Structural Analysis & Design-II CE-3203

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Presentation On
Stability of Structure
Structural Analysis & Design-II
Prepared By:
Name ID
Fahmida Aparajita Sheema 20181031041
Md Rasadul Islam 20181032041
Shimul kumar Biswas 20181033041
MD. Omar Faruk 20181035041
Md Jubayer Hossain 20181036041
MD. Omar Faruk 20181037041
G.M. Nahid Raihan 20181042041
Abdullah Al Mamun 20163037041

Department Of Civil Engineering

North Western University, Khulna
Stability represents a fundamental problem in solid mechanics, which
must be mastered to ensure the safety of structures against collapse.
The theory of stability is of crucial importance for structural
engineering, aerospace engineering, nuclear engineering, onshore,
ocean and arctic engineering. It plays an important role in certain
problems of space structures, geotechnical structures, geophysics and
materials science. The importance of the subject is evident from the
history of structural collapses caused by neglect or misunderstanding
of the stability aspects of design.
The most famous among these is perhaps the collapse of the Tacoma
Narrows Bridge in 1940, due to aerodynamic instability, and the
collapse of Quebec Bridge over St. Lawrence in 1907, but numerous
other disasters provided important lessons; e.g. collapse of the space
frame of Hartford Arena in 1978 and of the reticulated dome of Post
College Theater in the same year, the collapse of steel box girder
bridge in Melbourne several years earlier, the collapse of Ferry bridge
cooling tower as well as an early history of loss of dynamic stability of
aircraft wings, or control in rocket propulsion, instability failures of
mountain slopes, open or underground excavations, ocean oil
platforms, etc.
Stability of columns, frames and arches
The concept of a critical load of an elastic structure at which the
equilibrium bifurcates was introduced by Euler (1744) who also
provided the solutions of critical loads of columns with various end
restraints. Experiments, however, could not verify the calculated critical
loads. This fact was explained by Young (1807), who realized that
imperfections such as initial curvature, initial bending moments or load
eccentricity play an important role and derived a formula for what is
known today as the magnification factor for defections and bending
moments in columns due to axial load.
Kirchhoff€ (1859) extended the theory to geometrically non-linear large
defections and provided an elegant solution of the defection curve,
called the elastic, in terms of elliptic integrals. The effect of shear,
which is manifest in columns with a low effective shear stainless, was
claimed by Engesser (1889) (ignorance of his solution decades later
was unfortunately the prime cause for the collapse of the Quebec
Bridge in 1907, precipitated by buckling of one latticed diagonal of a
truss having insouciant shear stiffness). The flexibility method of
analysis of frames was extended to critical load analysis by formulating
the dependence of the flexibility matrix of the column on its axial force
(von Misses and Ratzersdorfer, 1926; Chwalla, 1928),
and the same was soon done for the stainless matrix (James, 1935;
Lively and Chandler, 1956). The flexibility method, applied to the
primary statically determinate structure of a redundant frame, can
also be used but can be misleading if there are many statically
indeterminate internal forces because the flexibility matrix of the
primary structure, unlike the stainless matrix of the original
structure, can and typically does, lose positive definitiveness before
the ®rst critical load. The matrix stainless method in the form of
®nite elements of beams has been proven more suitable for
computer analysis and has made the calculation of the critical loads
of elastic frames a routine problem.
Dynamic instabilities and chaos
A structure can lose stability while under accelerated motion. The
treatment of dynamic instabilities necessitates a general stability
definition which was contributed by Liapunov (1893). Roughly, it
states that the motion of a structure is stable if any possible small
change in the initial conditions can lead only to a small change in
the response. This is important for non-conservative loads, for
example, those produced by wind and generally by fluids or by jet
propulsion. Solutions of instabilities of columns under various
idealized non-conservative loads such as the follower forces
occupied mechanicals in the middle of the century.
Dynamic instability, also called ¯utter, is an important consideration
for aircraft wings, suspension bridges, tall chimneys, guyed masts
and other structures (Simiu and Scanlan, 1986). Another type of
instability, important for foundations of rotating machinery as well
as bridge columns, is the parametric resonance, engendered by the
fact that the axial displacement of a column has double the
frequency of its lateral vibrations, permitting them to resonate with
a load of that frequency. An idealized form of the problem leads to
Mathieu differential equation, which was solved approximately by
Rayleigh (1894).
An important special case are conservative systems, for which a
theorem due to Lagrange (1788) and Dirichlet states that the
system is stable if its potential energy is positive definite. This
theorem makes it possible to forgo dynamic analysis and reduce
the stability problem to an investigation of the shape (and topology)
of the potential energy surface as a function of the generalized
displacements of the structure. Only limited success has been
obtained in a search for functions similar to potential energy, called
Liapunov functions, which would decide the stability of non-
conservative systems. The Coriolis (gyroscopic) force, even though
it does no work, was found to be the reason for stability of shafts
rotating at supercritical speeds.
