getThreadGroup();
 int getPriority() ; setPriority(int) // thread has priority in [0, 31]
 Thread.State getState() // return current state of this thread
 boolean isAlive()
Tests if this thread has been started and has not yet died. . 
 boolean isDaemon()
Tests if this thread is a daemon thread. 
 boolean isInterrupted()
Tests whether this thread has been interrupted.
State methods for current thread accesses
 static Thread currentThread()
 Returns a reference to the currently executing thread object.
 static boolean holdsLock(Object obj)
 Returns true if and only if the current thread holds the monitor lock on the
specified object.
 static boolean interrupted()
 Tests whether the current thread has been interrupted.
 static void sleep( [ long millis [, int nanos ]] )
 Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (cease execution) for the
specified time.
 static void yield()
 Causes the currently executing thread object to temporarily pause and allow
other threads to execute.
An example
public class SimpleThread extends Thread {
public SimpleThread(String str) { super(str); }
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
System.out.println(i + " " + getName());
try { // at this point, current thread is ‘this’.
Thread.sleep((long)(Math.random() * 1000));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
System.out.println("DONE! " + getName());
} }
main program
public class TwoThreadsTest {
public static void main (String[] args) {
new SimpleThread(“Thread1").start();
new SimpleThread(“Thread2").start(); }}
possible output:
0 Thread1 5 Thread1 DONE! Thread2
0 Thread2 5 Thread2 9 Thread1
1 Thread2 6 Thread2 DONE! Thread1
1 Thread1 6 Thread1
2 Thread1 7 Thread1
2 Thread2 7 Thread2
3 Thread2 8 Thread2
3 Thread1 9 Thread2
4 Thread1 8 Thread1
4 Thread2
3. The Life Cycle of a Java Thread
New  ( Runnable  blocked/waiting ) *  Runnable  dead(terminated)
 sleep(long ms [,int ns])
// sleep (ms + ns x 10–3) milliseconds and then continue
 [ IO ] blocked by synchronized method/block
 synchronized( obj ) { … } // synchronized statement
 synchronized m(… ) { … } // synchronized method
 // return to runnable if IO complete
 obj.wait()
// retrun to runnable by obj.notify() or obj.notifyAll()
 join(long ms [,int ns])
// Waits at most ms milliseconds plus ns nanoseconds for this
thread to die.
3. The states(life cycle) of a thread (java 1.5)

public class Thread { .. // enum in 1.5 is a special class for finite type.

public static enum State { //use Thread.State for referring to this nested class

NEW, // after new Thread(), but before start().

RUNNABLE, // after start(), when running or ready

BLOCKED, // blocked by monitor lock

// blocked by a synchronized method/block

WAITING, // waiting for to be notified; no time out set

// wait(), join()

TIMED_WAITING, // waiting for to be notified; time out set

// sleep(time), wait(time), join(time)

TERMINATED // complete execution or after stop()


The life cycle of a Java thread
get the lock blocked/waiting

start() resume()
new Thread(…)
not-running thread t terminates
(ready) sleep done
o.notify(), o.notifyAll()
(set bit) interrupt()
yield(), or
preempty scheduled
by OS (throw exception)
by OS

running t.join()
terminated suspend()
run() exits
blocked by lock
normally or
State transition methods for Thread
 public synchronized native void start() {
 start a thread by calling its run() method … Note: When we call
 It is illegal to start a thread more than once } t.join(), we in fact use
current thread's time to
 public final void join( [long ms [, int ns]]); execute code of t thread
 Let current thread wait for receiver thread to die for at most ms+ns time
 static void yield() // callable by current thread only
 Causes the currently executing thread object to temporarily pause and allow other
threads to execute.
 public final void resume(); // deprecated
 public final void suspend();// deprecatedmay lead to deadlock
 public final void stop(); // deprecated  lead to inconsistency
// state checking
 public boolean isAlive() ; // true if runnable or blocked
4. interrupting threads
 A blocking/waiting call (sleep(),wait() or join()) to a thread t can be terminated by an
InterruptedException thrown by invoking t.interrupt().
 this provides an alternative way to leave the blocked state.
 however, the control flow is different from the normal case.
Ex: public void run() {
try { … while (more work to do) { // Normal sleep() exit continue here

