Year 10 FORCES - PPT

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A push

A pull

A twist
Forces can be measured
 Using a spring balance

 The unit forces are measured in is the

newton (after Sir Isaac Newton)
 The symbol for a newton is

HOW to draw a Force
 We draw forces using an arrow
 The arrow shows the direction the force is

acting in
 The size of the arrow shows how big or small

the force is
This shows a large force

This shows a small force

A force can cause a CHANGE in
A. The SPEED of an object
 It can make something move
 It can speed something up
 It can slow something down
 It can make something stop moving

eg. hand twisting a door knob

eg. wind pushing on a sail
eg. girl pushing a rock
eg. a stone being pulled towards the earth by the force of
B The SHAPE of an object

eg. a crashed car

eg. a squashed pillow
C The ENERGY of an object

Eg. the stones gravitational potential energy

changes to kinetic energy when the force of
gravity acts on it
A force can be a CONTACT FORCE

This means that the force acts between objects

that can TOUCH each other

eg. a girl pushing a rock

eg. the force of friction which acts when one
surface is moving across other surface
eg. wind pushing a windmill blade
eg. a girl pulling on a fishing rod
Eg. a bat hitting a ball
A Force can be a NON CONTACT
 This means that the force acts between
objects that DO NOT TOUCH each other

eg. magnetic force

eg. gravitational force
eg. electrostatic force
Newton said
1. If the forces on an object are BALANCED
(even on all sides), the object will
This means it will
keep stationary (still)
keep moving at a STEADY (CONSTANT) SPEED
ie. the motion will not CHANGE
He also said that
2. If the forces on an object are UNBALANCED
(not even on all sides) the object will
This means it will
Start moving if it was stationary
If it was already moving the object will
Move faster
Slow down
Turn a corner
ie. the motion will CHANGE
1. Describe the MOTION (or lack of motion) of the
object to decide whether the forces are balanced or
2. Decide what forces are acting on the object
3. Draw the force arrows around the object, begin arrow
at the centre of the picture and label them
4. Make sure the arrow head is facing away from the
5. Draw large arrows for large forces and small arrows
for small forces
6. Draw the force of gravity pulling downwards on all
objects on or above the earths surface
Unbalanced Forces
Make things change their SHAPE
Eg. crushing a can in a can crusher. The
unbalanced force is downwards

Make things change their DIRECTION

Eg. a bus turning a corner. The unbalanced
force is towards the inside of the turn
Falling objects
When 2 different massesare dropped from
the same height they;
 Travel downwards at the same speed
 Have the same acceleration (they speed up

the same amount)

 Are pulled downwards equally because the

force of gravity on each mass is the SAME

This means that…..

The masses hit the ground

at the same time.

(remember coin/feather and

Galileo’s cannon balls)

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