COMPX310-19A Machine Learning Chapter 7: Ensembles, Random Forest

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Machine Learning
Chapter 7: Ensembles, Random Forest
An introduction using Python, Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensorflow

Unless otherwise indicated, all images are from Hands-on Machine Learning with
Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow by Aurélien Géron, Copyright © 2019 O’Reilly Media
 Combining two or more classifiers for better results
 Many different ways of doing this, we’ll only cover a few:
 Bagging
 Random Forest
 Boosting
 XGBoost
 Stacking

 Ensembles reduce variance and/or bias

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Diverse classifiers

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Voting diverse classifiers
 A (majority) vote can produce a classifier better than the single
best one
 We want classifiers that are:
 As good as possible by themselves
 As independent from all others as possible
 This is a bit of a conendrum:
 Perfect classifiers would be identical, that is perfectly correlated

 “Weak classifier”: better than chance, but not brilliant

 Ensembling can turn “weak” classifiers into “strong” ones

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Voting diverse classifiers

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Voting diverse classifiers
 Majority count == ‘hard’ voting
 Averaging probabilities == ‘soft’ voting
 Law of large numbers: 1000 classifiers with 51% acc => 75% acc

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SciKit-Learn Voting classifier

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SciKit-Learn Voting classifier

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Bagging and Pasting
 What if we only want to use one type of classifier, e.g. trees?
 Subsample the training data:
 With replacement => Bagging (bootstrap aggregation)
 Without replacement => Pasting

 Scales very well, because it is ”embarrassingly parallel”:

 All trees can be trained in parallal (multi-core or distributed)
 All trees can predict in parallel (but predictions must be fused)

 Bagging much more popular, but Pasting is very useful for

extremely large datasets: split into disjoint subsets and process
on separate machines

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Bagging and Pasting

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SciKit-Learn Bagging

 Does soft voting automatically, if the base classifier has a

predict_proba method.
 n_jobs=-1 means ‘use all cores’

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Smooth decision boundary
 One decision tree on the Moons dataset, versus Bagging of 500

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Out-of-bag evaluation
 Every sample/subset is called a bag.
 Because of replacements, there will be multiple copies of some
training examples in a bag, while others will not appear at all.
 On average, a bag has about 67% unique samples.
 In other words, e.g. when Bagging 1000 trees, then on average
any single example will be part of about 670 bags, but be left out
of the remaining 330 bags.
 => We can collect predictions for this example from these 330
trees, and average, and compute accuracies, F1, and similar
 This is almost like having a validation set for free 

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OOB in Scikit-Learn

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Random Patches/Subspaces
We can also subsample the features, not just the examples

Max_features parameter in the BaggingClassifier:

each base classifier will be trained on a different feature set

Random subspace:
only sample features, not examples (so this is NOT bagging)

Random patches:
sample both examples + features

Both increase diversity of the base classifiers

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Random Forest
 Genius idea that combines Bagging with Feature randomization
inside the decision tree:
 For every split in the tree:
 Randomly select a feature subset
 Choose the best split from this subset

 Has many options (union of Tree and Bagging options), but

often defaults work really well, provided enough trees are
generated (100s to 1000s)
 => perfect simple ‘off-the-shelf’ learning algorithm
 RandomForestClassifier + RandomForestRegressor

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Scikit-Learn: Random Forest

 Is some what similar to:

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 Extremely Randomized Trees ensemble:
 Do not search for the best splitting threshold for numeric
attributes, instead choose one at random
 Much more random, but also much faster to train
 May or may not perform better than a Random Forest, but usually
need many more ensemble members

 Scikit-Learn:
 ExtraTreesClassifier and ExtraTreesRegressor
 Same options/API as the RandomForest C+R

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Feature Importance
 Built into the Random Forest code:
 Measure how much a selected attribute improves Gini purity on
average, in a weighted way; results are scaled to sum to 1.0:

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Feature Importance: MNIST
 Case study using the digits image classification problem:

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 Pasting vs. Cross-validation?
 CV is usually stratified, and “exhaustive”

 Pasting batch sizes?