An interesting phenomenon is that neoconservative systems such
as rotating machinery stabilized by gyroscopic forces, fluid
conveying pipes, aircraft wings and structures under follower forces
can be destabilized by damping (Semler et al., 1998; Crandall,
1995; Nissim, 1965). Recently, the problem of chaotic vibrations of
strongly non-linear systems has attracted enormous attention. In
such systems, the long-time response may appear completely
unpredictable but its trajectory in the phase space exhibits a certain
order, being attracted to the fractal basins (Thompson, 1982, 1989,
1986, 1986).
Energy methods, post-critical behavior
and catastrophe theory
The Lagrange-Dirichlet theorem reduces stability analysis of
conservative systems to a check of the positive definiteness of the
tangential stiffness matrix of the structure. As a consequence of
Liapunov's theorem, the critical loads can be determined from the
stiffness matrix of the linearized system, for which the potential
energy is quadratic. The post-critical behavior is characterized by
the higher than quadratic terms of the potential energy as a
function of generalized displacements.
The basic types of post-critical behavior can be classified as stable
symmetric (which is always imperfection insensitive), unstable symmetric,
and asymmetric (which are both imperfection sensitive, the latter more
than the former). For all systems, the initial post-critical behavior is
described by Koiter's (1945) power laws, a celebrated result of stability
theory according to which, for every elastic structure, an imperfection
causes a reduction of the maximum load proportional to either the 2/3 or
the 1/2 power of the imperfection magnitude, for all elastic systems.
Moderate reductions due to imperfections occur in some types of elastic
frames, but in cylindrical shells subjected to axial compression or bending
and in spherical domes the maximum load reduction due to inevitable
imperfections is major, down to about 1/8 to 1/3 of the critical load.
Another important type of instability of elastic systems is the snapthrough.
It occurs in nonlinear systems in which bifurcation with symmetric
defections does not exist, e.g., in flat arches or shallow shells. The
topology of the potential energy surface near the critical load can give rise
to very intricate postcritical behavior. Similar behavior occurs in many
problems of physics and other sciences. It has recently been intensely
studied in the theory of catastrophes (Thompson, 1982, 1989, 1986). A
famous result is Thom's (Thom, 1975) proof that for systems with no more
than two generalized displacements and no more than four control
parameters involving the loads and imperfection magnitudes, there exist
no more than seven fundamental catastrophes, called the fold, cusp,
swallowtail, butterfly, hyperbolic umbilic, elliptic umbilic, and parabolic
The potential energy is also useful as the basis of approximate
solutions of critical loads and postcritical behavior. A fundamental
role is played by Rayleigh's quotient (Rayleigh, 1894) whose
evaluation on the basis of an approximate defection curve or
surface is known to yield an upper bound on the exact critical load
Thin-wall beams, plates and shells
Long thin-wall beams, such as metallic cold-formed profiles and
steel or concrete girders for bridges or buildings represent long
shells which can be approximately treated by a semi-variational
approach (Kantorovich variational method), in which the basic
deformation modes of the cross section are judiciously selected so
that the potential energy, as well as the corresponding differential
equation resulting by variational calculus, be one-dimensional.
For open cross sections, the most important deformation mode is
the warping of the cross section, with the bimoment being the
associated force variable. The problem of warping torsion is
amenable to simple formulas for lateral buckling and axial torsional
buckling of beam columns. For more complicated deformation
modes characterizing box cross sections, systems of ordinary
differential equations have been solved numerically, both for linear
analysis of the critical load and for large nonlinear post-critical
Buckling of elasto-plastic structures
In 1889, Engesser (1889) suggested that the critical load of an
inelastic column is obtained by simply replacing the elastic modulus
with the tangent modulus for loading. But in 1895 he reversed
himself (Engesser, 1895, 1899) by proposing that a certain
geometry-dependent weighted average of the moduli for loading
and unloading, called the reduced modulus, should be used. This
theory was later refined and extended by von Karman (1910). After
blatant disagreements with measurements on aluminum alloys
were detected in aeronautical industry,
Shanley (1947), in an epoch-making paper, showed that
Engesser's (Engesser, 1889) original proposal, namely the initial
tangent modulus value, should be used because the column does
not buckle at constant load, but at increasing load. Shanley's
theory, which was generalized by Hill (1958), is today generally
accepted for calculating the first bifurcation of an elastoplastic
structure. The fact that a structure must buckle at its first bifurcation
load was later established by analysis of imperfections, and still
later much more easily on the basis of entropy increment
calculation ([BC sec. 10.2], Bazant, 1988).
