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Group work

Topic: Galapagos
Group Members: Roxana
Pastuizaca, Adriana Guillen,
Héctor Guamán, Geovanny
Guamán, Stuart Clavijo,
Brian Guallpa,Kevin Guallpa

Teacher: Lcda. Patricia García

Galapagos tourism
Our country is Ecuador.
The Galapagos islands are the most beautiful place in
Ecuador. Galapagos have 26 islands, the most famous
islands are:
Santa Isabel
San Cristobal
Santa Cruz
The tourism is very frequently, because Galapagos
have variety of flora and fauna.
The principal atractions are: the turtles, piqueros de
patas azules, seals, iguanas, frigates, lava herons,etc.
Frigates Iguanas Galapagos Penguin Bottom
This Land Migrator of the sea
animal is iguanas tion of the y animal
very Marine islands
beautiful iguanas
• This name of these islands is because the
galapagos gigantic turtles live here. The most
famous turtle of the islands was turtle George.
• The capital of this islands is Puerto Baquerizo
• The seafood in Galapagos islands are the
• The volcanic eruption make that island is
The great variety of flora and fauna, that is to say, its
biodiversity, determined that the Galapagos islands are
considered as world heritage
Is one of the seven wonders of the world
The most representative flora is based on:
Plants are the basis of all life within the Galapagos
Islands. With about 560 native plant species
Lava cactus
Galápagos croton
Galapagos Lantana
Pega pega
Visit galapagos and astonish with its beauty.
Lava Galapa Galapag
cactus gos os Pega Guaya
croton lantano pega billo

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