C1 - L4 The Self West and East Thoughts

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March 9

Lesson 4
The Self in Western and
Eastern Thoughts

Lesson Objectives
1. differentiate the concept of self according to Western though
against Eastern/Oriental perspectives;

2. explain the concept of self as found in Asian thoughts; and

3. create a representation of the Filipino self.

Different cultures and varying environment tend to create different

perceptions of the “self”.

The most common distinctons between cultures and people is the

Eastern-vs-Western classification.
Eastern represents Asia and Western represents Europe and

Northern America.
Write top five (5) differences between Eastern and Western
society, culture, and individuals in the table. Cite your

Western Eastern

Do you agree with the differentiation between the West and the East? Where

can you find the Philippines in the distinction?

What are the factors that make the Philippines similar or different from its

Asian neighbors?
Is there also a difference between regions or ethnolinguistic groups in the


Eastern Thoughts
1. Confucianism
can be seen as a code of ethical conduct, of how one should
properly act according to their relationship with other people.
focused on having a harmonious social life(Ho 1995).
the identity and self-concept of the individual are
interwoven with the identity and status of his/her community
or culture, sharing its pride as well as its failures.

Self-cultivation is seen as the ultimate purpose of life but the
characteristics of a chun-tzu, a man of virtue or noble character, is still
embedded in his social relationships.

The cultivated self is what some scholars call a “subdued self”

wherein personal needs are repressed for the good of many, making
Confucian society also heirarchal for the purpose of maintaining order
and balance in society.

Eastern Thoughts
2. Taoism
living in the way of the Tao or the universe.

adopt a free-flowing, relative, unitary, as well as paradoxical view of almost

rejects the heirarchy and strictness by Confucianism and would prefer a

simple lifestyle and its teachings thus aim to describe how to attain that life.

Taoism (form and manifestations)
The self is not just an extension of the family or the community; it is part of

the universe.
The ideal self is selflessness but this is not forgetting about the self, it is living

a balanced-life with society and nature, being open and accepting to change,
forgetting about prejudices and egocentric ideas ang thinking about equality as
well as complementary among humans as well as other beings.

Eastern Thoughts
3. Buddhism
The self is seen as an illusion, born out of ignorance, of trying to hold and

control things, or human-centered needs; thus, the self is also the source of all
these suffering. It is therefore our quest to forget about the self, forget the
cravings of the self, break the attachments you have with the world.

Western perspective
focus is always looking toward the self. You compare yourself in order

to be better; create associations and bask in the glory of that group for
your self-esteem; you put primacy in developing yourself.

Western and Eastern thoughts
Western thought looks at the world in dualities wherein you are distinct

from the other person, the creator is separate from the object he created,
in which the self is distinguished and acknowledged.
Eastern perspective sees the other person as part of yourself as well as

the things you may create, a drama in which everyone is interconnected

with their specific roles.

Western and Eastern thoughts
studies showed that Americans, for example, talk more about their personal

attributes when describing themselves, Asians in general talk about their social
roles or the social situations that invoked certain traits that they deem positive
for their selves.
Evaluation of the self also differs as Americans would highlight their personal

achievements while Asians would rather keep low profile as promoting the self
can be seen as boastfulness.
Western and Eastern thoughts
The western culture is what we would call an individualistic culture

since their focus is on the person.

Asian culture is called a collectivistic culture as the group and social

relations that is given more importance.

Western and Eastern thoughts
Westerners emphasize more on the value of equality even if they see that the

individul can rise above everything else. Because everyone is on their own in
the competition, one can say that they also promote ideals that create “fair”
competition and protect the individual.
Asians put more emphasis on heirarchy as the culture wants to keep thing in

harmony and order.

Western and Eastern thoughts
For example, Westerners would most likely call their bosses, parents, or other

seniors by their first name. The boss can also be approached head-on when
conflicts or problems arises,.
For Asians, we have respectful terms for our seniors and a lot of workers not

dare go against the high-ranking officials.

Western and Eastern thoughts
with the social media, migration, and intermarriages, variety between the

Western and Asian perceptions may either be blurred or highlighted. Whereas

conflict is inevitable in diversity, peace is also possible through the
understanding of where each of us is coming from.


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