Refrat Asma Eksaserbasi - Dr. Retna, Sp. P
Refrat Asma Eksaserbasi - Dr. Retna, Sp. P
Refrat Asma Eksaserbasi - Dr. Retna, Sp. P
Waskito Setiaji
Pembimbing :
dr. Retna Dwi P., SpP
Sel Limfosit T
Histamin Makrofag,
Asam Arakidonat
Prostaglandin Leukotrien Eosinofil
Leukotrien Faktor
Reseptor di Otot Polos Saluran Napas Aktivasi
Asma Bronkokonstriksi, Inflamasi,
Edema, Hipersekresi mukus
Mediator inflamasi sel mast pada asma
Lipid mediators
• Propagate further in inflamatory response
• Increase airway smooth muscle contraction
• Activation of other inflammatory cells
• Increase mucus production
• Upregulate expression of adhesion markers
• Increase vascular permeability
• Promote airway remodelling
• Increase recruitment of inflammatory cells
Note: PGE2 is thought to protect against bronchospasm and
inhibit inflammatory cell recruitment
The biology of asthma. Fishman’s pulmonary diseases and disorders. 5thedition.
Klasifikasi ASMA
Manajemen Kontrol Asma
Box 3-5A Confirmation of diagnosis if necessary
Adults & adolescents 12+ years Symptom control & modifiable
risk factors (including lung function)
Inhaler technique & adherence
Personalized asthma management: Patient goals
Assess, Adjust, Review response
Lung function
Patient Treatment of modifiable risk STEP 5
satisfaction factors & comorbidities
Non-pharmacological strategies High dose
Education & skills training ICS-
Asthma medication options: Asthma medications STEP 4 LABA
Adjust treatment up and down for
Refer for
individual patient needs STEP 3 Medium dose phenotypic
STEP 2 ICS-LABA assessment
PREFERRED STEP 1 Low dose ± add-on
ICS-LABA therapy,
CONTROLLER Daily low dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS),
As-needed e.g.tiotropium,
to prevent exacerbations or as-needed low dose ICS-formoterol * anti-IgE,
and control symptoms low dose
ICS- anti-IL5/5R,
formoterol anti-IL4R
Other Low
* dose ICS Leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA), or Medium dose High dose Add low dose
controller options taken whenever low dose ICS taken whenever SABA taken † ICS, or low ICS, add-on OCS, but
SABA is taken dose tiotropium, or consider
† side-effects
ICS+LTRA # add-on LTRA
PREFERRED As-needed low dose ICS-formoterol * # dose ICS-formoterol ‡
As-needed low
reliever option As-needed short-acting β2 -agonist (SABA)
* Off-label; data only with budesonide-formoterol (bud-form) ‡ Low-dose ICS-form is the reliever for patients prescribed
† Off-label; separate or combination ICS and SABA inhalers bud-form or BDP-form maintenance and reliever therapy
# Consider adding HDM SLIT for sensitized patients with
© Global Initiative for Asthma, allergic rhinitis and1 FEV >70% predicted
Asthma Medication