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Member : 1. Benedictus Maengkom

2. Muhammad
Who is Ki Hajar
Dewantara ?
• Raden Mas Soewardi
Soerjaningrat or better
known as Ki Hadjar
Dewantara was the founder
of Perguruan Taman Siswa,
an educational institution
that provided opportunities
for common natives to
obtain educational rights
like priyayi and Dutch
• Ki Hadjar Dewantara was born
in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889
under the name Raden Mas
Soewardi Soeryaningrat. Ki
Hajar Dewantara grew up in the
Yogyakarta palace family.
When he was 40 years old
according to the Caka Year
count, Raden Mas Soewardi
Soeryaningrat changed his
name to Ki Hadjar Dewantara.
Since then, Ki Hadjar
Dewantara no longer uses the
title of nobility in front of his
• Ki Hadjar Dewantara then
worked as a journalist for
several newspapers including
Sedyotomo, Midden Java, De
Express, Oetoesan Hindia,
Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer
and Poesara. In his time, Ki
Hadjar Dewantara was known
as a reliable writer. His writings
are very communicative, sharp
and patriotic so that they can
evoke anti-colonial spirit for
their readers.
• Apart from working as a young
journalist, Ki Hadjar Dewantara is also
active in various social and political
organizations. In 1908, Ki Hadjar
Dewantara was active in the
propaganda section of Boedi Oetomo to
socialize and raise awareness of the
Indonesian people at that time about the
importance of unity and integrity in the
nation and state. Then, together with
Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja
Setyabudhi) and dr. Cipto
Mangoenkoesoemo who would later be
known as the Triumvirate, Ki Hadjar
Dewantara founded the Indische Partij
(the first political party with Indonesian
nationalism) on December 25, 1912,
which aimed to achieve an independent
• President Soekarno trusted Ki Hadjar
Dewantara to become the first Minister
of Education, Teaching and Culture.
Through this position, Ki Hadjar
Dewantara is increasingly free to
improve the quality of education in
Indonesia. In 1957, Ki Hadjar
Dewantara received an Honori Klausa
Doctorate from Gajah Mada University.

• Two years after receiving the title of

Doctor Honoris Causa, on April 28,
1959, Ki Hadjar Dewantara died in
Yogyakarta and was buried there. Now,
the name Ki Hadjar Dewantara is not
only immortalized as a figure and hero
of education (the father of National
Education) whose birth date is May 2 as
National Education day, but is also
designated as the Hero of the National
Thank you for your attention

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