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Role of ENT specialist

in Speech & voice defects

Balakrishnan D

Professor of ENT & Audiology,

Dean Medical Research
Hon Secretary, Association of Paed. Otolaryngologists of India
Temples of Learning


The single faculty which distinguishes the

human from lower animals is the ability to

The single faculty which distinguishes the

human from lower animals is the ability to

The main tool of communication is Speech.

There are two components to speech

1. You decide what to speak

2. And, then you say that

The first is triggered by inputs

from the ear, eyes and past
There are two components to speech

1. You decide what to speak

2. And, then you say that

The first is triggered by inputs

from the ear, eyes and past
Sensory and motor cortex

Blue is a quiet colour - receives information - Sensory

Red means action - Motor area
A little imp sits on your head

The representation of
various parts of body in
the motor and sensory
areas of the cortex

This imp is called the homunculus…

Now, this is also a form of speech

Don’t you understand

what she says?

Res ipsa loquieter. The act speaks for itself.

No sound comes out. Still, the idea is conveyed.
Role of ENT specialist
in Speech & voice defects

Voice production
Modulation of voice (Articulation)
Obstructed airway > Facial dysmorphism
Investigations - Rx - Prevention
Any defect in any of these places can
lead to faulty voice

Bellows, column producer, Articulators

Voice Production


Normal vocal cords

During respiration, it is wide open.

During speech it is closed.

Adult Child
What are the symptoms …

Breathing difficulty
Loss of voice
Muffling of voice
Causes of faulty voice production 1

Congenital web of larynx - hoarseness, severe

cases cause stridor and / or dyspnoea
Papillomas produce a husky cry
Simple acute laryngitis - a spectrum of hoarseness,
weak cry to even total loss of voice
Cysts of larynx - hoarse cry
More follow…
Causes of faulty voice production 2

Haemangioma of glottis or subglottis - hoarse cry

Congenital subglottic stenosis
vascular anomalies

Unilateral and bilateral abductor paralyses may

occasionally produce dyspnoea, not to be
confused with laryngomalacia
More follow…
Causes of faulty voice production 3

Inflammation (infection, over use, abuse)

Vocal nodule

Pictures follow…



Laryngomalacia cont…

Early vocalisation difficult

Feeding difficulties because of stridor. Child does
not gain weight
Frequent episodes of LRI. In practice, the child
always has ‘cold’
Gets worse until 8-9 mo., then gradually gets better
Most children completely relieved by age 2 yrs.
Unilateral vocal cord paralysis

Hoarse cry initially. Eventually,

The other cord compensates
fully, resulting in normal voice.
But, tires easily and becomes
No respiratory distress.
No aspiration
Bilateral vocal cord paralysis
Both cords are in midline

Voice is clear, but weak.

Presence of dyspnoea depends on
If sudden e.g. trauma or
thyroidectomy, the dyspnoea may
require a tracheostomy.
If gradual e.g. upper oesophageal
cancer, glottic chink allows quiet
Subglottic Stenosis
Laryngeal groove
Laryngeal grooving

The sharp groove prevents the cords from closing

Vocal cord cyst
Papilloma larynx

Papilloma may occur in any place. Removal by laser

or conventional forceps avoids a tracheostomy.
Repeated removal is necessary in both means.
Laryngeal Webs

Thick Web
web>> >>

All the webs produce weak voice. Dyspnoea occurs

early or late, depending on the size - Rx by excision.
Laryngeal cleft

Normal larynx Cleft larynx


Frequent regurgitation, aspiration, cough… Urgent

protection of the airway by tracheostomy or by repair of
defect is required.
Stridor - Haemangioma

These enlarge by the

3rd mo. And cause
stridor. Look for
haemagiomas in other
Haemangioma Haemangioma sites
Glottic Subglottic
Subglottic Hemangioma

Laser excision
Steroid injection
Stridor - Carcinoma Larynx
Most common cause in elderly males
Carcinoma Larynx

Extensive & advanced

Congenital Subglottic stenosis

Treatment : Dilate the area by

1. Cricoid cartilage split

2. If required, splint with
cartilage graft (rib)
3. Laser excision
4. Tracheostomy
Subglottic stenosis - acquired

Corrosive stricture

Trach tube

Tracheal Stoma >>
Voice modulation (Articulation)


Voice Box - Larynx

Vocal cords
Airway obstruction
Cleft palate & lip
Tonsillar enlargement
Adenoid enlargement
Adenoid facies
Examination & Investigations
Examination & Investigations

 Indirect laryngoscopy
 Direct Laryngoscopy
 Fibre optic laryngoscopy
 Rigid laryngoscopy
 Xray
 CT scan
 MRI scan
An early attempt at unravelling the
secrets of human anatomy

Successful visualisation of the vocal cords Indirect

laryngo scopy. Manuel Garcia. France 1900
Neck X ray

Lateral view
Soft tissue
Direct laryngoscopy

For visualisation & biopsy

Direct laryngo scopy (surgery)

Both hands are free

Operating microscope is used
Telescopes can also be used
The rigid endoscope

0 30 70

Looks Straight ahead a little sideways more reach

12/02/20 A revolution in ENT surgery

db 48
Advantages of telescopes

Magnified image
All can see & discuss
Comparison of results
Preventable causes of voice defects
Acute Laryngitis (voice abuse)

Early stage only congestion

Late stage oedema

Vocal nodule

Polyp Right vocal cord

Polyps prevent the cords from coming
together >> Hoarseness
Early keratosis of vocal cord

Whitish thickening
Hyper keratosis Laryngis

Extensive thickening &

fibrosis of the larynx
So far, we had seen the influence of the
soft tissue lining of the airway.

Soft tissues
Tonsils, Adenoids

Outer shell
Bony boundaries
Now, let us see the bony boundaries of the airway
This is done by taking a Lateral Cephalo gram

Actual Ceph Digitised image

Measuring the airway distances …
Three measures of the airway

Retro palatal airway

Retro glottal airway

Hypo pharyngeal
Measuring the airway distances
Facial heights


Upper facial height

÷ Lower facial
Measuring the airway distances
Position of hyoid horizontally

Hyoid triangle

Retrogonion –
Hyoid – C3
C3 – Retrogonion
Speech defects & Delay
Taking a holistic view
Speech defects & Delay
Taking a holistic view

We speak what we hear

Speech defects & Delay
Taking a holistic view

We speak what we hear

Role of ENT specialist
in Speech & voice defects

Find out any organic lesion in the vocalising

apparatus. If amenable to surgical correction,
do that. Institute any adjuvant medical

Mentor and monitor the process of correction

and rehabilitation.

Always remember that it is a team work.

Role of ENT specialist
in Speech & voice defects

Find out any organic lesion in the vocalising

apparatus. If amenable to surgical correction,
do that. Institute any adjuvant medical

Mentor and monitor the process of correction

and rehabilitation.

Always remember that it is a team work.

Keys to successful treatment is Learning

A road too far …

Temples of Learning

Thank you for your patient listening
Balakrishnan D

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