A Lecture Presentation in Powerpoint Exploring Economics by Robert L. Sexton
A Lecture Presentation in Powerpoint Exploring Economics by Robert L. Sexton
A Lecture Presentation in Powerpoint Exploring Economics by Robert L. Sexton
in PowerPoint
to accompany
Exploring Economics
Second Edition
by Robert L. Sexton
Copyright © 2002 Thomson Learning, Inc.
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Printed in the United States of America
ISBN 0030342333
Continue indefinitely
thousands or even millions of owners, as well
as daily changes in ownership, without
requiring any changes in the charter.
Access to capital necessary for efficient
Copyright © 2002 by Thomson Learning, Inc.
13.1 Different Forms of Business
Disadvantages of corporations
double taxation
first as corporate profits
second as shareholder’s income
taxes on dividends
or taxes on capital gains if the shares of stock
increase in value
separation of ownership and management.
The typical owner--the stockholder--has little
voice in the making of decisions.