A salient feature of elastoplastic buckling is that the structure is not
at the stability limit at the bifurcation state and that the defected
post-bifurcation states are stable.
Thermodynamic analysis of
structural stability
Although stability of an inelastic structure can be decided by
analyzing the effects of all possible imperfections, it is much
simpler and more general to use a thermodynamic approach. Since
an inelastic structure is normally far from a state of thermodynamic
equilibrium at which all the dissipative processes would come to a
standstill, the use of irreversible thermodynamics would in principle
be necessary.
The classical thermodynamics, which deals only with states infinitely
close to thermodynamic equilibrium (and is much simpler), can
nevertheless be used by introducing the hypothesis of a tangentially
equivalent inelastic structure [BC, ch. 10]. The existence of such a
structure is of course tacitly implied in finite element programs in which
the loading increments are analyzed on the basis of tangential
stiffness. Because various combinations of loading and unloading are
possible, there is generally a number of tangentially equivalent elastic
structures to consider. Having reduced the problem to elastic
structures, one can introduce the incremental internally produced
entropy of the structure-load system as well as thermodynamic
potentials such as the incremental total energy
Gibbs' or Helmholtz's free energy or enthalpy, which represent the
thermodynamic potentials under adiabatic and isothermal
conditions, and with either the generalized displacements or the
associated forces as the variables. Simple thermodynamic criteria
for stability of inelastic structures in the pre-peak and post-peak
defections and for snapback behavior under various types of load
control, displacement control, and mixed control have been
established [BC, sec. 10.1± 10.2]. Generally it appears that stability
is decided by the positive definiteness of the second variation of
these potentials, which represents the second-order work based on
the tangential stiffness matrix and is equivalent to the negative of
the entropy increment of the structure-load system.
Damage localization instabilities
Localization of damage is a favored mechanism of failure of inelastic
structures whose material exhibits strain-softening damage. Such damage
is described by stress-strain relations that exhibit a postpeak descent of
stress at increasing strain (BazÏ ant 1986, 1994; BazÏ ant and Chen 1997;
BazÏ ant and Planas, 1998), and in general a loss of positive definiteness of
the tangential stiffness matrix of the material. Stress-strain relations of this
kind have been used empirically for concrete since the 1950's. However,
mechanicals who understood the implications for stability regarded all
studies of strainsoftening damage for several decades with contempt until it
was realized that the concept of strain softening can be put on a sound
basis by introducing a characteristic length of the material. Curiously,
the continuum damage mechanics escaped such contempt despite the
absence of material length, perhaps because its strain-softening features
were hidden in a separate damage variable while the `true' stress
exhibited no strain softening. In absence of a characteristic length, the
material cannot propagate waves (loading waves, not unloading ones),
the dynamic boundary value problem becomes ill-posed, and the partial
deferential equation changes its type from hyperbolic to elliptic
(Hadamard 1903). There were intense polemics on these questions until
about 1985. Strictly mathematically, the concept of strain softening does
make sense even without the material length.
Stability problems of fracture propagation
Fracture mechanics presents numerous stability problems, especially
when deferent crack tips interact. In the case of a single crack tip, the
limit of stability of crack propagation is reached when the curve of the
energy release rate at constant load versus crack length becomes
tangent to the R-curve of the material. For some fracture geometries,
and for a suciently large structure size, crack propagation can lead to
snapback instability of the structure. In the case of the cohesive crack
model, the stability limit is given in terms of a certain integral equation
over the length of the cohesive zone (BazÏ ant and Planas, 1998; BazÏ
ant and Li, 1995).
Simultaneous growth of many cracks typically leads to bifurcations as well
as stability loss, which can be analyzed on the basis of the tangential
stiffness matrix expressed in terms of the partial derivatives of the stress
intensity factor of each crack tip with respect to the length of every crack in
the structure. Often it is found that, in a homogeneous body, simultaneous
propagation of several crack tips does not represent the stable path of the
system. Rather, the fracture growth localizes into a single crack and the
other cracks stop growing or start unloading. An important example of such
behavior are parallel cracks caused by cooling or drying shrinkage in
porous materials. The result is that when the parallel cracks reach a certain
depth, every other crack stops growing and the intermediate ones
propagate further until again every other crack stops growing, etc.
Concluding comments
Stability of elastic structures appears to be reasonably well understood at
present although many refinements are still needed and some basic
advances may still be expected. The greatest challenge and opportunity
probably lies in stability analysis of damage and fracture, and its interaction
with geometrical nonlinearity of deformation. Coupled problems, in which
structural stability analysis interfaces with chemical processes in materials,
hydrothermal effects and various types of long-time degradation will no
doubt play an increasingly important role. So will the probabilistic treatment
of safety against the loss of stability or excessive deflection (Bolotin, 1969) -
a subject that has also seen considerable advances but lies beyond the
scope of this survey.

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