Presented By:-106-Dhawal N.Bera 116-Lalith M.Gurkha 140-Leeza V. Ravariya 146-Payal U. Shah 156-Smit P. Vadera
Presented By:-106-Dhawal N.Bera 116-Lalith M.Gurkha 140-Leeza V. Ravariya 146-Payal U. Shah 156-Smit P. Vadera
Presented By:-106-Dhawal N.Bera 116-Lalith M.Gurkha 140-Leeza V. Ravariya 146-Payal U. Shah 156-Smit P. Vadera
Presented by:-
1.106-Dhawal N.Bera
2.116-Lalith M.Gurkha
3.140-Leeza V. Ravariya
4.146-Payal U. Shah
5.156-Smit P. Vadera
The Core principals for effective supervision
On site Inspection/Examination
Off-site Monitoring
On site Inspection and off site Monitoring in India
Off-Site Monitoring in different countries
• Central bank occupies a special place of significance in the monetary system of a country. As the
apex authority the central bank regulates and monitors the banking sector and financial
• The role of central Bank as the Regulator of the financial system has acquired immense
significance due to the integration of financial markets under the globalisation.
• Advancements in Technology, Financial Innovation and increased flow of capital across the
borders necessitates continuous monitoring, supervision and surveillance on the part of the central
• Post liberalisation, financial crises emerged in many countries further strengthened the need for
effective coordination of central banks.
• The bank has prescribed sound guidelines for effective monitoring by the central banks and central
bank have been implementing the guidelines for smooth functioning of the financial system.
• Reserve Bank of India(RBI) is the central bank of India. It was established in the year 1934 under
The Reserve bank of India Act 1934.It performs all the function of regulating, monitoring,
supervision, surveillance and promotional too.
• Core Principals for the
1. Responsibilities, objective and powers 1. Supervisory Approach
2.Independence, Accountability, Resourcing 2.Supervisory Techniques and Tools
and legal protection for supervisors
3.Supervisory Reporting
3.Cooperation and collaboration 4.Corrective and Sanctioning powers of
4.Permissible Activities Supervisors
5.Licensing Criteria 5.Consolidated Supervision
6.Transfer of significant ownership 6.Home-Host Relationship
7. Major Acquisitions
Core principles for banker
14. Corporate Governance
14. Interest rate risk in the banking books
• The information provided by the bank is verified and reports are submitted to the concerned
• Based on the inspection report and reports given by the banks, remedial actions if necessary are
taken by the authorities.
• On site inspection helps supervisor to verify various issues, assesses the situation and initiate
corrective measures if necessary. some of the issues are:
• The Reserve bank of India, the apex bank is the supervisor of the banking system in India, is
empowered by the Banking regulations act of 1934 to use both on-site inspection and off-site
monitoring for proper supervision.
• RBI earlier followed the transaction approach for supervision, later considering the trends in
banking switched over to Risk Based Supervision(RBS).
• RBI developed an inspection manual in 1998 for on site inspection for both inspection staff and
the banks. Instructions is given to the banks regarding risk control system and electronic records
to be maintained by them for inspection.
• Similarly, Inspectors of the RBI is introduced to CAMELS model i.e. Capital Adequacy, Asset
Quality, Management, Earnings, Appraisal, Liquidity and System & Controls to asses a Bank.
• On-site inspection is also applicable to non-banking institutions. While NABARD inspects RRBs,
state and central cooperative banks, the National Housing Bank supervises housing finance
companies etc. also based on the CAMELS approach.
• Off site monitoring helps the central bank to assess the financial soundness of banks between two on-site
• The setting up of Board for Financial Supervision (BFS) and the process initiated by RBI in 1995 for off-
site monitoring strengthened the supervisory role of the central bank.
• The inspection and monitoring enables the central bank to rate the institution based on CAMELS model.
• Parameters from this model are ranked on a scale of 1 to 5 and overall rating is obtained. Overall rating is
done on a five score scale of A to E. The five rating indicate the following:
• Off site monitoring followed by various countries differ from each other depending upon their
priorities and stage of development.
1. USA-The federal Reserve system depends on a strong on-site supervision. The national banks
are supervised by the Board of Governor of Federal Reserve. Other banks are supervised by
the federal Deposit Insurance Cooperation and Office of the Comptroller of Currency. Banks
submits the various detailed reports based on which a comprehensive reports namely
‘Uniform Bank Performance Report is prepared by the Federal Reserve.
2. UK- In UK, the on-site supervision is entrusted to accounting firm called ‘Reporting
Accountant’ specialising in banks audits and off-site monitoring is entrusted to the Financial
Service Authority (FSA).Similar to the other countries, here also banks are required to submit
reports to prepare the final report on the overall performance of the bank
3. HONG KONG- Off-site monitoring is widely used in Hong Kong to monitor and asses the
performance of the banks. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority(HKMA) is the main
monetary authority. Banks have to submit monthly or quarterly returns covering various
aspects like profit and loss, assets and liabilities, Market risk, etc. along with the
compliance certificate related to statutory requirements.
4. SINGAPORE- In Singapore bank has to submit various report to The monetary Authority of
Singapore(MAS) at regular intervals for off-site monitoring. After the detailed analyses by
the off-site monitoring experts the report is submitted to the on-site inspection team
according to which they inspect the bank.
5. FRANCE- Commission Bancaire is the French Banking Commission which supervise the
banking system in France. Prudential guidelines cover five criteria namely minimum capital
and reserves, Capital adequacy ratio, solvency ratio, liquidity and large exposure ratio. Bank
have to submit quarterly returns on prudential ratios and balance sheet and half yearly
returns on capital adequacy ratio solvency ratio. Banks have to submit two reports relating
to internal control containing all details of internal control.
• The computerised off-site monitoring and surveillance system known as OSMOS was introduced
by the RBI in year 1995 and became fully operational by 1997.
• Under the off-site prudential supervisory reporting system, banks have to submit returns at
regular intervals to the Supervision Department. These returns came to be called ‘DBS’ returns.
• Initially banks were required to submit seven returns, five of which were common to Indian
banks and foreign bank. They are 1)Return on asset liabilities and Exposures, 2)Return on
capital adequacy, 3)Return on operating results 4) Return on assets quality and 5)Return on
large credits.
• Indians bank have to submit two additional returns namely return on connected lending and
report on ownership and control.
• Interaction with the banks and gathering information has become easier thanks to technology
driven system. There is no need to visit the bank often. Technology enables them to access data
and analyses then from anywhere. This saves time, effort and resources.
• On-site inspection and off-site monitoring and surveillance are prescribed for effective
• On-site inspection is done annually by the supervisor by visiting the bank. Off-site Monitoring
supplements on-site Inspection.
• This helps Central bank to detect any problem with the working of the bank and take prompt
• Effective supervision helps to detect any flaws in financial system and avoids any financial crisis.
Thank YOU