Unit-1: Production Planning and Control
Unit-1: Production Planning and Control
Unit-1: Production Planning and Control
Production Planning team in Action
Introduction to PPC
• Physical--manufacturing
• Locational--transportation
• Exchange--retailing
• Storage--warehousing
• Physiological--health care
• Informational--telecommunications
The Basic Production System
Position of PPC in Decision Making
Corporate Strategy
Operations Management
Input Output
Competitive Dimensions
• Cost
• Quality and Reliability
• Delivery
– Flexibility
– Speed
– Reliability
• Coping with Changes in Demand
• New Product Introduction
– Speed
– Flexibility
Production Planning & Control
Production Planning and Control
• It is based on the principle plan your work and work your plan.
Need for Production Planning & Control
Production Planning and Control is needed to achieve:
– Effective utilization of firms resources
– To achieve the production objectives with respect to quality,
quantity, cost and timeliness of delivery
– To obtain the uninterrupted production flow in order to meet
customers varied demand with respect to quality and committed
delivery schedule.
– To help the company to supply a good quality products to the
customer on the continuous basis at competitive rates.
– For Increasing Production: Main purpose of production planning is
to arrange inputs. Production control programme minimizes
idleness of men and machines. It thus helps in raising industrial
– For coordinating plant activity: In planning production is carried
out in a number of processes and thus activities are synchronized
for smooth working.
Production planning
• Production planning means Preparing the (production)
scheme in advance before the actual work is stated.
• It is a plan for the future production, in which the facilities
needed are determined and arranged.
• It is made periodically for a specific time period, called the
planning horizon.
• It can comprise the following activities:
– Determination of the required product mix and factory load to satisfy
customers needs.
– Matching the required level of production to the existing resources.
– Scheduling and choosing the actual work to be started in the manufacturing
– Setting up and delivering production orders to production facilities.
Elements of Production Planning
• Loading :
– Loading provides information about the number of machines available and their
operating characteristics such as speed, capacity, capability etc..
– Used to calculate the difference between work load and actual capacity and then to
determine whether customers order can be completed on due date or not.
• Scheduling: Scheduling is the determining of time and date when each operation is to be
commenced or completed. The time and date of manufacturing each component is fixed in
such a way that assembling for final product is not delayed in any way. Different types of
scheduling is given below:
– Master (Production) Scheduling: It is the breakup of production requirements. It is the
start of scheduling. It is prepared by keeping in view the order or likely sales order in
near future.
– Manufacturing (Part) Scheduling: It is used where production process is continuous. The
order of preference for manufacture is also mentioned in the schedule for a systematic
production planning.
– Detail Operation Scheduling: It indicates the time required to perform each and every
detailed operations of a given process
Production control
• Production control follows up the scheduled plans,
compares the actual output with the planned one, and
point out deviations, if any, so that the same can be
corrected through the adjustments of men, materials and
• A production control system:
– Receives work progress reports.
– Compares them with the scheduled plans,
– Removes causes of delays in production,
– Modifies the schedules or plant capacities, and
– Expedites the work.
Objectives of production control
– To organize production schedule in conformity with the
demand forecast.
– To have optimum utilization of resources in such a way that
the cost of production is minimized and delivery date is
– Determination of economic production runs with a view to
reduce setup costs.
– Proper Co-ordination of the operations of various sections/
departments responsible for production.
– To ensure regular and timely supply of raw material at the
desired place and of prescribed quality and quantity to avoid
delays in production.
– Perform inspection of semi-finished and finished goods and
use quality control techniques to as certain that the produced
items are of required quality.
Elements of Production Control
• Dispatching: Dispatching is the transition from planning phase to action
phase. In this phase, the worker is ordered to start manufacturing the
product. Dispatching involves the actual granting of permission to proceed
according to plans already laid down. In dispatching, orders are issued in
terms of their priority. The dispatch section of the PPC is responsible for the
following task:
– Checking the availability of material and then taking appropriate action to have it
transferred from the main stores to the point at which it is needed.
– Ensuring that all production aid is ready when needed and then having them
issued to manufacturing departments.
– Obtaining specific drawings from the drawing office.
– Informing the process section that production is commencing.
– At the conclusion of the manufacturing, ensure that all the drawings, layout and
tools are withdrawn and returned to their correct location.