do some work;
sleep( … ); // give another thread a chance to work
catch (InterruptedException e) { // if waked-up by interrupt() then continue here
… // thread interrupted during sleep or wait }
 Note: the interrupt() method will not throw an InterruptedException if the thread
is not blocked/waiting. In such case the thread needs to call the static
interrupted() method to find out if it was recently interrupted. So we should
rewrite the while loop by

while ( ! interrupted() && moreWorkToDo() ) { … }

interrupt-related methods
 void interrupt()
 send an Interrupt request to a thread.
 the “interrupted” status of the thread is set to true.
 if the thread is blocked by sleep(), wait() or join(), the The interrupted status
of the thread is cleared and an InterruptedException is thrown.
 conclusion: runnable ==> “interrupted” bit set but no Exception thrown.
 not runnable ==> Exception thrown but “interrupted” bit not set
 static boolean interrupted() // destructive query
 Tests whether the current thread (self) has been interrupted.
 reset the “interrupted” status to false.
 boolean isInterrupted() // non-destructive query
 Tests whether this thread has been interrupted without changing the
“interrupted” status.
 may be used to query current executing thread or another non-executing
thread. e.g. if( t1.isInterrupted() | Thread.currentThread()...) …
5. Thread synchronization

 Problem with any multithreaded Java program :

 Two or more Thread objects access the same pieces of data.

 too little or no synchronization ==> there is inconsistency, loss or

corruption of data.

 too much synchronization ==> deadlock or system frozen.

 In between there is unfair processing where several threads can

starve another one hogging all resources between themselves.
Multithreading may incur inconsistency : an Example
Two concurrent deposits of 50 into an account with 0 initial balance.:
void deposit(int amount) {
int x = account.getBalance();
x += amount;
account.setBalance(x); }
 deposit(50) : // deposit 1
x = account.getBalance() //1  deposit(50) : // deposit 2
x += 50; //2 x = account.getBalance() //4
account.setBalance(x) //3 x += 50; //5
The execution sequence: account.setBalance(x) //6
1,4,2,5,3,6 will result in unwanted result !!
Final balance is 50 instead of 100!!
Synchronized methods and statements
 multithreading can lead to racing hazards where different orders of
interleaving produce different results of computation.
 Order of interleaving is generally unpredictable and is not determined by the
 Java’s synchronized method (as well as synchronized statement)
can prevent its body from being interleaved by relevant methods.
 synchronized( obj ) { … } // synchronized statement with obj as lock
 synchronized … m(… ) {… } //synchronized method with this as lock
 When one thread executes (the body of) a synchronized method/statement,
all other threads are excluded from executing any synchronized method with
the same object as lock.
Synchronizing threads
 Java use the monitor concept to achieve mutual exclusion and
synchronization between threads.
 Synchronized methods /statements guarantee mutual exclusion.
 Mutual exclusion may cause a thread to be unable to complete its task. So
monitor allow a thread to wait until state change and then continue its work.
 wait(), notify() and notifyAll() control the synchronization of threads.
 Allow one thread to wait for a condition (logical state) and another to set it
and then notify waiting threads.
 condition variables => instance boolean variables
 wait => wait();
 notifying => notify(); notifyAll();
Typical usage
synchronized void doWhenCondition() {
while ( !condition )
wait(); // wait until someone notifies us of changes in condition
… // do what needs to be done when condition is true
synchronized void changeCondition {
// change some values used in condition test
notify(); // Let waiting threads know something changed
Note: A method may serve both roles; it may need some condition to
occur to do something and its action my cause condition to change.
Java's Monitor Model
• A monitor is a collection of code (called the critical section) associated with an
object (called the lock) such that at any time instant only one thread at most can
has its execution point located in the critical section associated with the
lock(mutual exclusion).
• Java allows any object to be the lock of a monitor.
• The critical section of a monitor controlled by an object e [of class C ] comprises
the following sections of code:
• The body of all synchronized methods m() callable by e, that is, all synchronized methods
m(…) defined in C or super classes of C.
• The body of all synchronized statements with e as target:
synchronized(e) { … }. // critical section is determined by the lock object e
 A thread enters the critical section of a monitor by invoking e.m() or executing a
synchronized statement. However, before it can run the method/statement, it must
first own the lock e and will need to wait until the lock is free if it cannot get the
lock. A thread owing a lock will release the lock automatically once it exit the critical
Java's Monitor model (cintinued)
 A thread executing in a monitor may encounter condition in which it
cannot continue but still does not want to exit. In such case, it can
call the method e.wait() to enter the waiting list of the monitor.
 A thread entering waiting list will release the lock so that other
outside threads have chance to get the lock.
 A thread changing the monitor state should call e.notify() or
e.notifyAll() to have one or all threads in the waiting list to compete
with other outside threads for getting the lock to continue execution.
 Note: A static method m() in class C can also be synchronized. In
such case it belongs to the monitor whose lock object is C.class.
Java's monitor model (continued)

