BRONZE is an alloy of
copper and tin, forming a
WROUGHT IRON is strong, beautiful, stately
nearly pure iron used for material that weathers well.
ornamental lawn It is used for thresholds,
furniture, lighting screws, plumbing supplies,
fixtures, fences, and and decorative pieces
staircase/porch railings. including sculpture.
Clay is easily shaped, but firing that clay at high
temperatures preserves the shape, color, and texture.
After firing, this “ceramic” also becomes resistant
to heat, cold, moisture, acids, and salts. It can be
glazed, colored, and textured for decoration. Glazing
increases it’s strength and seals it to make it
Roofing tile is
expensive and more
porous than other
roofing materials.
Stoneware is made of
finer clay than Porcelain is fired at very high
earthenware, usually light temperatures to a white, finely
brown or gray in color. It textured finish. It is completely
is fired at higher “vitrified” (made into glass) and
temperatures, making it very hard. It has a delicate
waterproof and durable. It appearance, and is used for fine
accepts subtle colors with dinnerware or for sinks and
a matte finish. bathtubs.
Plastics are usually reasonable in cost, moisture and
corrosion resistant, lightweight, tough, and easily molded
into complex shapes. Plastics are replacing many natural
building materials due to low maintenance requirements.