Elements of Production Control
• Following two procedures may be used for dispatching:
– Centralized Dispatching: Under this, orders are directly issued to workmen and
machines. It helps in exercising effective control.
– Decentralized Dispatching: Under this procedure all work orders are issued to the
foreman or dispatch clerk of the department or section. It suffers from difficulties in
achieving co-ordination among different departments.
• Follow Up & Expediting: Follow up or expediting is that branch of production
control procedure which regulates the progress of materials and part through the
production process. Progress may be assessed with the help of routine reports or
communication with operating departments. The follow up procedure is used for
expediting and checking the progress.
• Inspection: Inspection is the process of ensuring whether the products
manufactured are of requisite quality or not. Inspection is undertaken both of
products and inputs. It is carried on at various levels of production process so that
pre-determined standards of quality are achieved. Inspection ensures the
maintenance of pre-determined quality of products.
Major objectives of PPC
Functions of PPC
Planning phase
• Prior Planning
– Fore-casting
• Estimation of future activities
• establishment of future
requirements of men, machine,
material, money, and time
– Order writing
• Providing authority to peoples
to do a particular job
– Product design
• Collect the information
necessary to describe the work
in detail
• Drawings, bill-of-materials,
Planning phase
• Action planning
– Process planning: The determination of most economical
method of performing an activity all factors being
– Routing- The arrangement of work stations is determined by
the route.
– Material control: Determination of material requirements
and control of material (Inventory Control).
– Tool Control : Tool control may be sub divided into two
• Design and procurement of new tools.
• Control storage and maintenance of tools after procurement.
– Loading: Determination and control of equipment and man
power requirements. Loading may be defined as the
assignment of work to be facility. The facility may be
equipment, manpower or both.
– Scheduling: Determination when the work is to be done.
Scheduling consists of time phasing of loading (Work load)
i.e., setting both, starting and ending time for the work to be
– The common practice dictates that routing, loading and
scheduling be performed simultaneously.
Action Phase
• Work start
– Dispatching- only one production
planning activity
– Dispatching is the transition from the
planning phase to action phase.
– It consists of actual release of detailed
work authorization to the work centers.
Control phase
• Progress reporting
– Once the work is started in an activity it is necessary to evaluate continuously the
progress in terms of plan so that deviations can be detected and corrected as quick as
possible. The control phase accordingly consists of two parts:
– Progress reporting: (Data collection). The first step in progress reporting is to collect data
for what is actually happening in the activity (Progress of work)
– Data interpretation: After the data has been collected, then it is necessary to interpret it
by comparing the actual performance against the plan.
• Corrective action
– Expediting: If the data collected from the production unit indicates that there is significant
deviation from the plan and the plan cannot be changed, then some action must be taken
to get back on plan.
– Re-planning: It should be emphasized that the plan is not to be changed but to be
followed, however, if after expediting to correct deviation it is found that, it is impossible
to perform according to plan. It would be necessary to re plan the whole affair. It may also
be found that there were errors made while developing the original plan. In all such cases
re planning is necessary.
Benefits of PPC
• Benefits to customer
– Adequate production supply at reasonable prices
– In-time delivery of good
Limitations of PPC
– Based on Assumptions: Production planning and control is based on certain
assumptions. In case the assumptions prove correct, the planning and control
will go smoothly. But if they go wrong, process of planning and control will go
– Rigidity: Under production planning and control, there is rigidity in the
behavior of employees and it may not help in smoothening flow of work.
– Difficult for small firms: This process is time consuming and therefore not
affordable for small firms
– Costly: It is a costly device as its implementation requires separate persons to
perform functions of planning, expediting, dispatching etc.
– Dependence on External Factors: External factors like natural calamities,
change in technology, government controls etc reduce effectiveness of
production planning.
Continuous, automated,
rigid line flow. CONTINUOUS
Process segments tightly FLOW
Low (Oil Refinery)
4. Product analysis
5. Product design and development programme
6. Test marketing
7. Commercialisation
Product analysis
1.Marketing aspects
2.Product characteristics
a)Functional aspects,
b)Operational aspects,
c)Durability and dependability,
d)Aesthetic aspects
3.Economic analysis
a)Profit consideration
b)The effect of standardization,
simplification and specialization
c)The break even analysis
4.Production aspects
Aspects Economic
Analysis Durability &
Product Operational
Development Considerations
Aspects Product Aesthetic
design Aspects
Marketing aspects
• The proposed product will satisfy a demand in the market,
that what it is supposed to do and the services it can offer are
both desirable and acceptable.
