Blood MCQ

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स्वास ््य सेवा

नमुना प्रश्नोत्तर

हे .अ, स्टाफ नस,स अ.हे .व. अ.न.मी, मे.ल्याब टे .

1. The blood cells are of kinds.
a) 5
b) 4
c) 2
d) 3
Answer: d
Explanation: The blood cells are of 3 types. They are
red cells- erythrocytes, white cells – Leucocytes
blood platelets.
2. Blood is stained with stain.
a) Methylene blue
b) Safranin
c) Leishman stain
d) Carbol fuchsine

Answer: c
Explanation: Leishman stain is used in microscopy
for staining blood smears. It is generally used to
differentiate and identify leucocytes malaria
parasites and trypanosomas.

3. Process of formation of blood cells is called

a) Haemolysis
b) Haemozoin
c) Haemopoesis
d) Haemoter
Answer: c
Explanation: The Process of formation of blood cells
is called Haemopoesis. It occurs in the bone

4. Graveyard of RBC is
a) Spleen
b) Liver
c) Kidney
d) Thymus

Answer: a
Explanation: Old red blood cells are recycled in the
spleen. Platelets and white blood cells are stored
there. Spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria
that cause pneumonia and meningitis.

5. Which leucocytes release heparin and histamine

in blood?
a) Neutrophil
b) Basophil
c) Eosinophil
d) Monocytes

Answer: b
Explanation: Basophil contains heparin which is an
anticoagulant. It is a type of white blood cell.

6. Which blood cells secrets antibody?

a) Eosinophils
b) Monocytes
c) Lymphocytes
d) Neutrophils

Answer: c
Explanation: A Lymphocyte is a type of white blood
cell that is a part of the immune system. There are 2
main types of Lymphocyte: B cells and T cells. The B
cells produce antibodies that are used to attack
invading bacteria, viruses and toxins.
7. Vitamin essential for blood clotting is
a) Vitamin K
b) Vitamin A
c) Vitamin B
d) Vitamin C

Answer: a
Explanation: Vitamin K is used by the body to help
blood clot. Warfarin is used to slow blood
clotting. By helping the blood clot vitamin k might
the effectiveness of warfarin.

8. Haemoglobin is a
a) Reproductive pigment
b) Respiratory pigment
c) Carbohydrate
d) Fat
Answer: b
Explanation: Haemoglobin is a protein in RBC that
carries oxygen throughout the body. Lower
Haemoglobin counts indicate anaemia.

9. Absence of which clotting factor leads to

a) Factor VII
b) Factor VIII
c) Factor IX
d) Factor X

Answer: b
Explanation: Haemophilia-A is also called factor VIII
deficiency or classic haemophilia. It is genetic
disorder caused by missing or defective factor VIII a
clotting protein.

10. What prevents clotting of blood inside blood

a) Heparin
b) Serotonin
c) Fibrinogen
d) Fibrin

Answer: a
Explanation: Heparin is an anticoagulant that
prevents the formation of blood clots. It is used to
treat blood clots in veins arteries or lung.

11. Red cell count is carried out by

a) Electrogram
b) Sphygmomanometer
c) Haemoglobinometer
d) Haemocytometer

Answer: d
Explanation: Haemocytometer is a device designed
and used for counting blood cells. It was invented
by Louis Charles Malassez.
12. Blood is five times more viscous than distilled
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: When hematocrit raised to 60% or
70% the blood viscosity can become as great as 5 to
6 times that of water and it flow through blood
vessels is greatly retarded because of increased
resistance to flow.

13. Which of the following component cause

coagulation if introduced to the blood stream?
a) Fibrinogen
b) Prothrombin
c) Heparin
d) Thromboplastin

Answer: d
Explanation: Thromboplastin is a plasma protein
aiding blood coagulation. It catalyzes the
conversion of prothrombin to thrombin.

14. Process of formation of blood cells is called

a) haemolysis
b) haemopoeisis
c) haemozoin
d) haemolytic

Answer: b
Explanation: Haemopoeisis is the production of
blood cells and platelets. It occurs in bone marrow.

15. The normal blood pressure of an adult is

a) 100/80 mm Hg
b) 100/60 mm Hg
• 120/80 mm Hg
d) 80/120 mm Hg

Answer: c
Explanation: Blood pressure is the pressure of
circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. The
normal blood pressure of an adult is 120/80 mm

16. What is Pernicious anemia?

a) Low RBC count
b) Destruction of RBC maturation
c) Death of WBC
d) Low WBC count

Answer: b
Explanation: Pernicious anaemia is decreased in red
blood cells when body can’t absorb enough
17. Graveyard of RBC is
a) spleen
b) liver
c) stomach
d) pancreas

Answer: a
Explanation: Spleen is known as Graveyard of RBC.
For every 120 days new RBCs are formed. Old blood
cells are recycled in spleen.

18. Which leucocytes release heparin and histamine

into the blood?
a) Basophils
b) Neutrophils
c) Monocytes
d) Lymphocytes

Answer: a
Explanation: Basophils contain heparin. This is the
naturally occurring blood thinning substance. It is
seen in WBCs.