 No replacement, so have to be SMALLER
 Bagging can do any size, default is same as training set: m

 Pasting vs. Bagging:

 Smaller dataset => bag, very large ones => paste

 Feature sampling: replacement (usually) makes no sense

 Random patches vs. random subspaces:
 Use subspace for “few examples, many features” datasets
 Use patches for “many examples, many features” datasets

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 Why does voting help?

 Three models with 60% accuracy each, 8 possible prediction cases:

 c/0.6 c/0.6 c/0.6 => correct, 0.216

 c/0.6 c/0.6 w/0.4 => correct, 0.144
 c/0.6 w/0.4 c/0.6 => correct, 0.144
 c/0.6 w/0.4 w/0.4 => wrong, 0.096
 w/0.4 c/0.6 c/0.6 => correct, 0.144
 w/0.4 c/0.6 w/0.4 => wrong, 0.144
 w/0.4 w/0.4 c/0.6 => wrong, 0.096
 w/0.4 w/0.4 w/0.4 => wrong, 0.064

 Ensemble voting total probabilities:

 Correct: 0.216 + 0.144 + 0.144 + 0.144 => 0.648, or 64.8% accuracy

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 Hard vs. soft voting:

 3 models and their predicted probabilities for a hypothetical example:

 M1: 0.95, 0.05

 M2: 0.45, 0.55
 M3: 0.40, 0.60

 Hard voting: Class 2 ( 1:2 vote)

 Soft voting: average:

 Sums: 1.8 vs. 1.2, normalize:
 0.6, 0.4 => Class 1

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 Sampling with replacement: sample 100 times from [0,100)
 Summary stats:
 missing: 36
 Once: 37
 Twice: 20
 3 times: 5
 4 times: 2

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 Another way for improving a ‘weak’ classifier
 Train a series of classifiers one after to other, always trying to
correct for the mistakes of the previous ones
 Training is inherently sequential 
 Two main ways:
 AdaBoost
 Gradient Boosting

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 Adaptive Boosting:
 Increase the weight of mis-classified examples
 Decrease the weight of correctly classified examples
 Better base classifiers get a higher weight
 Every single base classifier should be non-perfect (why?)

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AdaBoost example
 Moons dataset, SVM with RBF kernel is being boosted:

03/08/2021 COMPX310 27
AdaBoost MATHS

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AdaBoost MATHS 2

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Scikit-Learn AdaBoost
 Uses a version that also works for multi-class problems, and can
also utilize probabilities
 A tree with max_depth=1 is called a Decision Stump
 If AdaBoost overfits (which it easily can), use fewer iterations, a
lower learning rate, or more regularization of the base classifier

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Gradient Boosting
 Don’t modify the weight, try to directly correct the remaining
error, the ‘residual’
 3 step ‘manual’ regression example (easier to follow):

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How many base classifiers?
 Generally: the more, the lower the learning rate should be
 How many: similar to gradient descent: early stopping

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Use validation to find right #
 Use ‘staged_predict’ to get predictions for every prefix of the
ensemble: 1 tree, 2 trees, 3 trees, …
 Find smallest validation error, and retrain to best size

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Result plot

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Manual early stopping

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Tedious, use better impl
 3 industry strength implementations (including GPU support):
 XGBoost (open source)
 LightGBM (Microsoft Azure)
 CatBoost (Yandex)

 Useful builtin features, like early stopping, feature sampling, …

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 Smarter variant of voting: replace voting by a learner (aka
blender, or meta-learner)

NOT builtin , either
- program Yourself or
- find 3rd party lib

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How to train the Blender?
 Split train into 2 parts: first to train base level, 2nd to train blender

03/08/2021 COMPX310 39
Training the Blender
 Get predictions for 2nd part from base, use to train the Blender

03/08/2021 COMPX310 40
Multiple Blenders blended
 “Going crazy”: three levels => needs 3 subsets

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