Approximate Flash Calculations

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Approximate flash calculation

To determine the phase of reactor effluent, in some

cases, we can use a sharp split approximation
procedure to avoid the trial and error solution
associated with flash calculation.
The flash equation can be written as,
• Overall balance F=V+L (1)
• Component balance Fzi = Vyi + Lxi (2)
• Equilibrium y i = Ki x i (3)
• If Ki >> 1 eq 4 we see that
then Vyi = Fzi (6)

• And if Ki << 1 in eq 5 we see that

then Lxi = Fzi (7)

Let fi and fj be the component flows of light and heavy

materials respectively in (mol/hr)

Thus, as a first estimation of the vapor and liquid flow rates,

we can write

V = Σfi for all component where Ki > 10 ---(8)

L = Σfj for all component where Kj < 0.1 ---(9)

These expression are equivalent to a perfect split,
providing there are no component with Ki value between
0.1 and 10
The perfect spilt expressions ignore the vapor liquid
However, we can superimpose these equilibrium
relationships on our expressions for the flows.
Thus, the liquid component in equilibrium with a
vapor component having a mole fraction

yi = fi /V = fi / Ʃfi (10)
xi = yi / Ki = fi / Ki Ʃfi (11)
The liquid flow of this component is then
li = Lxi = fi Ʃfj / Ki Ʃfi (12)
Now we can go back and adjust vapor flow for this
ʋi = fi - li = fi ( 1 - Ʃfj / Ki Ʃfi ) (13)
 The corresponding expressions for components that
are predominantly in the liquid phase are

ʋi = Kj fjƩfi / Ʃfj (14)

lj = fj ( 1 - Kj Ʃfi / Ʃfj ) (15)

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