Token Bus & Token Ring
Token Bus & Token Ring
Token Bus & Token Ring
Token Server
Server Workstation
• No collisions
Comparison with CSMA/CD
Absence of collision
Offers a systematic method of transmitting
In theory, it is superior to CSMA/CD
More sophisticated to implement
Protocols used in the newer and most popular
networks are, however, based on CSMA/CD
The Transmitting Workstation
Waits for a free token in order to be able to attach
the data to be transmitted to the token
On finding a free token, attach the following:
Sender’s address
Receiver’s address
Data block to be transmitted
Error checking details
At the Receiving End
Data is received and checked for errors
Outcomes at the receiving end
Data received without errors
Date received with errors
Error-free Delivery of Data
An acknowledgment is attached to the token
Acknowledgment is passed to the sender
Token is set free for other nodes to transmit
At this time, the next workstation on the ring will
receive an opportunity
Correcting Errors in Delivery
A request for retransmission is attached to the token
Token carries the message for retransmission to the
The data is thus retransmitted
Token Regeneration
The token is regenerated at regular intervals to sustain
the timing of circulation of the token
Usage of Token Passing
Used extensively in ring LANs
Especially in the IBM token-ring LAN
A version of this protocol is also used on certain types
of bus LANs
Token-bus networks
Used in large fiber-optics backbones
Used for the construction of very large networks
Usage in Practice
Used in backbones
Uses in a number of IBM shops
Overall, the usage of Ethernet surpasses the usage of
Token-Ring networks that are based on the Token-
Passing protocol