DISC Personality Styles Analysis 1

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The document discusses the development and application of the DISCovery personality assessment tool, which uses four factors to determine individual personality styles and behavior.

The four factors used in DISCovery to determine personality styles are Dominant, Influence, Steady, and Compliant (DISC).

The document states that the accuracy of the DISCovery personality styles assessment tool is as high as 83% to 95%.


Personality Styles Analysis

1. What is DISCovery?
Is a personality assessment tool that measures work behavior
by using 4 factors to determine one’s personality styles.
Dominant, Ifluence, Stable & Compliance

Proven System
The DISCovery system is bases on well known and proven
DISC research concepts.

* The predictive validity of the DISCovery styles is very high
0.89 with standard deviation 0.0065.
* The accuracy of the DISCovery personality styles
assessment tool as high as 83% to 95%.
Development of DISC Develpoment of DISC
Empodocles 444 B.C Hippocrates 400 B.C.
* Fire * Sanguinis
* Air * Plegmatis
* Water * Melancholis
* Earth * Choleric

Cark G. Jung, 1921


Thinking Feeling

William Moulton Marston, 1928

Dominant Inspiring
Driving Active Impressive
Decisive Influence
Demanding Extrovert Interactive
Determined Interested in People

Thinking Feeling
Task Oriented People oriented

Careful Stable
Correct Introvert Submissive
Calculating Passive Supportive
Consistent Steady
Compliant Status Quo
Behavioral Principles

Dominant Influence

Antagonistic Favorable
Task Oriented People oriented

Compliance Stable
Behavioral Principles in Action
Fast change
Louder speech
Questioning: Accepting:
Result focus Self focus
Direct D I Enthusiastic

Is This Person
Thinking more ?

Questioning: Accepting:
focus focus
Perfect Teamwork
Systematic Patient
Slow change
Soft speech
The Power of DISCovery

Personality Behavior Environment

• Walter Clarke 1950’s DISCovery can applied in:
- Developed the first instrument based on Marston’ • Corporate
• Business
• Taken from Marston’s scientific observations of
• Office
behavior, the DISC theory has been refined and
• Community
developed to become the most widely used
behavioral assessment tool in the world • Family
• Friends
DISCovery is a psychometric tests determine the
individuals styles of personality, their strengths,
weakness, what motivates them, and how they behave
at work.

• DISCovery personality style analysis is very powerful and simple tool, with only consist of
24 questions, where assesse / testee ask to choose what they are ‘Most’ and ‘Least’
like describe.

• Most people complete our questionnaire less than 10 minutes for paper test or online
2. Administering of the DISCovery
How to giving specific instructions for administering a behavioral

Precautions when giving the specific instructions:

• Always use ‘the profile’, ‘the assessment’, ‘the instrument’
Avoid referring the profile as a ‘test’. For many people, ‘test’is
meaning you cannot pass or fail the assessment with this profile, it simply
measures perceptions.
• There is good or bad in the people
Every personality has inherent strengths and weaknesses. Reassure the
individual that their personality style will display character strengths.
Precautions when giving the specific instructions:
• The profile is a measurement of the normal individual’s perception
It is not a clinical test, it’s design for normal people.
• The assessment result must be treated as confidential information
As a professional who dealing with a personal and sensitive area, you must respect the privacy
and confidentiality of the information you get from the assessment.

Precautions when giving the specific instructions:

• The profile is a forced instrument
This is a force instrument, a person should typically be encouraged to complete the profile in
approximately seven minutes. It is the “pressure” to complete the profile in the time
limitation that generates the information. Do not ever allow the subject to take the profile
home to complete; they will over analyze their answers. The first reaction is the best.
Please be remember that the profile is not the speed test.
3. How to make interpretation of DISCovery

The DISCovery measures:

• How people / we react for every situations
Measures how we react to the Measures how we react to
problems and challenges the pace of environment
Dominant, Decisive, Direct, Stable, Submissive,
Demanding, Driving Status Quo, Supportive
Less Dominant, Un-Decisive, Rapid Change, Fast
Non-Challenge Change

I Measures how we react to

influence others C Measures how we react to
the rules and procedures
Influencing, Inspiring, Compliance, Cautious,
Impulsive, Impressive Consistent, Careful
Less Talk, Non verbal Seek Independence,
comunications Less Details

What DISCovery does not measures?

