Process of Counselling Phases of Counselling Difference Between Guidance and Counselling

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The process of counselling
Giving guidance or assisting the client in
The family members and significant or
infuencing personalities will be included in
counselling session
Counselling varies with situation to situation.
Everyone participating in the counselling
situation must feel comfortable
Process contd...
It is a process initated by distressed client or
student who is having a problem.
It is a two way interaction between provider
and the client.
Situational support will provided for the client
Correct information will be given, encourage
client the freedom of choice and changes
available as it facilitates client to make proper
Process contd..
 Helps the counselee to focus and identify
themselves for their immidate and long term
need, process realistic actions suitable for
meeting their needs
Assist the client to accept reality
Help the client to accept the problem and
provide information on all aspects of problem
(e.g. technical, social and legal) and its
Process contd...
G- Greet the clients
A- Ask client about themselves
T- Tell client or give the information of strangies
of coping mechanism
E- Explain how to use a method
R- Return for follow up
 During the process of counselling in
accordance with the nature of the person being
helped, gives us different approaches to
 It will be useful to identify some common
phases of the counselling process.
Phases Contd...
 The phases may overlap each another
e.g. The assessment may begin while the phases
of establishing the relationship is still going on
or goal setting may start while assessment is
still going on.
 These phases are in progressive movement and
collectively describe the counselling process.
Phases of counselling
PHASE 1: Establishing relationship
 Is the core phase in
the process of
 It affect the progress
of the process and
acts as a curative
agent in itself
Phase 1 contd..
 It should the recognized that each counsellee-
counsellor relationship is unique and hence it
is not possible to have a generalized
 It includes each factors as respect, tryst and a
sense of psychological comfort.
Phase 1 contd..
Begin the phase with adequate social skills
 Introduce yourself
Listen attentively and remember the client's name
Always address the individual by his/her
preferred name
Ensure physical comfort
Don't interrupt the individual while s/he is talking
Observe non-verbal communication
Phase 1 contd...
 The relationship is not established in just a
single session but may require several
sessions before s/he becomes comfortable
with you and accepts you into her inner world.
PHASE 2: Assessment
 It is a phase in which individuals are
encouraged to talk about their problems;
counsellor asks questions, collects
information, seeks his/her views, observes
and possibly helps the individual to clearly
state his/her problem.
 This is the data collecting phase and
incvolves several specific skills such as
Phase 2 contd...
• Observations
• Enquiry
• Making associations among facts
• recording
• making educated guedded
• Recordig of information should be done
systematically and promptly
Phase 3: Setting Goals
 The major purposes of this phase is to provide
direction to the individual and counsellor.
 It involves making a commitment to a set of
conditions, a course of action, or and outcome.
 Setting goals helps us to know how well
counselling may be concluded
 Setting goals may be of two types: immediate
and ultimate
Phase 3 contd..
 The process of setting goals is cooperatively
done by the counsellor and the individual . It
 The skills of drawing inference
 Differentiation and
 Teaching individuals to think realistically
It should be emphasized that goals are not
fixed for all time to come and can be changed
whenever new information is received or new
insight is developed.
PHASE 4: Intervention
 It is a phase which is more influenced by the
view points a counsellor holds about the
counselling process.
 After setting goals the question that follows is
'how shall we accomplish these goals?'
 The intervention used will depend upon the
approach used by counsellor, the problem and
Phase 4 contd...
 Hence the choice of the intervention is a
process of adaption and the counsellor should
change the intervention when selected
intervention is not working.
 This is similar to medical treatment.when one
treatment doesn't work that practioner tried
alternative treatment.
Phase 4 contd..

 The counselling skills needed are skill in

handling the interventions, knowledge os its
effects and ability to read client's reactions.
 Individuals can be asked in the beginning
about what interventions they have earlier so
that other interventions can be used.
PHASE 5: Termination and
follow up
 All counselling has its ultimate criterion a
successful termination.
 It must be done without destroying the
accomplishments gained and should be done
with sensiity, intention and by fading of sense
loss, hence termination should be planned over
few sessions.
 Follow up appointments can also be fixed for
Difference between guidance and
Guidance Counselling
• Guidance is broader • Counselling is in-depth
& comprehensive & narrow
• Guidance is more • Counselling helps
external, helps a
people understand
person understand
alternative solutions themselves & is an
available to him & inward analysis.
makes him Alternative solutions
understand his are proposed to help
personality & choose understand the problem
the right solution. at hand.
Difference between guidance and
counselling contd…
Guidance Counselling

• Guidance is mainly • Counselling is

preventive & remedial as well as
preventive &
developmental developmental
• Intellectual attitudes • Emotional rather than
are the raw material of pure intellectual
guidance attitude are raw
material of the
counselling process
Difference between guidance
and counselling contd…
Guidance Counselling

• Decision making is • Counselling operates

operable at an at an emotional level
intellectual level in
• Guidance is generally • Counselling is mostly
education & career offered for personal &
related & may also be social issues.
for personal problems
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