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If You Heat Water, It Boils. - Jei Kaitini Vandenį, Jis Užverda. - Abiejose Dalyse Present Simple Laikas: Run(s) /don't/doesn't

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Condionals: Type 0

Nuolatinė būsena, pastovios tiesos.

• If you heat water, it boils.

• Jei kaitini vandenį, jis užverda.

• Abiejose dalyse Present Simple laikas:
Type 1
Būsimasis laikas
• If you heat water, it will boil.

• Jei kaitinsi vandenį, jis užvirs.

• Ten, kur yra IF, negali būti WILL!
• Toje dalyje, kur yra IF - Present Simple
laikas: run(s)/don’t/doesn’t. Kur nėra IF –
Future Simple: will/won’t
Type 2
Tariamoji nuosaka
• If you heated water, it would boil.

• Jei kaitintum vandenį, jis užvirtų.

• Ten, kur yra IF, negali būti WOULD!
• Toje dalyje, kur yra IF – Past Simple
laikas: -ed, 2 forma/didn’t. Kur nėra IF –
If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. ~ vietoj
If I were him/her/them...

If I were you, I could/may/might do that. ~

vietoj tavęs...

If only I knew...
If only I were taller...
Type 3
Unreal past (jeigu būtų buvę...)
• If you had heated water, it would have boiled.

• Jei būtum kaitinęs vandenį, jis būtų užviręs.

• Ten, kur yra IF,naudojame – Past Perfect
laiką: had + 3 forma. Kur nėra IF – would
have + 3 forma.
• If
• When
• Unless (=if not). + teiginys (e. g. Unless it stops
raining, we won’t go out = If it doesn’t stop
raining, we won’t go out).
• Provided/providing (that) (=if)
• Supposing/supposed (=if)
• So long as/as long as (tol, kol; jei)
• On condition that (su ta sąlyga, jei...)
• Before, after, while, by the time...
•If I liked pop music (2), I would have gone
to the concert (3).

•I want to know if you will be back at 8
o’clock. (=ar)
•When will you come?
• I wish I were taller. ~ Norėčiau būti
aukštesnis (dabar).
• Jei apgailestaujama dėl dabarties – Past
Simple laikas: -ed, 2 forma, didn’t

• Bet: I wish you would go on holiday with

me (norėčiau, kad vyktum). (wish + would
– kai nesutampa asmenys)
• I wish I had been taller then. ~ Norėčiau,
kad būčiau buvęs aukštesnis (praeityje).
• Jei apgailestaujama dėl praeities – Past
Perfect Simple laikas: had 3 forma
• Bet: I wish you would have gone on
holiday with me (norėčiau, kad būtum
vykęs). (wish + would have VIII – kai
nesutampa asmenys)
Forms of Infinitive

Present To give To be given

Present To be giving -
Perfect To have given To have been
Perfect To have been -
Continuous giving

He studies/will study → to study

He is studying/ → to be studying
Will be studying
He studied/has studied/
Had studied/will have studied → to have studied
He was studying/
has been studying/
had been studying/ → to have been studying
Will have been studying
• I like dancing.
• I want to eat.
• She can dance.
The uses of TO
• Purpose: I went to the shop to buy some
• After: agree, appear, decide, expect, hope,
plan, promise, refuse, would
like/prefer/love, etc.
• After adjectives: glad, happy, reluctant,
etc. E. g. She was happy to get home.
• After too/enough: too good to be true
• After modal verbs must, can, could: You
must go
• After let, make, see, hear, feel, had better,
would rather: Pete made Ted pay for
But: I was made to pay.
Help can be with or without to: She helped
me (to) go.
Simple giving being given

Perfect having given having been given

• As a noun: reading (skaitymas)
• After: admit, appreciate, avoid, consider,
continue, deny, go, imagine, mind, miss, quit,
save, practise, suggest, prevent, love, like,
enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate, be busy, it is no use,
it is no good, it is worth, cannot help, there is no
point (in), cannot stand, have difficulty/trouble,
spend, waste, lose, etc.
After all prepositions: think about studying
• Hear, listen to, notice, see, watch, feel +
ing: incomplete action: I heard them
arguing furiously (girdėjo dalį ginčo);
• Hear, listen to, notice, see, watch, feel + 0:
complete action: I heard them argue
furously (girdėjo visą ginčą)
Forget/remember + to – jei yra mintis apie užmiršimą: don‘t
forget to lock the door.
Forget/remember + ing – jei kalbama apie atsiminimus: I
will never forget walking down the street

Mean + to – ketinti: He didn‘t mean to be rude

Mean + ing – reikšti: Diet means cutting down on calories.

Regret + to - gailėtis dėl to, ką darau dabar: I regret to

inform that you did not pass exam.
Regret + ing – gailėtis dėl to, ką darei praeityje: I regret
shouting at him.
Try + to – (pa)bandyti: She tried to follow the
Try + ing – išbandyti (kaip eksperimentą): Have
you tried doing aerobics?

Stop + to – trumpam: She stopped to ask the way.

Stop + ing – ilgam: He stopped smoking

Prefer + to – konkretus: I would prefer to cook at

home than go out for dinner.
Prefer + ing – bendras: I prefer eating out.
Question tags
e. g. It is a nice day, isn’t it? – argi ne taip?
1. + → - 2. įvardis
1. - → + 2. įvardis

- She can sing, can’t she?

- Tom wouldn’t do that, would he?
- You like reading, don’t you?
- You don’t like reading, do you?
- Kate likes reading, doesn’t she?
- Kate doesn’t like reading, does she?
- You liked reading, didn’t she?
- You didn’t like reading, did she?
- I am late, aren’t I / am I not?
- Open the door, please, will you / won’t
- Let me do this, will you / won’t you?
- Let’s go, shall we?
- Don’t talk, will you?
- There is a book, isn‘t there?
- Everyone likes music, don’t they?
- This is a nice dog, isn’t it?
Linking words
• Although/even though/though + clause
Although/even though/though he has paid for the gym, he rarely
goes there.
Although – the most emphatic.
• In spite of/despite + noun + ing / + the fact that + clause:
Despite rainy weather, the run took place/Despite the fact that
there was rainy weather, the run took place.
• However/nevertheless; on the other hand: Diabetes cannot be
cured. However, it can be managed successfully.
• While/whereas (tuo tarpu, kai): He prefers strict diet, whereas
his wife is not on diet.
• Yet (fml)/still (tačiau)
• Having + V3 forma: praeities veiksmui: He forgot to buy
vegetables, in spite of me having reminded him twice.
• Both (dgs.): Both cats and dogs are mammals
• Neither (of) / either (bet kuris) (vns./dgs.):
Neither of the two dishes seem appetizing.
• None (of): vns./ dgs.: None of these dishes
contain/contains milk.
• All the (dgs.): All the trainers at the gym are
• Whole: skaič., vns.: He ate a whole chicken.
• All: neskaič.: He drank all the milk.
• Many – skaič. (many apples)
• Much – neskaič. (much snow)
• A lot of – skaič., neskaič.

• A few – keletas (skaič.);

Few – beveik nėra: there are few apples.
• A little – mažai (neskaič.)
Little – beveik nėra: there is little milk left.

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