Brochure 2020

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The word 0916-362-2365
“typhoon” comes
from the Cantonese @Talaveraofficial
word "tai feng."
Municipality of
Talavera, Nueva
The Philippines is one of Ecija
the most prone countries
to typhoons.
Eye Of
Typhoon Haiyan was one of
the largest and strongest The Storm
typhoons ever recorded.

Humans can't control the

weather, but our actions can
Better be safe—and prepared—than sorry.
Rather than doing nothing before a disaster
indirectly influence where happens, take a more proactive approach in
thunderstorms form securing your loved ones and properties.
Take note of what to do before, during, and
Filipinos are known for being resilient in the face of after a typhoon in the Philippines. This way,
storms. It comes with living in a natural disaster- you can reduce the extent of any damage
prone country like the Philippines—we’re so used to caused by a disaster.
dealing with it. Every time a typhoon hits your area,
you’ve got no other choice but to remain strong no
matter how badly you’re affected. Typhoon You can be in the storm, but
preparedness should be the Filipinos’ way of life to
minimize the impact of disasters on lives and don't let
properties. the storm get in you.
The word 0916-362-2365
“typhoon” comes
from the Cantonese @Talaveraofficial
word "tai feng."
Municipality of
Talavera, Nueva
The Philippines is one of Ecija
the most prone countries
to typhoons.
Eye Of
Typhoon Haiyan was one of
the largest and strongest The Storm
typhoons ever recorded.

Humans can't control the

weather, but our actions can
Better be safe—and prepared—than sorry. Rather
than doing nothing before a disaster happens, take
indirectly influence where a more proactive approach in securing your loved
thunderstorms form ones and properties. Take note of what to do
before, during, and after a typhoon in the
Filipinos are known for being resilient in the face of Philippines. This way, you can reduce the extent of
storms. It comes with living in a natural disaster- any damage caused by a disaster.
prone country like the Philippines—we’re so used to
dealing with it. Every time a typhoon hits your area,
you’ve got no other choice but to remain strong no
“You can be in the storm, bu
matter how badly you’re affected. Typhoon
preparedness should be the Filipinos’ way of life to don't let
minimize the impact of disasters on lives and the storm get in you.”
Stay away from downed power lines. When
•Keep yourself updated. With the various media
exposed to water, electric facilities such as
platforms, it is next to impossible to not be updated of power switchboards and power lines could
the supposed typhoon’s movement. Know the cause not only a power outage but also the
evacuation routes not only from your home but from hazard of electric shock.
your work, children’s schools and the places you visit •If no advice to evacuate was announced,
frequently, and print out maps, since you can’t rely on
Google in a disaster. Make sure your phones, portable
then better stay inside your house. Keep
chargers and other devices are fully charged. yourself calm and postpone any scheduled
•Inspect and clean up your house especially your •Keep on monitoring the typhoon’s
drainage system. Check to see if there’s a need to fix •Monitor and update yourself with the progress of the
movement through your television, radio or typhoon through radio, television or the internet
your house such as holes on your roofs, damaged doors,
windows or ceilings. Have them fixed as soon as the internet. (should this be accessible).
possible. Do check as well your drainage system. If •If you see signs of water rising, better turn •Leave the evacuation area only when the authorities
there’s clogging, have them fixed or remove any off the main sources of electricity. Do keep declare that it’s safe to return home.
material that may possibly cause the clogging. your electric-powered items stored in higher •Don’t plug in and use appliances and other electrical
areas and refrain from using them during devices that have been flooded.
•Store ample amount of ready-to-eat foods and water. •If your house was one of the heavily damaged, make
Make sure that the foods and water that you will store is flood.
sure that you heed to the advice of the authorities
adequate enough for you and your family and will last •Wear dry and warm clothes. regarding its safety and stability. If they are uncertain
for few days. Ready-to-eat foods such as canned/packed •Do not wade along flooded areas to keep of your house’s condition, do not go yet. If the house
foods are especially helpful when cooking is no longer
yourself from contacting water-borne didn’t have that much damage, have your house
diseases. If it is inevitable, wear protective inspected and do the needed repairs immediately. Just
•If you have second or third floors or any part in your gears such as raincoats and boots to protect be safe in inspecting your house and avoid scattered
house that is elevated, have your things especially those yourself. debris.
•Watch out for live wires or any electrical outlet that
that generate electricity placed in there. This will keep •If you are told to evacuate, calmly comply
water from coming in contact with these stuffs. may be submerged in water. If you don’t have the
sufficient knowledge on electrical wirings, have a
•If you are advised to evacuate, do so. These people knowledgeable person inspect these wires as well as
who will inform you of the need for evacuation are your appliances before you actually use them again.
more knowledgeable than anyone else. So don’t be •Wear protective gears such as boots. Water-borne
hard-headed, at least not during this time of distress. diseases such as Leptospirosis do not only spread out
during typhoon but also after the typhoon. The
•Always have your emergency kits with you. Your bacteria that cause this disease may still be present in
emergency kit may include first-aid supplies, candles, moist soils or scattered debris and if these contacts
flashlights, life vests and battery-operated radios. with your open wound, the chances of developing
such disease is very much likely.

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