MKT 465 CH 3 Seh Part1

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C t1
a r

Brand Resonance

Brand Value
Ch Heads

1. Brand Resonance
A. Brand Resonance and
Resonance Model
B. Steps of Brand
C. Brand Building Blocks
1. B. Branding Ladder/
a nce Steps as per BRM:
d R es on
1.C. Bran to
c r ib e s h o w
Model: Des 1. Ensuring Identification
in te n s e a n d and association of the
c tiv e lo y a lt y Brand with customer.
h i p s w ith ( product class/benefit or
relati o n s
y cus need wise)
customers b 2. Creating a firm meaning
h o w B ra nd
highlightin g of the brands by
a ffe c t s w h at tangible/intangible brand
Positioning , fe el n association.
h i n k
customers t e e t o 3. Elicit Proper cus
h e d e g r
do and t Response (think and feel)
which they a 4. Convert the responses to
n a t e w it h
o brand Resonance
brand. (intensity and activity)

1. A. Brand Resonance: Connection with the Brand

Identity: who are you?
Meaning: What are you?
Brand Responses: what does the cus feel or think about
the brand
Brand relationship : how much of a connection cus would
like to have with the brand.
1. C Brand Resonance Model
6 Brand Building Blocks of the Model

I. Brand Salience
II. Brand Performance (R)
III. Brand Imagery (E)
IV. Brand Judgments (R)
V. Brand Feelings (E)
VI. Brand Resonance

1. C: Brand Resonance Model

Salience Dimensions
I. Brand Salience: a. Depth of brand
identity awareness: (how often and
Brand Salience measures easily)
• Various aspects of the Likeliness and Ease of
recognition and recall of
awareness of the brand
the brand elements.
and how easily n often the
brand is b. Breadth of brand
evoked/recalled/recogniz awareness (situation:
ed/ linked (product where and when cus think)
class/benefit or cus Purchase and
need wise) Consumption
• Type of cues/ reminders consideration in
those are necessary which the brand elements
• Pervasiveness of the come to mind and it
brand awareness depends on the knowledge
of the brand.
Usage situation

New/greater product uses

New/greater product uses

Purchase situation
new /greater product uses
Usage situation

Purchase situation Purchase situation

I. Brand Salience
Product Category Structure
• To fully understand brand recall, we need to
appreciate product category structure, or how
product categories are organized in memory.
• Usually products are grouped at varying levels of
specificity and can be organized in a hierarchal
• Product Class -> Product Category -> Product
type -> Brand



Distilled Hot Soft

Wine Beer Milk Juices
Spirits Beverages Drinks

Beverage Category Hierarchy

Create both depth n breadth of brand awareness through

Ensure that your brand is

• Most likely to be recalled n
• Easily recalled n recognized
• Recalled and Recognized under
different ( as many as possible)
situations/ considerations
II. Brand Performance: 5 types of attributes n benefits
meaning 1. Primary Ingredients and
• Descri
bes how w Supplementary Features
product o ell the
r service m 2. Product Reliability: consistency
customer eet
’s functio of performance overtime),
needs. Qu nal durability (Economic life of the
ality and
USP/VP b product), and serviceability
a se d
• Brand ( After Sales Service)
transcend nce 3. Service Effectiveness : How well it
s the prod satisfies the customer?),
ingredien uct’s
ts and fea efficiency (Speed of Service),
to include tures
dimensio and empathy ( Provider seen as
that diffe ns trusting and caring)
rentiate t
brand. he
4. Style and Design: sensory aspect
5. Price
Develop a strategy to create a Brand
Performance to create a rational meaning for a
III. Brand Imagery: Types of Intangibles
Meaning A. User profiles
Demographic and
Brand Imagery psychographic characteristics
depends on the
Actual or aspirational
properties of the Group perceptions—popularity
product, including the
ways in which the
brand attempts to
B. Purchase and usage
meet customer’s situations
psychological or Type of channel, specific stores,
social needs. ease of purchase
Time (day, week, month, year,
Association is formed etc.), location, and context of
directly from own usage
experience or
indirectly from
marketer controlled
sources or from WOM
III. Brand Imagery:
C. Brand Personality and values
Sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness
User Imagery and Brand Personality are not in agreement when performance related
attributes are central to customer’s decision.
• Excitement: carefree, spirited, youthful, friendly
• Sincerity: genuine, kind, family-oriented, thoughtful
• Ruggedness: rough, tough, outdoors, athletic
• Competence: successful, accomplished, influential, a leader, innovative,
• Sophistication: elegant, prestigious, pretentious

