Geographical Information System (GIS) in Jalandhar City As A Tool of Network Analysis
Geographical Information System (GIS) in Jalandhar City As A Tool of Network Analysis
Geographical Information System (GIS) in Jalandhar City As A Tool of Network Analysis
6, June 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
Abstract— Jalandhar City's Road Network Analysis junctions, and sewer and A GIS feature called network
is conducted to evaluate the roadways network using analysis was used to calculate the time required for
the Geographic Information System and remote emergency vehicles to move from fire stations to
sensing. Using sophisticated technology, i.e. RS & distinct regions of the city. A significant
GIS, Roadways network assessment has now become implementation of network assessment is discovered
prevalent practice in many fields of implementation in in transport planning, where the problem could be to
these environments. But the network of roadways, discover routes that correspond to certain
which is one of the spatial characteristics and is to be, requirements, such as finding the shortest or least cost
analysed extensively using GIS. The primary issue in route between two or more places, or to discover all
the assessment of the roadways network is the places within the given travel price from a defined
analysing and measuring the services (like as Schools, source. A GIS is traditionally representing the actual
Hospitals and Fire Stations) efficiency in terms of world in either one of two spatial models, vector-
timing and distance covered by the vehicle. GIS can based, i.e. points, rows and polygons, or raster-based,
assist in the storage, manipulation and analysis of a i.e. constant grid ground cells. This research will
city's physical, social and economic information. GIS explore the topic of network assessment in both the
spatial query and mapping features can then be used GIS raster and vector, to compare the two models of
by planners to analyse the current scenario in the space. Network analysis is helpful for organizations
urban traffic network evaluation of Jalandhar City in managing or using networked equipment such as
terms of their basic services for police department and utilities, transmission and transportation systems. It is
many other departments also. Not only can the also possible to apply network analysis to retail store
methodology be used on a straightforward street planning. Settling driving times, for example, can help
network assessment, it can also support multi-edge determine retail store trade regions. Reducing driving
sources in modelling complicated multimodal times, for example, can help to determine the
networks. The following duties are covered by the scheduling of retail stores. Settling driving times, for
studies and assessments: Select and develop the example, can help determine retail store trade regions.
source workspace, identify the sources and their The network therefore offers the motion of
position in the network, model the connectivity, define individuals and products, the provision of facilities,
characteristics and determine their values. It also the flow of services and data. Network tracking,
outlined the following analyses: find the best path, network routing and network allocation are three main
find the nearest facility, find the service area and kinds of network assessment. A complicated topology
create the O-D cost matrix. that involves links, nodes, turns (e.g. through turn
tables), paths (e.g. through dynamic segmentation)
Keywords—GIS, Road Network analysis, Route and terminal path changes can illustrate the traffic
Analysis and Service Areas. network. Some of the networks are fully
interconnected (e.g., on the same highway, cars,
I. INTRODUCTION busses, bicycles and pedestrians), some are only
A network is a liner function scheme with the partially interconnected.
proper for object flow. A is an This analyst's network used was stored as a
interconnected elements scheme, such as
network linking network dataset. From the sources participating in the
point‘s lines. Examples of networks network, a network dataset was developed. It includes
city-connected roads, interconnected streets at road sophisticated models of connectivity representing
complicated situations, such as multimodal transport
Manuscript revised June 5, 2019 and published on July 10, 2019 networks. It also has a wealthy attribute model for the
Harcharan Singh, AITP, Urban Planner & GIS Expert, Alumni of network that helps model impedances, limitations, and
GRD School of Planning, GNDU, Amritsar.
[email protected] hierarchy. The network dataset was constructed using
Sachin Suryawanshi, GIS Expert, Alumni, University of Pune, simple features (lines and points) and turns.
[email protected]
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.76201909 29
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.6, June 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.76201909 30
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.6, June 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
Collection &
Preparation of Data
Road Networking
Create Topology
Test Topology
in GIS
Software &
Add Data
Network Analysis
It should be Digitize with a defined zoom level, so boundary, from this City Boundary was extracted.
all the features can be digitized in number of layers. The line feature represents the Transport Network
In next phase the ground control points had taken of of Jalandhar City. By using the Jalandhar City
every Area of Interest (AOI) on the known roads / boundary, the road line feature were clipped and
important places for georeferencing. If there is saved with a different name, so it shows only the
another registered image then image to image Road Network which comes within the Jalandhar
registration should be performed. City boundary as shown in Flow chart no. 1.