• DISCovery does not measure intelligence
• DISCovery does not measure values
• DISCovery does not measure skills
• DISCovery does not measure educations
Special Graphs Interpretation:
• There are several type of special Graphs might indication specific conditions
• You should focus on each condition caused it’s an indicator of uncommon
behavior’s of normal people

Transition Profile on Graph I:

• The person may not know what is required of
them in the present job. May have lost personal
• He/she may be considering a career change
• Insecure in his position
• He/she may be doing a job which is not
totally compatible with his/her behavioral
• It s often reflected by a person in a new job
or under new boss
• He/she may be uncertain as to his/her
objectives in current situation
• He/she is trying to outsmart the test
Transition Profile on Graph II:
• The person may not be working or business may
be poor. Likely to be feeling insecure
• The person is indicating that they are feeling
under great pressure at the present time
• Sometimes it caused by personal, financial
• He/she may be in a job where either
business is poor or the superior is not
satisfied with his/her performance
Transition Profile on Graph III:
• The person may have responsibility without
authority or too many bosses and could be very
• The keyword: FRUSTATION
• He/she feel unable to express their real self,
often for one of the following reason
- He/she has responsibility without authority
- He/she has too many bosses
- He/she has aggressive boss with whom
he/she cannot relate
Above Midline:
• This person may be forcing himself/herself to
something he/she is not
• Trying to be all thing to all people, trying to
meet all demands
• It is often a profile of a person who is newly
appointed to a new job
• It is indication of insecurity
• It is most likely occur on Graph I
• He/she trying to outsmart the test
Below Midline:
• This could indicate a morale problem, that the
person is feeling down at the present time
• Trying to say “I am not feeling good”
• It is commonly a result of over-promotion
and is reflected when the person realizes
they are not making the grade
• It can also caused by a person being
• Send this person for professional help
• He/she is trying to outsmart the test
4 Behavioural
D Dominant are usually decisive and direct. They
want to take charge in order to succeed and win

I Influence are outgoing and optimistic and want to

influence others and inspire them to act

S Steady are sympathetic and accommodating and

want to help others and solve conflicts

C Compliance are precise and reserved and want to

do things right paying a lot of attention to details
How you are identified?

People display one or a combination of two or

three behavioural identifiers. For example they
can be a D, or DI or a DIS

DISCovery always identifies the most dominant
behavior first. In this case D, being a Dominant
Dominant’s Behavior
Keyword (HI) Decisive, Driving, Competitive, Forceful,
Direct, Self-starter, Assertive

Keyword (LO) Indecisive, Non-demanding

Communicating Style Tell
Managerial Style Autocratic
Motivators Tangible goals
Fears Failure, Being taken advantage of
Question What are we doing?
Power Force the character
Influencer’s Behavior
I Focus SELF
Keyword (HI) Influential, Verbal, Friendly, Persuasive,
Communicative, Positive

Keyword (LO) Serious, Probing, Suspicious

Communicating Style Sell
Managerial Style Democratic
Motivators Social Recognition, Popularization
Fears Rejection
Question Who else is doing this?
Power Personality
Stable’s Behavior Style

Keyword (HI) Stable, Dependable, Amiable, Good
Listener, Deliberate, Persistent

Keyword (LO) Alert, Active, Eager, Demonstrative, Restless

Communicating Style Listen
Managerial Style Procedural
Motivators Job Contract & Group inclusion
Fears Insecurity
Question How are we doing this?
Power Experience
Compliance’s Behavior
Keyword (HI) Careful, Compliant, Precise, Logical,
Perfectionist, Systematic, Accurate

Keyword (LO) Firm, Persistent, Stubborn, Independent, Strong-willed

Communicating Style Write
Managerial Style Rigid
Motivators Job Spec & Rules
Fears Critics
Question Why are we doing this?
Power Know - How
The following slides are indicative of
the style of behavioural characteristics
exhibited by the 4 factors

Seek Environment Work
Pace are
Dominant seek Dominant prefer busy & Dominant
Control formal faster

I Influence seek
Recognition I Influence prefer stimulating,
personal & friendly I Influence are
less fast

S Steady seek
Acceptance S Steady prefer personal,
relaxed & friendly S Steady are

C Compliance seek
Accuracy C Compliance prefer
structured & organized C Compliance are
much slower
Security Motivator Motivator
Dominant gain security Dominant are motivated by Dominant are motivated
by being in control achievement by the Win

I Influence gain security

by flexibility & variety I Influence are motivated by
social recognition I Influence are motivated
by the Show

S Steady gain security by

close relationship S Steady are motivated by
acceptance & stability S Steady are motivated by
the Participation