synchronized(e) { B4 }

e.m1() {B1}
e.wait() // cannot continue and
don't want return
Monitor controlled
by an object e
e.m2() {B2} With critical Waiting list
section for Threads
B1 U B2…U B5

e.m3(){B3} e.notify|notifyAll()
// notified by current monitor
executor if it changes state
synchronized(e) { B5 }
• Note since a section of code may belong to multiple monitors, it is possible that
two threads reside at the same code region belonging to two different
Producer/Consumer Problem
 Two threads: producer and consumer, one monitor: CubbyHole
 The Producer :
 generates a pair of integers between 0 and 9 (inclusive), stores it in a
CubbyHole object, and prints the sum of each generated pair.
 sleeps for a random amount of time between 0 and 100 milliseconds before
repeating the number generating cycle:
 The Consumer,
 consumes all pairs of integers from the CubbyHole as quickly as they
become available.
public class Producer extends Thread {
private CubbyHole cubbyhole; private int id;
public Producer(CubbyHole c, int id) {
cubbyhole = c; = id; }
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for(int j =0; j < 10; j++ ) {
cubbyhole.put(i, j);
System.out.println("Producer #" + + " put: ("+i +","+j + ").");
try { sleep((int)(Math.random() * 100)); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { }
public class Consumer extends Thread {
private CubbyHole cubbyhole;
private int id;