19. Which among the following is true regarding

a) They are enucleated
b) Produced in thymus
c) Sudden fall in number indicate cancer
d) They can squeeze through capillary walls

Answer: d
Explanation: Leucocytes are involved in protecting
body against infectious disease. They are produced
in bone marrow. Leucocytes can squeeze through
capillary walls and this is called as diapedesis.

20. Largest sized RBC is seen in

a) elephant
b) whale
c) man
d) amphiuma

Answer: d
Explanation: Largest RBC is seen in amphiuma. RBCs
are an important part of blood. They help in the
transportation of oxygen throughout the body.

21 Irregular nuclei are seen in

a) basophiles
b) eosinphil
c) monocytes
d) neutrophil

Answer: d
Explanation: Neutrophil is a type of immune cell.
They fight infection by ingesting microorganisms
and releasing the enzymes that kill the
22. Hemoglobin is a
a) respiratory pigment
b) reproductive pigment
c) fat
d) carbohydrate

Answer: a
Explanation: Hemoglobin is the iron containing
oxygen transport metalloprotein in RBCs. It is
abbreviated as Hb.

23. Hemophilia is due to absence of

a) factor VI
b) factor VII
c) factor VIII
d) factor X

Answer: c
Explanation: Hemophilia is a disorder in which blot
doesn’t clot normally. There are different types of
Hemophilia. It is due to the absence of Factor VIII.
24. Which of the following is not the cellular
element of blood?
a) T cells
b) B cells
c) Plasma
d) Monocytes

Answer: c
Explanation: Plasma is not the cellular elements of
blood. Blood plasma is yellowish colored liquid. It
makes up 55% of the body’s total blood volume. It
contains water and dissolved proteins.

25. Red cell count is carried out using

a) electrocardiogram
b) sphygmomanometer
c) haemocytometer
d) haemoglobinometer
Answer: c
Explanation: Haemocytometer is a specialized slide
that has counting chamber with a known volume
of liquid. It is used to count RBC.

26. How many types of blood groups are present?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Answer: d
Explanation: There are four types of blood group
present. They are A, B, O and AB type.

27. Which of the following blood group is

considered a universal donor?
a) A
b) B
c) AB
d) O

Answer: d
Explanation: Blood group O is considered are
universal donor. The Rh negative blood is given to
Rh negative patients and Rh positive blood or Rh
negative blood are given to Rh positive patients. O
negative is considered as universal donor.

28. The antigens for ABO and Rh blood groups are

present on
a) plasma
b) white blood cells
c) red blood cells
d) platelets

Answer: c
Explanation: Red blood cells are the most common
type of blood cells and principle means of delivering
oxygen. The antigens for blood groups are present
on RBCs.

29. Which of the following blood group is referred

as a universal recipient?
a) A
b) B
c) AB
d) O

Answer: c
Explanation: Blood group AB is referred as a
universal recipient. They can receive donated blood
of any ABO blood group.

30. What are the two blood tests?

a) Rh and ABB
b) ABO and Rh
c) ABO and Rn
d) ABC and Rh

Answer: b
Explanation: The two blood tests are ABO and Rh
type. ABO test determines the blood group. Rh test
determines if it is positive or negative.

31. What is the process of transfer of human blood

known as?
a) Transfusion
b) Processing
c) Transporting
d) Transferring

Answer: a
Explanation: Blood transfusion is the process of
receiving blood or blood products into ones
circulation intravenously. It is used in various
medical conditions to replace the lost component
of blood.
32. Which is the rarest blood group?
a) AB negative
b) AB positive
c) O negative
d) O positive

Answer: a
Explanation: AB negative is the rarest blood group.
It is seen only in 1% of US population.

33. Who discovered blood groups?

a) Thomas Cooley
b) Karl Landsteiner
c) Camillo Golgi
d) Ernst Haecker

Answer: b
Explanation: Karl Landsteiner discovered ABO blood
group system. He is an Austrian scientist. It was
discovered in 1900.

34 Rh group was discovered in a) 1930s

b) 1940s
c) 1950s
d) 1960s

Answer: b
Explanation: The Rh factor was discovered in 1940
by Karl Landsteiner and A.S. Wiener. It is known as
the rhesus factor.

35. If the blood group of an individual is A then the

antibody present is
a) Anti B antibodies
b) Anti A antibodies
c) Anti O antibodies
d) Anti OA antibodies

Answer: a
Explanation: If the blood group of an individual is A
then the antibody present is Anti B antibodies. It is
present on RBCs.

36. Which blood type can be transfused to the

individual whose blood type is unknown?
a) AB positive
b) AB negative
c) O positive
d) O negative

Answer: d
Explanation: O negative blood type can be
transfused to individual whose blood type is
unknown since it is a universal donor blood group.
Only 6.6% of population has O negative blood
37. In determining phenotype of ABO system

a) O is dominant over A
b) B is dominant over A
c) O is recessive
d) A is dominant over O

Answer: c
Explanation: In determining phenotype of ABO
system O is recessive. A and B are dominant over O.

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