C Compliance gain
security by preparation C Compliance are motivated
by correctness C Compliance are
motivated by the Process
Measure Personal
Worth By Strengths
Dominant measure by results & Dominant – leadership &
impact pioneering spirit

I Influence measure by
acknowledgement & compliments I Influence – enthusiastic &

S Steady measure by compatibility &

contribution S Steady – teamwork & follow

C Compliance measure by precision

& accuracy C Compliance – planning &
system implementation
Weaknesses Fear
Dominant – impatient, Dominant fear being taken
insensitive & poor listeners advantage of & loss of control

I Influence – inattentive to
detail & short attention span I Influence fear loss of social

S Steady – oversensitive, slow

to action S Steady fear sudden

C Compliance – perfectionist,
critical & unresponsive C Compliance fear criticism of
personal effort
Irritated By Making Style Under Pressure
Dominant are irritated by Dominant are Dominant are dictatorial
inefficiency & indecision decisive & critical

I Influence are irritated by routine

& complexity I Influence are
spontaneous I Influence are sarcastic &

S Steady are irritated by insensitivity

& impatience S Steady are
conferring S Steady are submissive &

C Compliance are irritated by

disorganization & unpredictability C Compliance are
deliberate C Compliance are
withdrawn & headstrong
Limitations Effectiveness
Dominant major limitations are Dominant improving effectiveness by
impatient & selective llistening developing patience & listening skills

I Influence major limitation is a

lack of follow-through I Influence improving effectiveness by self-
discipline & follow through on tasks

S Steady are overly modest &

resist change S Steady improbing effectiveness by belief in
themselves & being more open to change

C Compliance are overly critical

of self & others C Compliance improving effectiveness by
being more tolerant of self & others
4. Compatibility Styles
The compatibility of Various Behavioural Styles

Notes: Work Task Human Relation
5. General Application of DISCovery
1. Modify 2. Capitalize
Modification is a long term change in behavior. Every behavior style has several strengths.
Attention is given to areas where growth is Capitalization is to identify a behavorial strength
needed. Habits take 21 -28 days to make, and and use it repeatedly, accentuating the positive.
constant reinforcement is needed to maintain the The process of emphasizing strengths is used in
new behavior. career planning.
3 things to be prepared for change:
- Choice: we must choose to change
3. Augment / Complimentary
- Repetition: line upon line, precept upon precept
This technique is used in team building. One
- satisfaction: we satisfy the goal and reap the
person’s strength is used to offset another
person’s weakness. Example: A high“D”with
secondary“I”will make decisions and
communicate them. Pair this with high“C”,
4. Blend secondary“S”to get the facts and be relational;
Blending is a short change in behavior, which is and the combined effect will be very efficient. (The
designed to meet the needs of another person, or concept of augmenting is to enhance overall
to accommodate that person’s needs. Blending is productivity by utilizing strengths from every
often used in sales. behavioural style).
6. Advance Interpretation
• Flick Up and Flick Down SC Crossing S-C
It is important to note that for these factors to pertain, both the • An crossing S-C when the S is
S and the C must be low. above the line and the C below.
• An crossing S-C indicates that
Flick Up C the behavior will be very
- A flick up C occurs where a low C is at the same level of higher persistent, stubborn and
than a low S. immovable, although the person
- A flick up C indicates that while the characteristic is to be firm, will be agood finisher and
strong-willed and independent, the individual will conform conform to company policy and
within corporate parameters. procedure

Flick Down C
- A flick down C is when a C is lower than a low S.
- A flick down C indicates that behavior will be independent and
non-conformist. This will often result in stubborn, defiant and
immovable behavior. A person with these characteristics is far
harder to manage than someone with a flick up C.
• S Movement is an indication of • I movement is an indication of the likely
STRESS. The grater the movement the location of the stress. Measure the highest
greater the stress potential. and lowest“I”factor against the stress
• All movement is measured against the ladder. (C axis of graph III)
stress ladder, the “C”column of • If the I is stable, i.e. the movement is ≤2
Graph III. This is scale only. Measure points, the stress is caused by outside work
the highest & lowest S factors against environment, e.g. emotional or personal
the stress ladder. stressors.
• Where the D or I the highest factor on • If the I is unstable, i.e. the movement is >2
graph III and the S movement is >4 points, the stress is caused by work
points on the stress ladder is an environment
indication of stress potential
• Where S or C is the highest factor on
graph III, and the S movement >2
points on the stress ladder, then there
is an indication of stress potential

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