D. History, heritage, and experiences (PODs)

Human6D Centric Brand Attributes by Brand Personality Dimensions by Aaker
Kotler N/A
Physically : Brand elements, physical
evidences (physical store/ e-com/m- com POS)

Intellectuality: Innovation Competence


Sociability : PR skill, clear communication, Sincerity (friendly), Competence (leader)

social listener, confidence

Emotionality: emotional benefits such as Excitement, Sophistication, Ruggedness,

humorous, self-esteem, self-actualization, Sincerity, Competence
safety, social need

Personality : self-awareness, admit to learn n Sincerity

fix limitations

Morality : ethics, integrity N/A

7 up: feel the up
DBBL : bisosto bondhu
walton: priyo sathi amar
clear shampoo:nothing to hide
Teer: bishuddhotay bhora komolotay shera
Akij cement: nirmane atul bondhon
Nihar amla: aro beshi pushti aro beshi shokti
Baizid Steel : core of excellence
BSRM Steel: feel safe with extreme inside
royal tiger : recharge yourself
Black horse: source of power
Sting: Ullasher shuru eikhanei
PRAN Power: Action in every sip
Speed: heavy Energy
• Develop a strategy to create a Brand Imagery
to create a emotional meaning for a brand
IV. Brand Judgments :
Customers’ personal opinions about and evaluations of the
Formed by putting together Brand Performance and Imagery
Types of Judgments
A. Brand Quality (attributes/VP/USP)
B. Brand Credibility
C. Brand Consideration
D. Brand Superiority
IV. Brand Judgments : Responses
A.Brand Quality
• Value (Perceived Quality )
• Satisfaction
B.Brand Credibility
• Expertise ( Competent, innovative and a market leader)
• Trustworthiness ( dependable and keeping customers
interests in mind )
• Likeability ( Fun, interesting and worth spending time
with )
C.Brand Consideration
• Relevance
(Considering for possible purchase or not )
D.Brand Superiority
• Differentiation
( Consumers consider better than others or not )
Warmth V. Brand Feeling : Responses
Consumers may feel sentimental warmhearted or affectionate. Eg.
E m o ti o n al
Fun Customers nd Reactions
Joyous , playful, cheerful :Eg. Disney land Responses
to t h e B r and
Energized, being cool or being alive s fo rm a ti o nal
Tran i s d e s i g ned
n g
Mountain Dew or MTV Advertisi ustomers’
h a n g e c
Security to c
o f th e ac tual
P e r c e ptions e w ith
Safety, Comfort and Self assurance: e r ie n c
u s ages exp
Insurance, JnJ
e p ro d u c t.
Social Approval
Look favorably on their appearance: Mercedes
Sense of Pride, accomplishment or fulfillment
Tide Detergent laundry – doing the right thing for the family
VI. Brand Resonance : relationship/connection/ in sync:
nature and intensity
A. Behavioral Loyalty
• Frequency and amount of repeat purchases
B. Attitudinal Attachment
• Positive attitude (satisfaction is not enough)
• Love brand (favorite possessions; “a little pleasure”)
• Proud of brand
C. Sense of Community
• Kinship ( people associated with the brand )
• Affiliation
D. Active Engagement
• Seek information
• Join club
• Visit website, chat rooms
Brand Building Implications
Brand Resonance Reinforces the following views:
1. Customers own Brands:
True measure is the positive responses from the market end

• The way customer thinks, feels and act with respect to that brand.
• Intensity (strength of the sense of community) Vs Activity (frequency
of participation)
• Customers as Advocates

2. Marketers should not take shortcuts with Brands:

• Building brand strategically through series of related logics: story

telling, Zen Marketing

• It takes time to develop associations but awareness

3. Brand should have a Duality:

Rational ( utilitarian) and Emotional (social. Esteem, actualization)


Reduces competitive vulnerability

4. Brand should have Richness:

Different Considerations, Meanings and resulting Responses of a brand

leads to favorable actions

5. Brand Resonance as a measurement of Brand Equity :

to what extent is marketing activity affecting the key dimensions of
Brand Resonance?

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