And if the administrative boundary is there, then it Methodology of Network Analysis. In figure 2, it
should clip the selected area according to basically shows the geospatial location of Schools
administrative boundary. In GIS software, it is in Jalandhar city with the help of point location and
possible to extract the region of interest (ROI). This in figure 3, it mainly shows the location of
ROI consist two types of features the first one is Hospitals in Jalandhar and in figure 4, it mainly
polygon feature and second one is line feature. The shows the locations of Fire stations in Jalandhar.
polygon feature represents the Jalandhar City These geospatial locations of the different three
types of
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.76201909 30
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.6, June 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
service area are procured with the help of Google the importance of network analysis technology of
maps for the research purpose only and with the GIS in Jalandhar City. Which have advantage in
help of their analyses on GIS software it basically daily life for Police department and for public also.
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.76201909 30
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.6, June 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.76201909 33
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.6, June 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
Connectivity for the network dataset was developed data having a category Road Type, like 'National
using the GIS Connectivity model in conjunction Highway', 'State Highway', 'District Road' , 'Major
with the elevation field model and for each source City Roads' and ‗sub Roads‘. By using this
of edge and junction, the connectivity policy was classification the selection process was performed.
determined. Special situations, such as bridges, So only those roads are there which is 'National
were also discussed. During network evaluation, Highway', 'State Highway', 'District Road' and
the impedances used and their values were 'Major City Roads', it means the ‗Sub Roads‘ and
determined from the network sources [18]. those roads are having null value are removed. This
process is nothing but Elimination processes all the
C. Creating the Network Dataset function classes that were involved in a network as
The next step is a Road Generalization and Network sources were put in one feature dataset. Fields
dataset as shown in figure 6. These geometric representing network impedance values such as
operations are involved selection, range, travel time, etc. and other network attributes
symbolization, elimination etc. The Road Network
merge, such as one-way, z-elevation, etc [17, 18].
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.76201909 34
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.6, June 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
The network was developed using the new Network locations. For this it is urgent for the police
Dataset wizard by naming the network dataset, department to differentiate the shortest path & Best
identifying network sources, establishing route and choose the one path as according to the
connectivity, identifying elevation information, situation ahead. It has developed after a network
specifying turn sources, defining characteristics dataset has been developed. Building is a technique
(such as expenses, descriptors, limitations, and of setting up network parts, creating connectivity,
hierarchy). It was created after creating a network and assigning values to recognized features. Finally,
dataset. Building is a method of establishing in the Geodatabase, new turn feature class was
network components, establishing connectivity, and created from the context menu in the catalogue. As
assigning values to the characteristics identified. an example, either the path with the least length
Finally, from the context menu in the Catalog in the (shortest route) will be chosen to navigate from one
GIS Software, fresh turn function class was place to another, or the route with the least duration
developed in the Geodatabase [17,18]. of travel (best route) will be chosen based on the
impedance variable you choose to fix (From
Ramamandi, Jalandhar to Patel Chownk Jalandhar).
V. USEFUL FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT In this assessment, the length of the highway was
(TO DIFFERENTIATE THE SHORTEST PATH & selected as the impedance factor, the starting time of
BEST ROUTE) the journey to 5:00 PM, which is the traffic on the
highway network in the Jalandhar City.
It is very useful for the daily services providing by
the police department to the public at different
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.76201909 35
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.6, June 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.76201909 36
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.6, June 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.76201909 37
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.6, June 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
Figure 8: 5 Minutes (Dark in shade) to 10 Minutes (Light in shade) Service areas from the specific Schools and clinics in Jalandhar City.
D. Evaluating Accessibility
By a buffer distance around a point, one easy way to assess accessibility.
Figure 9: Buffer distance along the School location on the both sides (0.4 KM) from the main road.
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.76201909 38
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.6, June 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
For instance, by using an easy circle, find out how many removed by applying topological rules. Now the resultant
clients/service areas are within a site's 5-kilometer radius. network is perfect for the analysis. The analyses will
However, this technique will not represent the real considerably facilitate decision-making processes by offering
accessibility to the site considering individuals traveling by helpful data to motorists, other road users, Public/Semi
major road network. An analyst-computed service networks Public Departments, transportation providers,
can overcome the limit by finding available roads within five stakeholders and the people‘s at large extent. Some of the
kilometres of a site through the GIS based roads network information that can be obtained from the analyses, among
analysis as show in figure 9. The service networks, for others, are like as the best path (the fastest, shortest, or most
instance, acquire what is next to the available roads [17]. picturesque route) to a destination and findings nearest
infrastructure (such as a bus stop, police station, shopping
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E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
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