Chlamydia trachomatis
>is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in
humans caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
infection caused by any species belonging to the
bacterial family Chlamydiaceae. C. trachomatis is found
only in humans.
Chlamydia is a major infectious cause of
human genital and eye disease. Chlamydia infection is
one of the most common sexually transmitted infections
worldwide; it is estimated that about 1 million individuals
in the United States are infected with chlamydia.
small bacterium that
cannot grow outside a
living cell.
an obligate intracellular
human pathogen,
a Gram-negative
bacteria, therefore its cell
wall components retain
the counter-stain safranin
and appear pink under a
light microscope
Life Cycle
2 forms:
1. Elementary body= small (350 nn in
diameter) with an electro dense center,
adapted to the extracellular environment
2. Reticular body= larger, 1 micrometer in
diameter, cant survive outside the host.
Diagnostic Exams
Cell Tissue Culture
Tissue culture is the growth
of tissues and/or cells separ
ate from the organism.
This is typically facilitated
via use of a liquid, semi-
solid, or solid growth
medium, such as broth or
This is the primary
diagnostic tool
Enzyme- linked
a biochemical techni
que used mainly
inimmunology to
detect the presence
of an antigen