public Consumer(CubbyHole c, int id) {

cubbyhole = c; = id; }

public void run() {

int value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
value = cubbyhole.get();
System.out.println("Consumer #" +
+ " got: " + value);
} }}
CubbyHole without mutual exclusion
public class CubbyHole { private int x,y;
public synchronized int get() { return x+y; }
public synchronized void put(int i, int j) {x= i; y = j } }
Problem : data inconsistency for some possible execution sequence
 Suppose after put(1,9) the data is correct , i.e., (x,y) = (1,9)
 And then two method calls get() and put(2,0) try to access CubbyHole
concurrently => possible inconsistent result:
 (1,9)  get() { return x + y ; }  { return 1 + y ; }
 (1,9)  put(2,0) {x = 2; y = 0;}  (x,y) = (2,0)
 (2,0)  get() { return 1 + y ;}  return 1 + 0 = return 1 (instead of 10!)
 By marking get() and put() as synchronized method, the inconsistent result
cannot occur since, by definition, when either method is in execution by one
thread, no other thread can execute any synchronized method with this
CubbyHole object as lock.
The CubbyHole
CubbyHole without synchronization
public class CubbyHole {
private int x,y;
public synchronized int get() { return x+y; }
public synchronized void put(int i, int j) { x= i ; y = j; }
1. Consumer quicker than Producer : some data got more than once.
2. producer quicker than consumer: some put data not used by consumer.
ex: Producer #1 put: (0,4) Consumer #1 got: 3
Consumer #1 got: 4 Producer #1 put: (0,4)
Consumer #1 got: 4 Producer #1 put: (0,5)
Producer #1 put: (0,5) Consumer #1 got: 5
Another CubbyHole implementation (still incorrect!)
pubic class CubbyHole { int x,y; boolean available = false;
public synchronized int get() { // won't work!
if (available == true) {
available = false; return x+y;
} } // compilation error!! must return a value in any case!!
public synchronized void put(int a, int b) { // won't work!
if (available == false) {
available = true; x=a;y=b;
} }} // but how about the case that availeable == true ?
 put(..); get(); get(); // 2nd get() must return something!
 put(..);put(..); // 2nd put() has no effect!
public class CubbyHole {
private int x,y; private boolean available = false; // condition var
public synchronized int get() {
while (available == false) {
try { this.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }
available = false; // enforce consumers to wait again.
notifyAll(); // notify all producer/consumer to compete for execution!
// use notify() if just wanting to wakeup one waiting thread!
return x+y; }
public synchronized void put(int a, int b) {
while (available == true) {
try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }
x= a; y = b;
available = true; // wake up waiting consumer/producer to continue
notifyAll(); // or notify(); }}
The main class
public class ProducerConsumerTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CubbyHole c = new CubbyHole();
Producer p1 = new Producer(c, 1);
Consumer c1 = new Consumer(c, 1);
} }
Other issues
 Thread priorities
 public final int getPriority();
 public final void setPriority();
 get/set priority bttween MIN_PRIORITY and MAX_PRIORITY
 default priority : NORMAL_PRIORITY
 Daemon threads:
 isDaemon(), setDaemon(boolean)
 A Daemon thread is one that exists for service of other threads.
 The JVM exits if all threads in it are Daemon threads.
 setDaemon(.) must be called before the thread is started.
 public static boolean holdsLock(Object obj)
 check if this thread holds the lock on obj.
 ex: synchronized( e ) { Thread.holdLock(e) ? true:false // is true … }
Thread Groups
 Every Java thread is a member of a thread group.
 Thread groups provide a mechanism for collecting multiple threads
into a single object and manipulating those threads all at once, rather
than individually.
 When creating a thread,
 let the runtime system put the new thread in some reasonable default group (
the current thread group) or
 explicitly set the new thread's group.
 you cannot move a thread to a new group after the thread has been
 when launched, main program thread belongs to main thread group.
Creating a Thread Explicitly in a Group
public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable runnable)
public Thread(ThreadGroup group, String name)
public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable runnable, String name)

ThreadGroup myThreadGroup = new ThreadGroup(

"My Group of Threads");
Thread myThread = new Thread(myThreadGroup,
"a thread for my group");
 Getting a Thread's Group
theGroup = myThread.getThreadGroup();
The ThreadGroup Class
Collection Management Methods:
public class EnumerateTest {
public void listCurrentThreads() {
ThreadGroup currentGroup =
int numThreads = currentGroup.activeCount();
Thread[] listOfThreads = new Thread[numThreads];

for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
System.out.println("Thread #" + i + " = " +
Methods that Operate on the ThreadGroup
 getMaxPriority(), setMaxPriority(int)
 isDaemon(), setDaemon(boolean)
 A Daemon thread group is one that destroys itself when its last thread/group
is destroyed.
 getName() // name of the thread
 getParent() and parentOf(ThreadGroup) // boolean
 toString()
 activeCount(), activeGroupCount()
 // # of active descendent threads, and groups

 suspend(); //deprecated; suspend all threads in this group.

 resume();
 stop();
A candidate Main class
package jp.exercise;

public class Main {

public static void main(Sting[] args) {

Thread a = new ThreadA();

Thread b = new ThreadB();

a.setPartner(b); a.start(); b.start();

try{ System.out.println(“type any key to terminate:”);;

}catch ( Exception e) { }


try{ a.join(); } catch(Exception e){ }

} }

Note: You may change the content of Main if it does not meet your need.

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