Lesson 9 For February 29, 2020
Lesson 9 For February 29, 2020
Lesson 9 For February 29, 2020
Daniel 7 and 8 are parallel chapters that explain each other. Chapter 7 is
about “kings which arise out” (v. 17), and chapter 8 specifies the name of
some of them: Media-Persia, the ram (v. 20); Greece, the male goat (v. 21).
Babylon was already headed for destruction, so it was not mentioned in
Daniel 8. In addition, the fourth beast and its little horn are symbolized by
only one element in this chapter: the little horn.
There are two main differences between both chapters: the language and
the emphasis on the sanctuary. All the elements mentioned in Daniel 8 are
related to the sanctuary service. The conversation of the heavenly beings is
also focused in this topic.
In this vision, the Persia
movements are West The ram
described in relation (v. 4)
to the cardinal South
Greece Persia (current Iran) conquered from east to
The male From the west west (Europe). Alexander the Great came
goat (v. 5) from the west (Greece).
The four
West East
horns (v. 8)
When Alexander died, his generals spread
over the four cardinal points (winds).
“…four notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven. And out
of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward
the south, toward the east, and toward the Glorious Land.” (Daniel 8:8-
Verses 8 and 9 may seem ambiguous in some translations about where this
little horn comes from, either from one of the four horns or from one of the
four winds. However, the original Hebrew text is very clear about this.
Let’s analyze the original words:
Horns – kehren => feminine
Winds – ruhot => feminine
Heaven – hassamaoyim => masculine, plural
One – ahat => feminine
Them – mehem => masculine, plural
The grammatical gender of “horns” (f) and “winds” (f) match the one of “one”
(f). However, “them” (m) can only match “heaven” (m, the Hebrew word here is
plural). Therefore, this section should be read like this:
They represent
represent the
the people
people of
of God
God who
who are
The host and the
citizens of
of heaven
heaven (Exodus
(Exodus 12:41;
12:41; Daniel
Daniel 12:3;
stars (v. 10)
Philippians 3:20)
The persecution
It’s the
the 1,260-year
1,260-year period
period in
in Daniel
Daniel 7:25
(v. 24)
Jesus is attacked
He’s replaced
replaced by
by aa human
human vicar
vicar on
on earth.
(v. 11, 25)
The purification process would begin before the end, because the destruction of
the “little horn” would depend on the decision made at the Judgement (i.e. the
cleansing of the Sanctuary).
2,300 days are a little more than 6 years. That’s too short for all the historical
events mentioned in this chapter.
Therefore, we must apply the year-day principle.
“For two thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.”
2,300 years
457 BC 1844 AD
Artaxerxes’ Cleansing
decree of
The 2,300-year period began with Artaxerxes’ decree. He was the Persian king who
sent Ezra to Jerusalem (as explained in Daniel 9:25).
The cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary began in 1844 AD, soon after the
oppression of the little horn that took place between 538 AD and 1798 AD.
“The cleansing of the sanctuary therefore
involves a work of investigation—a work
of judgment. This work must be performed
prior to the coming of Christ to redeem
His people; for when He comes, His
reward is with Him to give to every man
according to his works. Revelation 22:12.”