• Demand can also be created with the introduction of a new
product, either by filling in a gap in the market or by offering
new properties such as novelty, appearance or by
incorporating additional features or some other specific
• Market Competition – market share, market attraction
features, etc
Functional aspect
• Functional scope expected in a product.
• Sometimes, functional aspects are detachable and usage, can
be left to the customer decision.
• There is a trend to offer functional versatility of the product
increasing the range of application and sometimes combining
number of attachments to be added for a variety of functions.
Operational aspect
• The product should function properly at the same time it
must be easy to handle and simple to operate.
• The designers problem becomes all the more critical with the
trend for increased versatility.
• Because the increased versatility increase the complexity of
the product or a machine and requires certain amount of the
skill and intelligence to operate.
• The scarcity of skill is a prohibitive limitation in this respect on
the product designer.
Durability and Reliability
• These two factors are closely related to the selection of
materials and class of workmanship and hence to the design
of the product and the economical analysis of its cost.
• Durability is defined as the length of active life of active life of
the product under given working condition. but measure of
the product capability to lie idle or withstand storage is also
often considered in assessing durability.
• Reliability is the probability of the product to perform its
intended function satisfactorily for a specified period of time
under the given environment.
Aesthetic aspect
Aesthetic aspect are the governing factors in the design and completely
dominate. it is often used as a means to create demand.
Many techniques can be used by the designer to create aesthetic
characteristics in the product
1. Use of special materials ,either for the parts of the housing or as
additional decorations
2. Use of colour either natural colour of the material concerned or by
use of paints.
3. Shapes denoted by outer contours and similarity to familiar objects.
4. Line is used to break the form ,also for the purpose of emphasizing
parts of it or to give a sense of continuity.
5. Scaling the product ,either to a blown up size or to a small size.
Difference between
aesthetic and non aesthetic effect
Production aspect
• The practical problems should also be considered in the design.
(a)selection of processes
• Volume of production
• Utilization of existing equipment
• Limitation of skill
• Application of new production processes
• Sequence of operations and methods or sub assembling and
(b)utilization of materials and components with the view :
• Selection of materials having appropriate specifications
• Selection of method or design to reduce waste and scrap
• Using standard components and assemblies
Economic analysis
• Key to management decision in product design
– evaluation of capital expenditure
– estimation of production cost per piece
– Reasonable margin of profit
– Measure of competiveness: value-to-price
• Profit consideration
• The effect of standardization, simplification and
• The break even analysis
Profit consideration
Product development tools
• Standardization
• Simplification
• Specialization
• Cost Reduction • Purchasing costs reduced
through purchasing leverage • Inventory cost
reduction • Floor space reduction •
BOM/MRP/ordering expense avoided when
common parts are simply drawn as needed
from spontaneous resupply • Overhead cost
reduction • Quality: • Product quality
Tools for product development
• Standardization is the process of defining and applying the
conditions necessary to ensure that a given range of
requirements can normally be met with a minimum variety
and in a reproducible and economic manner on the basis of
the best current technique.
• Simplification is the process of reducing the number of types
of products within a define range.
• Specialization is the process whereby a particular firm
concentrates on the manufacture of a limited number of
product or types of products.
• The concept is applicable to all factors of production namely
men machines materials methods and finished goods.
Standardization covers a wide field of activity:
• Physical dimensions and tolerances of components within a
defined range
• Rating of machines or equipment
• Specification of physical and chemical properties of materials
• Methods of testing characteristics or performance
• Methods of installation to comply with minimum
precautionary measure and convenience of use.
• Less skill is required in manufacturing and assembly
• Reduction in book keeping and other paper work
• Better inspection and quality control is possible
• Reduction in repair and maintenance cost and marketing expenses
• Change in public taste or liking may seriously affect a company producing only
standardized product range.
• For small scale enterprises standardization may not be advantageous.
• Standards once set,resist change and thus standardization may become obstacle to
• Too much standardization has an adverse effect on the efficiency and morale of the